The Canadia 1n Champion, Friday, Apr. il 27, 2007 - A9 Fire auts vacant f armhouse [6uW56Ji'rM'eS1 A v acant larissiouse oit titis I-tise necar Milton was guiteci hy ie Tuesciay evenîsg. Mions hre[ighters initially responcied tîs the cail ai the Halîcîn -i lis honme icaîed jusl souîh csf Steeles Avenue, and i iaitoîs Filuis fireiighters were cailed out ai ahouit 8 p.m. When they arrîved they fsuisd the secondc ilucr ut the home was uts [ire, but due îu tise ccndition osf tise huiding, lire- liglisici s îid nui cisici thc hsome andcpu onclcsiy eîsîiigi srater ots il lis eîssure il remaîned a coin trllied hum, saîd 1lahtoi li lis ( hief Oflicer of Prevention and Puhlic 1-ducatirsu Harry Olivieri. (ilivieri saîd hirefiglsters were ihere -to, isscnitcsr tise [ire situa- tcon" ai the hume that was in the process of heing disissantieci and had iso utilitv services. Firefigisters remaitsed ai tise scene until ahout 6s:30 a.m. I he cause ut the blaze is undeterined, said Olîvieri. Due ti the homes condition, ihere was no dollar loss and nu iurther investigations int the cause cof the [ire. Tise pioperty cîwners tcsid lire officiais they had not heen in the home ihat day aisd had no idea how the lire stariec, said Ohivieri. Fraud case back in court in May The court case uf a Haitoîs $5,000 and utîering a forged couicîls atj].M. Denyes and W. Hiiils woisan charged wiîh doscumset. Diek as weii as ai Georgetîswn's de[rauding three norîh Haltis Hier next court ap1searance Sîewarttown Puhlic Schsui. sehool councls ut ahout will be May 14 ai Ontanio Court A police investigation was 530,00f 'i ïn-uin iiltu ti ;> ,tc>ik Miton -wdll continue nexi isonth. Brenda Pickering, 4.3, was chaîged li [ehruary ut lasi vear with three counts of theft over The date was sel April 18 in Oakviiie. From 2002 ici 2005, Pickerinsg serveci as lthe volun- leer treasurer for the schocsl DiS~18 $276II~7$n $217284 72-6es Cc. e.-.. mc CoItl-a t j )Ams terdam $325 U sbon $599 Aticen, $465 Lnnt $157 AiXO~ (o~)e7 28e eit t $278 Manchester $92 Birminghamt $232 Munich $7 i NITJT(F ankIo $232 Parst $4172 Glasgn $232 Romtte $716 Haitrîn District Sehool Buard that îrreguiaîîtîes had heets dis- covereci in the schcîîl counctis' accout$ting practices. *Natural organic Foods, Weliinss & Heaifli Visi websifte! Dr Sven Bacchus We welcome ne w patients! 311 Cýommnercial StrctSuitc 209-Mlo j0j)s.,AI.S., .Sc. FRC.D.(C)Tel 905 875-2995 At lin Crins we arc coninited iu yen and your tarnily's nîrihodontiec cr. that laxt a 11xil paymtent plans -ail inclusive tees il ilfe tilîtefrnendiy and proaie eihcr 1c666,i F23OCES cýA"5 Gnici..... 1