FZ7Dafltel,, i j- tt #2 7t *~ ;' 1 Stk#2535A 2005 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 2005 FORD FOCUS ZX3 SIGNATURE Antonatic, power lock, air, darle tint, nnly 25,369 Sunrant, leather, power windows/lnckslseats, tous, balance oi iactory warranty. croise & tli, blacke on blacki, only 29,069 km, balance of laclory warranly. 2005 CHEVROLET IMPALA Supe V6, group t300t doan, payrereeis ncude GSlPST, 7 91 bank ecfi 1 60 moette biweekly payeets set dealer foi detals J IJALLENEGER ' FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. MILTON www.galliageof.COM SALES . LEMSNG . SEBWICE . PARTS - COLUSIN CENTRE rb tamily sedan, auto, air, power ,tinted windows spoler, factory warranty. St O702A *from DATELINE oni page C3 s n Mai ýlc Su fit, li fi ti us it$tittiloiiiliteîl u li at tli> titi loi tiiilig louaiiîi andt troule, altI (Q05)) 875-10122. I buc moltît (.lut) holds ils Siroller Walk and Talk ai 10 a. lii. ai the 1 ion's Sports Ptairk on Vhaîmipson Rtîad near the train trieks. l'or mlore informtion, cail (905) 929)-5535 or e mrail flt iinunt79@)hoti-nail. cotin. Tbursday May 3 Thbu Milton Seniors' Actîvity Centre, 500 (hilds Dr., holds ils Motber's Tea from 2 to 4 p.m. witb tea, homemnade treats and piano mnusic. Tickets cosi $5 and are available ai the recep- lion desk or hy calling (905) 876-1681. The Halton Womens Centre, suite 229 in Hopedale MaIl, 1515 Rehecca St. i tiakville, hualds its fr-ce Caring and Sbaring Cirele fromn I to 3 p.m. For more infornmation. caîl (905) 847-5520 or visit ss Nwhaltonwomensc eire.org. The Deck youth centre, 200 Matn Si. (rear enîrarice). invites students in grades 6 to 8 to drop 1)y Isw î3ý30 and 6:15 p-in i;y a gatine of pool or jusi Ii.itig (oi. I ltgh school students ,îî îviudL beiween 7 and 10 1Il lill te Arts Society of Miliotîs, Evcning Croup of Artisis mets (rom 7 to 10 p.m-n I lbu inf ormai envirtinment pro- vides artists wtth an opportunity to excîcse îbetr drawing skills. For more information, caîl Janîs ai (Q05) 854-5753. Milton District Hospital lholds a one-on-one breastfeed- ing clinic with a certîfied lacta- tion conesultant from 7 to 9 p.m- For more information or to make an appoînîment, call JilI Hicks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. Fxiday May 4 The Deck youth centre, 200 Main St. (rear entrance), invites high sebool students to drop hy between 7 and 11 pin. to play a game of pool or just bang out. Milton District Hospital holds a group session breast- feeding clinic wtth a cerîîfîed lactation consultant l'rom 1l a.m. to 12:30 p.m. For more informiation or to make an appotntmrent. call JîlI i cks ai (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Salsation Army/Khi 1omunt'holds its youth group lromn 6:45 lu 8:45 p. m. for youths agécl ntne to 13 ai 100 Niptssing Rd., unit 3. For more informnation, call (905) 875- 1022» The Centre for Skills Developmeni and Training, 550 OSntario St. S., suite 203, holds its Spning job Search lune-Up, invîting residenîs 10 go over their resumes, cover letters and interviewîng skills wtth a career information specialist. To regis- ter, eall (905) 693-8458, ext. 107 or vtsîî ww %w.îhecentre.on.ea. F riday May 4, 5, 10, 11, 12 The Milton Players Theatre Group prescrnts Deaîhîrap by Ira f evin. The shows May 5 and 12 arc dînner theatre performanc- es. Tbe bar opens ai 6:30 p.m., dinner's at 7 pin. and curtaîn eall îs ai 8:15 p.m. Tickets cost $40 cach. 3 he performiances May 4, 10 and 11 arc the show onlv. Doors open ai 7:30 p.mii and curtain cill ts ai 8 p*mn Tickets cosi $25 each. lot- tick- ets, call (Q05) 875-0629 or vs it Boutiq~ue 188 ai 188 Main St. F. courtesy of FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK EXHIBIT SPACE (AIL: 905-815-0017 ext 5591 or 1-800-265-3673 EM*. uufnoc@WooVOYOIMIiwUm THE 4TH ANNUAL EmaXOUNG Sunday, May 6/07 1 0:OOAm TO 4:OOpm ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS 680 Plains Roud West Burlington Live Entertainment including the Toronto Ail Stor Bond (sponsored by Arnica), Exhibits, Displays ond more! sponsored by: A m i C A- IVIIIFIRST