ClO0 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2007 1MMOMIlmieeeine ROYAL LEPAGE -MNNMN emusoineneiwl CciiPal& Dco er ccr ersfla ciwe aiCcii Pat & Doug fer yccr persceai viewieg ai (985878810 crici-ire ai -80-54-318.(905>878-8101 er tou-hfec ai 1-800-514-3316. * Boss the cisy congestion on yoor ven own 38. Unqu euto pl vame e3e/e * This huge bungalow boasts 20' high ceilng in theGrand honni ses- M Unique cs on onep3/4 enal coy fireplaces, 3 bof noms & an expansive country kitchon. WORA acre, multi-lvloe ocp LocateS clone toMifhon & Georgetown. thi country estae ohfers the Great room, kitchen, hardwood beot of both worids privacy & proxmty Boy morehome&more lanS flosad1lcilns oreao than oves thought possble. Cal now for an in5v package on tho prop-for n lciîg orsao MW ysboyooapveeecgDnoso hyeo sunfroomn and hot tub. Four bdrms, 3 .AUV mrnay ono boke w hie viing o isot Theres eve a reb-l-77 not RV M battis, 2800 sq. ft. Located in Erin. ýCENTRF; Vidual tour availabe atwww.ThemKaieS.oim. CENTRE Mature trees. Priced ai $549,900. Cali the "i dream team "for great rates, fastfrcendly service & stressfree mortgages. -U ~John, Kim, tisa & Delino A Mortgage M Arch itects ~5I5IOo/* Uô878213 14 Martin St., Milton, ON 8 0 * John Head Offic: AP 6505 Massassauga Rd., CaV8Ra Massssuga, ON 0AV Montgge Pvnner Tnnviiy robonSt fnom nhe grond sp 5 ynvns ago, lOis stonne and boand/bolton 3 hed * Three bedroom ranch bungalow on h/4 of an acre nooni backsplit ns only minutes forth oh honlingloni Open concept design incluSes with v 30 X 60 won kshop is a great osffrn Sf o àns'- nomeoos upgnvdos: hostoS conamic flionrs custom kilchen, vauited coOings, handwouo flons, spacios maston bodroom wnOh opgnvded ensuite, and many o n n e lnnokinnfhor an innerrimru onnporhunîs'. leh mono. As an addod bonus the pnopnnty has a 39029 wonkshop, pertocl hon the the rnal nconne froia the hous nd the hork- hondymoni This oneon 1Of diSsappoint yos. listed hon $529,000, Cvii hon an iuieiucii hop pas, for vour inverooemO Locaon. close ho appo nimeont. ROYAL LEPAGE town and highwas' accrss ths iIn àSesirahie prop- ý 1 Call Pat & Doug for Vour personal viewing at (905)878-8101 or toil-free at 1-800-514-3316.