Town montinues to discouraqe use of Bronte Meadows Parlk (lThe following letter was addîcssed 10 John Bry an(, Manager of Paxlzs and Open Spacefor the Town of Milton, aîîd a copy was filed with thse Champion.) DEAR MR. BRYANT: I am writîng inpots regardîng the receni letier I received frorn yoo, represeniing tise Town of Milton, advîsing me thaî the lights for basebali and tennis aI Bronte Meadows Park are to be removed ibis month because îbey 'bad reacbed their life Cycle." I am appalled ai the Town of Milton 10 îaking yeî anoîher deliberate sîep 10 preveni the use of Bronte Meadows Park. I live ocn Launier Avenue. direcîly facîng tIse park, and for tht lasi 25 years the people ocf Milton bave îborougbly enjoyed the ose of ibis space. However there bave been rumours circolating for somte tîme thai the Town wisbes 10 re- zone ibis space to allow for resi- dential development. One wonders if certain mndi- vidoals would stand to profit lrom ibis? The sîeps to reduce the use of the area by residents sîarîed about tbree years agc wîîb the removal of the basket. ball nets from the ligbîed ]obr Tonelli sports Centre parkini lot. This was a low cosi, bigbl) physicai actîvîty that kep dozens of youth in the arm occupîed and oui of trouble. I immediately voiced m concenss 10 counicil ibat the los of ibis exîremely popular tee activsty could lead b. an increas in vandalism and crime. Aft several follow-oPs, 1 wÏ assured by the Town that îbey t bad decided to converi one of sI the lightecl tennis courts inio aT new basketball court. Three i years later il stil1 hasn't hap- b pened, and i needn't remind t people about the increase in s vanclalismn and crime we bave seen in the area.a Lasi year cooncil îargeîed soccer moms. Tise parking enforcemeni olficer woolcl show up ai the same time Bie knew ihat tbe moms woîîld be park- ing ai the specially-wîclened sec- lion of Laurier Avenue to take their kids bo soccer practice. Yes, we ahl know the signs bave read "No Parking" for 25 years, bot everyone in the comn moniîy also knows ibai for the lasi 25 years. during ibose cou- ple of boors on the weekends or evenings, while the liîtle kîds were playing soccer, the Town ancl local resîdents îurned a blind eye. Afier ail, Milton used to be a communîiy wiîh a heari. Lasi sommrrer, myseil and other local residents appealed to our cooncillor 10 bave the bc law changeci io aliow the soccer moms to park there, box the îîcketîng contined. As resiclents. we began warn- ing the soccer moms when we knew the ticket oficer was in thie area, and on one occasion _ t wbile lie was hancling dot tick- s eits - tempers llared and the police bad to be cailed in 10 y break op a poientially nasty s confrontation. ni More was to foilow. Aller 25 ce years of also allowing local resi- rdents to park ovemight ai the IBronte Meadows parking lot, c Town sent iheir offîcer to Lari tickeîing us. A proiest 10 own, Hall resuited in the park- iig tickets being cancelled ecause îhey bad to admit tbai hey were wrong, there was no ign in place 10 indicate that xvernight parking wasn't îliowed. However, despite aippeals from, residerîts to continue park- ing in the sanie lot wherc ibey rîad parked fot 25 cears, our lseariless cooncîl respondecl hy erecting a -No Overnigbt Parking" sîgn so îhey cooid con- tinue to legally ticket resîdenîs and iheir vîsitors. in the letter to resîdents, yoo indicate that the Community Services Area Master Plan wîll decide in late spning wheiher there is a future need lot ligi- îng ai B3ronte Park, and thai il recommended îî wýil1lhe subjeet io cooincil approval and a public consultation process. This is nonsense. How can coutncil possihly. question the need for a facility that was josi- lied 25 years ago and bas heen ini constant use ever since, espe- cialiy wîîh the town iii the mnidsi of a hoge population boom. Lei's look ai ibis pictore. îhey bave removed the basketball nets. discooraged soccer by îîck- ding moms, sîopped residents osing the parking lot overnighî and are now removing the lighî- îng for tennis and hasebaîl. 1 believe its lime for coonicil to stant providîng raîher than iaking away services, or to be honesi and tell us the reai plans fot tlronte Meadows. BRIAN GALLIGAN LAURIER AVENUE support for MS walk much appreciated DEAR EDITOR: On behaif of the MS Society ocf Canada. I woîîld like 10 îhank the Champion for uts support of the 2007 Mîlton-Halton HuIs Super Cîlies Waik for MS, held on April 15. The annual event was a greai soccess, witb over $ 108,000 raised toward MS research and services - sor-passing lasi years total of $97,329. TIse Champions support play'ed a sigîcîficant rote in ibis record-breaking year. BRIAN LIM CO-ORDINATOR. FUNDRAISING EVENTS MS SOCIETY 0F CANADAý ONTARIO DIVISION The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2007-A7 Schools closed as children hit with diphtheria outbreak mation extracted from. past issues Of The Champion and other publications in order to provide a window into Miltons pasI. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided to place the situa- tion in cont ext.- September 1909 n A number of cases of diphtheria ha have developed in Milton within the sb last weé?k. AIl the children are pupils of the public school. The infected bouses have been placarded and al the necessary precautions againsi the Of spread of the infection have been f taken. The schools closed at noon b today until Monday or later if neces- p sary p e.. il Miss jean Elliott bas opened ab Millinery Parlor above Mr. John tI Lawson's Store, Milton. t joseph Tock bas invested in an automobile which was delivered tol, him on Saîurday i Mr. and Miss Livingston gave a corn roast to about fifty of their fniends old and young at Livingston Park on Tuesday nigbt. The corn was roasted over an open lire and eaten as soon as done. The guesis were also, treated tel melons and ice cream. The niglst was fine and warmn, the park was iiluminated and the scene very pretty AIL enjoyed themnselves great- 'y A new camp, Canadian Order, Woodmen of the World, was institut- ed here on Tuesday evening. About a score and a baif were presented to form the new camp, ail of wbom are xealwart and enterprising ciîizens Of the town. F.or Milton Fair it was wet and entries were down. In the grounds there were the usual refreshment stands and bali-throwing and other games for cigars, etc. but the great source of attraction was a buge merry-go-round that was ioaded by boys and girls every trip. A gipsy for- tune telier, picturesquely dressed, bad a smail tent near the hall but did 51850 t seemn to be busy or 10 bave ber .d "crossed witb silver" as often as .e wisbed. Sheriff Webster bas been in seareh 'a bouse to suit him and for sale, or iling tbat a building lot. He bas een unable to find either. The cor- citation of Milton is 100 smail for uts opulation. There should be money s an addition sub-divided int uilding lots and put on tie market cia autumn or next spring by a bus- ing real estate agent. October 1909 The C.R. Willmott Co.s main >uilding wili solon be ready for occu- astion. The windows are in and a :ement flour is being laid this week. 0sW. A complaint is made tbat after funerals thieves visit Evergreen Cemetery and steal the ribbons Off the wreatbs left on graves. Messrs. R. & C.H. Burling, furni- ture dealers, andi E.J. Wilson, grocer, bave bad their verandas ton dlown this week. Main Street is almost clear of verandas now and looks more modemn than it did. The county's atone crusher bas been at work on thse aide of the mountain, near Milton, for a week andi teams bave been busy conveying the broken atone to the road from Main along Ontario Street and the second fine bo George Denoons. This bas long been one of the worst bits of roati in the county wben the mud was deep and the change from, a mud to a well-made atone road will be mosi welcome. Titis material is assembled on behaif of the Milton Historical Society lcy Jim Dilîs, who can b' reachcd atjdils@iýdi- ---- IAIIV uiiiw LARGE SELECTION 0F SUPERB & AUTHENTIC ORIENTAL CUISINE Truica ande etti Drinng, ful iesd ne L ITAllI -805 Mfllcreek Dr i Enjoy up to 4 buffet at wuth $80* order. 1 0 -070 8 25% off reg. price. - 0le Exee a 10 MEADOWPVALE, (Milcreek Dr. Aqutaine, nexi to GOk' Diaie RStta rant) HOURS: MON TO SAT..11:3AM - 11PM WW.eCte.o/akd Offer Expires May 11/07 SUN............ 1 :30 M -10 SUAJC TOC ANS SU DSCREI AN ~1