Thse Qanadian Champion, Tuesday, May 1, 2007 -Ag "MUSTANG MESSENGER" "D6ATIELINE DRUET"l "THE ROYAL REPORT"1 Megan Cheema Harbi Nait Caurtney Coulambe Ashley Carlisle Michelle Staples Stephen Jackson Erin Heiheringon Lindsay Jojston Julia Ridéel j MILTON DISTRICT 8165 SCIGOL E.C. DRUET RION SCEGOL Congratulations, Milton! We won the lottery! Who evr knew Drury had somuch hidden taieut' Thi pas Tuesday, Some would say it is impossible for a whole îown 10 win the The month of May is. just around the corner, the Drury hosted ats annuat talent show, this year dubhed 'Drury's Got Iottery. This Inside Source, however, would go as far as to, say ' ~ weather lu getting better and better each and every Mad SktlL" The tueker bay was comptetety packed for the that our whole country bas won the lottery. This fact is day, and there are just two months lefI of sehool. entertainiug performanîces. This event has heen the talk of the schoot confirmable by the sîartling amount of ]and, dlean water, The halls of Milton District are already buzzing for much of this week. One of the hightîghis of the show was the fact istra definiîely ab e lt brag aou ils e w ec, ticutranad with plans for the summer, and every so often a that no winners were selected; everyoue's tlent was apprecîaîed for sciywbrididalfeomîhedniebgetetem random outburst of "I got accepted!" is just what what il was. The reasotî there were no wluneis was hecause it is ctearty theforcas caîsforin ddig o te ecitmet impossible to judge somethîng tîke an tuprov performance against Truly. we are some of the luckiest people in the world. that cornes along at this lime of year. hip-hop dancing. Honourable mentions go out iii our judges, who With ibis thought in mind, il is difficult 10 comprebiend tise tuclude Mr. DiGiorgio, Mrs. Farrrant, Mr. Keane. and our student horrendous act tisai greeted our students on Monday April 23. Now that the mid-term frenzy has passed, with goverument president Kym Baker (who aiso gave an awesome Tise vandalism contradicled everylhing tbat Canada stands for, report curds being distributed last Monday, interpretive dance wîth her groupl. Congratulations to ait participants' especially the inclusion of aIl ethnicities. As students and Musang no hae te canc 10relx alitleand We knîîw how hard ài sto peiforni in front of yuîur peers and show off teachers stared up aI the glass ceîling Ibat Monday morning, Muook g f or w a the hen ce th elxt w llb e , ng u your mad skitlz! (Fîîrtunaîety, we get 10 hîde behind ur smîting the word why was often uttered. lookforardto he eent tht wll b co ingour pîctures every week.) way in the weeks ahead. The school play is finally Ir is easy 10 conclude that these individuals aie flot saîisfied ready 10 dazzle spectators with 'Four Plays Four Other peuple wîth mnad skitlz are oui senior boys and girls' soccer wiîis hîgh sehool, or even socîety. This may be true, but 1 Actors' by Michael Green being preformed righî îeams, who both had outsîandîng vîclories agaînst Burlingion Central believe ibis act was a expression of ungralefulness. Il is easy here aI MD Thursday May 3rd, Friday May 4th, this pasl Tbursday. The girls won a close match (3,2) with Bnittany 10 crîticize, destroy and be pessimislic when one feels and Saturday May 5th! To make things simple, the W iseman scorîng îwîî goals and Shawnee Hunt sciiring the game unfortunate. 0f course, each person has issues in their life, but sho wil b pefomedat7:3p.m o al thee winner. The boys pulted a very ihrîtling game. wîth a come-from- even these are a gifîl Tisere is no better gift tisan 10, be made sho wil b pefomedaI7:3p.m o ai îhee behind win. Goîng down 3-2 early in the second half. the boys ratlied more intelligent, resilient and wise, and yet somte people still days. Tickets are just $ 10.00 for adults, $8.00 for wîtb 2 quîck goals of their own. Rishawn Simpson scored a hai trick view opporîuniîies for growth as problems. In ibis studenîs and $5.00 for children/seniors. Be sure 10 witb Gary Sîngh sconing tbe other. The devoted fans went wîtd afler materialistic nociety, il seems as tbougb the only gifîs seen are complete a ticket order form as soon as possible the wîn, aid of course bow could we forgel lu, mention that Stephen tbe ores put pbysically in front of un. Il is mucb past lime just since there is limited seating available! Jackson played a super-duper awesumc game (had lu throw that une in 10 be grateful for wbaî we bave, especially tbings like schools In other news, Student Parliament bas been busy hr.Gme)adtenvomn. with auditions that are currently being held ini Wbat could possîbly be mure excîtîng than Steve's mad soccer skîllz? Altbough vandalism is a terrible tbing, il definitely solidifies a preparation for the upcoming talent show on May DISNEYWORLD!!! Our grade 10 Introductton lu Business cîass is concept introduced by a very wise teacber. Tbis teacher 24th. The anticipation is definitely building up, leavîng for Florida as you read ibis article wîtb Mrs. McFarlane for recently expressed 10 her Religion class tbat you cannot with everyone eager to see ail the talent that our what is sure teu be a very fun-filled. .... err, educationa ta-tp. Tise t-ip wiîî cbange the system from onîside of il. To make changes one last from May1s 6h n u tdnsae ntcgigt s hi needs 10 be in a position of influence, and lucky for Mustangs are proud 10 show off! Speaking of mad bu si sk6tb aid unvr stdents ae n facgo u us thir. Canadians, Ibis is not îoo difficuit. For example, for Ibose Student Parliament, if you are interesled in Bu uîessîl isvrlsmnr lne hugoîte t-p indîviduals wbo detest Bisbop Reding, or the other two high of exîyer'sExcutveCouci we're sure they wttl also retarn wîîb some enviable tans and schoois, I personally challenge them te, gel invoived. Actisîties becoming a part ofnx ersEeuieCucl stones of Ibeir lime spent wandering tise 'place where ail your dreanis like Student Governitent make il possible lu facililate change be sure to pick up a nomination form in the office, come true.' 10 the school community. Similariy, any Canadian citizen is and hand il inl 10 Mr. Newman ASAP. Student able 10 run for polilical office, wbicb means there is no excuse Council is a great way t0 gel involved and have a Reminders to ail Leadership retreat participants, forms are quickly 10 complain Ibat nothing can ever gel better. If sometbing say in what goes on aI school, so if you want your becoming uverdue, su he sure 10 gel ail the details worked out wtth Mr. needs te, be done, YOU are the person t0 do il. voice to be heard, run for an execulive position! Thomson (Use librartan). Also, the 311 hour famine is comîng up this weekend, su he sure 10 have ait yuur piedge forres and money in Many people seem 10 think that even being in a politicai One lhing that is perfectly clear is that Ihese next ASAP. And keep in mînd Orury. tbat the 'Come Whaî May' position is not enough 10 make significant changes. The truth few weeks are sure 10 fly by with upcoming evenîs comedtc/musicai performanceis coming uptibis May 10-11,so prepare is, every waterfaii begins wiîh a single drop. Our school that are guaranleed 10 keep MD's Mustangs as yourseif a barrage of student talent in singing. dancing, aid acting. communily proved tbis motto witb lise Clothing Drive, which busy as possible. JusI remember tisaI even lhough And jusi in case you haven't gotten the reference in mad skîliz we've bute to edicat tep Bresh can rom sa ig 4a,897 be doe the spring is always a busy lime of year, don't been making thruughout the article (oh the wit). hupefuily your clolhing, which is the mosl of any scisool in Soulhern Ontario. forget 10 relax, gel a breath of fresh air, and step teachers saîd you bad mad skillz on parenî-îeacher interview nîghî. See Fuether proof tisaI tise worid cant be changed by tise action of out mbt thal sunshine! yab nexl week! individuals working for the coltmon good. RODAHEAj Next Course: May 5,6,12,13 9:30 arn to 4:15 pm - 2 Weekends YOUNG June 2,3,9,10 9:30 arn to 4:15 prn - 2 Weekends DRIVERS 905.875.0480 MsÔapove gmewd