Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 1 May 2007, p. 6

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AIS - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, May 1, 2007 OPINILN Great role models Despite recent steries detailing a bitter dispute between elected scbeel trustees at the Halten Cathelic District Scbol Board, there bas been mucb te celebrate in Halten's publicly-funded educatien systems recently. Last week, the regions Catbelic scheel board cele- brated its l9th annual Sbaning the Spirit Awards of Excellence, recognizing an exemplary student trom each et the school boards elementary and secondary scbools. The nearly four dozen young people honoured were selected for baving "demonstrated outstand- îng qualities in the fellew- rng areas: Cathelic leader- ship, tamily cemmitment, invelvement in scbol aftairs, involvement in cemmunity activities and dedication te, a difficuit sit- uation or task.' And this Thursday, the Halton District Scbeel Board will heneu- 93 exceptional stndents dur- ing its 23rd annual Celebration et Student Excellence evening. These being recegnized have demenstrated excel- lence in at least twe et the tollowing areas: academic, vocational and atbletic fields, self-imprevement, cemmunity work, citizen- ship and student leader- ship, or specitic criteria that reflects the scboolts unique pniorities. We salute these students fer previding positive rele medels fer their peers and all wbe corne after te fel- low Readers Wri"te E-mail your letters te miltonai@haltonsarch om. Support shown since fire Soldiers' sacrifices must has been just unbelievable flot be forgotten - lever DEAR EDITOR: On Apnil 17, life as 1 knew it on Reseheath Drive cbanged torever. 1 arn the ewner et the house that was destreyed by tire. Fortunately fer me, it was enly the house that ceased te, exist - net my daughter or the love tound in that house. Unless one has been tbreugh seme- tbing like this yeu can neyer truly understand the emeotional roller coaster ride that tollows. Its net semetbing ene gels threugh alone. 1 weuld like te, take this opportunity te tbank a tew - ukay hundreds - who have been there for myselt and daugbîers these two weeks. First, te Censt. Deug Williamsen, thanks for being there fer a ver-y scared 14-year-old girl. 1 can only imagine the tear my daugbter was experiencing that day and 1 arn sure your presence helped te calm hier. You were the tirst face 1 saw when 1 amrved, and t have seen nothing but a constant stream et kind faces since that moment. To Fire Chiet Larsy Brassard, Barry Kery and aIl tise men et the lire depart- ment who responded se, quickly and managed te save the structure et my bouse, thank you, thank you, tbank you. You put your lives on the line every day going about your duties net ever getting te know the victinis et tire. To my tamily et triends on Roseheatb Drive, Milten has grown, but my street stiIl has that small-town teel. Yeur sup- port tes- my daughter that day will neyer be torgotten, and altbough 1'm net living on Roseheath, yeur centinued suppert is felt daily. I look torward te the day I cao return. To the staff and students et Milten District High Scheel, your love and sup- port tor my daughters has net gene unnoticed and is greatly appreciated. My co-workers and ether members et Peel Regional Police have overwhelmed me with their generosity. Your financial support bas allowed me te keep my bead abeve water and te breathe. Tbank you just dees net seem te be enougb. Now, te my sister Laurie and tniends -the wall'as we like te caîl it. A phone cali was made and witbîn minutes your strengtb was ail around me. You have made the most difticuît days et my lite manageable. You have allowed me te cry and througb the worst et it, we as a group have laugbed. Most don't under- stand the uniqueness et our small group, but on tbat day it was seen by many To Jude, Sharon and Ty, tbanks for opening your bouse te us. 1 know tbre more people and a dog can't be easy, but you bave made us a part et your family and once again that generosity will neyer be torgetten. To my daugbters, Alex and Sami, I arn se proud et the botb et you and bew you are managing tbrougb tbis little bump in the road. Just know we are a strong team and togetber we will get tbrougb this. Today is the tirst day et the rest et our lives. BETH KIS ROSEHEATH DRIVE DEAR EDITOR: This lette- is in response to, the Champions April 13 front-page story entitled Wounded soldier son et Milton mati. The reality of war was recently brought home te me as 1 worked on a presens-ation regarding the ethics et a Christian going te war. Cemncidentally, the proj- ect comncided with thbe 9Oth anniversary et Vitmy Ridge and the deaths of the eight men in Afghanistan. After finisbing thse projes-, as a Christian, 1 con- tinue te support thse milita-y and their work in Atghanistan. I believe tha- Christians, in general, have hidden behind a pacifist message and tried te make many believe tIsa war is neyer rights. After looking as- both sides et thse issue, I believe tIsa- God, while has-ing the violence associa-ed with war sactions i- in order te, keep evil fromi spreading. In tIse Old Testament the Psalmist David wres-e, "He teache-I my banda te war. . " (Psalm 18:34). Ged bas taught soute people how te, make wa- and they cant use those talents te, keep eu- werld free. 1 applaud those who have gene te tight fer free- dom and I ami preud te, tell people tbat 1 am from the saine town as Bian McCallum. I applaud ou- ps-ine minister for- werklng te bette- supply Canadas mili- tas-y and 1 applaud those Canadians whe continue te, juin the mis-a-y evet-hough. shey know the ns<s associated with it. 1 hope in anothIer 90Oyears, ail the men who bave died and been wounded in Afgbanistan will be rememb)ered, just as Vimy Ridge bas been forever memurialized. 1 arn proud to be Canadian. Recegn eraic for excelec-ce bey Ontarie Ccecereity OCfl Newepapers;Association Canadian Ccrnrnnity C N Ieaspapers Acsociation Suburban Nevepapes The Ganadian Champion is a proud mecdia sponsor for WVELCOMFS lo lige tel Furid :ANAI)A DAY UNdITED WAY mi PARAD 0F MILTON TV AUCTION ,~~ Mi IYMÇA ~THFNA T~kMo Showcase Milton GA~IA __ _ AMANA MYIERS ami - __ M T à 'Rbre Qanabian (eJiampion Milton's Communicy Newspaper Since 1860 555 tndustnial Dr. Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-878-3187 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.müitoncanadianchampion.comn Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Mieh Production Manager Tim Cales Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Teri Casas Thse Canadian Chamspion, p<sblislse every Tuesday and Fniday, is a division cf Metnsland Media Group Ltd. - Group Publisiser lain Oliver Advertising is accepted on the condition fhait, in the event of a typographical erron, teat portion oft he ade, tisiq space cccupied by thre eroneos item, lsgether with a reaconable allowance for signature, will st be charged fo, but the balance cf the advertiseent cii ce paud fcr aithe applicable rate. The publishei recerces the right Io categocize adveetsements cr decice, CCAB Audited

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