A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2007 Attitude needs changing, now il îlîccnas lessn o bc be arncd front îhs Isast 1-arth Day, ita, ihai sac have a lonîg %ay lu go iii changing peuples attitudes whici iî comnes îu disposing of trash. This past -weckend, under gionious condditions, rcnidents of ahl agies did their part lu bcip beauîify our townt hy Iiling bundreds, if 001 îbousands of bags of îrash. 'ibe amount of garbage - wbicb inciuded evcrytbing from lires bo officc furniture. - was mînd-nuînbing. How can 50 many thoughîless people treat tour communîty as a dumping ground? Equaliy troubiing was a wamning this week from Gord Miller, Ontarios Environmental Commissioner, wbo said the Ontario governiment bas failed miseraby wben il comes 10 wasîe reduction. Despite etection promises to dsvert 60 per cent of Grealer Toronto Area garbage tbrougb tbe tbree Rs (reduce, rieuse, recycle) and composting, tbe Liberal governmenl basn't made a dent in tbe garbage piles and even worse, doesn't bave a plan on bow il cao be donc. According t0 govemtment statistics, Ontarians recycle and compost only 25 per cent of ail tbeir garbage. Tbe rate tises sligbîiy t0 32 per cent if commercial waste is eliminat- cd from tbe mix and oniy residential figures are used. Thats stili a long way fromn the 60 per cent targel the Liberals set for 2008. Wbile improvements in recycling numbers bave come from munscipatities tbat bave adopted green bin organics programns, tbere are currentty no sîrong markets for finisbed According 10 Miller, tbat won't change unless the gov- emrment estabtishes provtnce-wide standards for wbaî can be in compost and the techniques used lu produce it. Wbite the province bas îndîcaîed il is open 10 energy from waste incineration as a replacement for iandfiiis, strnd liiis on wbaî caot be încinerated must be establisbied so as nul 10 undermine recyciing efforts, said Miller. Fourcing busînesses -trom restaurants lu, the construc- lion industry - lu recycle must aiso be part of tbe plan. A survey of 260 businesses tast year indicated 93 per cent did nul comply wiîb provincial recycling regutations. Tbe efforts of ail wbo took lime this past weekend to cican a river bcd, a park, a school ground or a diîch sbould be commended. However, we wouid like 10 sec iess work for themt on future Eartb Days. Technicaliy a victim, but flot exactly vie- tuized Your local sports scribe found himsetf in that raîber unusuat situation a little over five years ago - connected 10 a massive three- region debit card scam, that'ît finaity make ils way into the courtroom for sentencing today As one of more than 240 people in Hatton atone whose card was double swiped at a local gas station by a long-gone employee, my discovery of tbis iltegat activity came dur- ing a quick Faster weekend trip t0 the bank. Strangeiy enougb - and offering anotber reminder that reai-tife crooks aren't neariy as brigbt as their big-screen or TV counîerparts - there was actualiy about $2,500 more in my accounit than there sbould have been. Rectifying wbat i can only aasume was a simple botched wtthdrawai took ail of abhaif- hour, icluding a cail to the cops. Readers Write E-mail your lettrs to muned@hatunsarchoem. Chamber's Citizen of the Year award a wonderful surprise DEAR EDITOR: On March 31, we were honoured t0 be the recipients of Miltons Citizen of the Year award. We wouid like te0 thank the Milton Chamber of Commerce for the incredi- hie evening they arranged for ail the nominees and winners ai Granite Ridge Golf Course. as well as ail their family andI fnends. A speciai thanks goes oui 10 our norninalor, for thinking of us and put- ting our rames forward for considera- lion. DEL AND ROSE OXFORD MILTON So when a cati came in recenîty from sand dollars. Thats a comforting notion, toi Hatton Regionat Police's Kim Duncan seek- say the ieast. ing a, victim impact statement, i So docs titis mean l'm hoping was - sadly enough - unabie t0 for a light sentence or bave any compiy, i'd be the first one in uine toi sympathy for this guy, even given aid iaw enforcement officiers in any the fact that be turned bimsclf in? way possible, but consîderîng i Certainiy not. myseif a victim woutd, under these Tbe facî ina he and oîhers specifie circumstaîsces, reaiiy be involved in this scam biiked hon- stretcbing il. Â dreds (maybe thousands) of peo- Besides a very minoir inconven- pie out of more than $2 million ience, about the oniy impact titis wbite presenting tbemselves as individuai bad on me was offering l egitimate emptoyees at three dif- a momentary lemptation 10 remove ferent gas stations across the GTA. the aforementioned funds. But figuring the money simpiy wasn't mine t0 spend, 1 quick- ly discarded the idca . If anything, he provided tangible evidence that - while perbaps mot pnicetess -my honesty is worth more thon a couple tbou- i'd actuaiiy have bad more respect for tbemt if they'djust stolen my car. At ieast tbey wouid- nst bave been getting paid 10 do so. This kind of îbeft represents an especiaiiy serious breacb of trust, and is just downnight slezy Il should be punished accordingty. PLAY PEAPo UNITED WAY Of MILTON TV AUCTION M ILTON SANTA C LAU S PARADE Vîý_ YMÇA Showcase Milton ~ - ALAd Upfront I guess not ail vîctims of crime are actually victimized lIijr Qanablan cbIampion Milton s Coma a ity Newspaper Snce 1860 555 Industrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-878-3187 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 ww-.w.mijltoncanadianchampion.com Publisher Neil Oliver Advertiaing Director Woody McNab Managing Editor Karen Miceli Production Manager Timn Colos Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Tort Casas Thie Canadian Champion, publishe every Tuesday and Friay is a division of Metroland Media Gissup Ltd. - Group Publisher Ian Oliver. Adaaenaatg i atteie on tthe conditioa that in the nanan of a tyttagraphtal errai baitpotiontfthe adeting pace oaapiedy the ettananat item, logather aath a anabtr allowana fot signa turnaitnu abe charger!for, but thebaancefthte advertiseaantaall ha paid for at the applicable tate Tht pabtatte rentatant he ttqht ta categattat advemnitnn af decane CCAB Audited 'tOogttdfotr entellaaatae Jas f fl sOtntai Commaanty A Nataspapent Assoatn C+ N aahnCammanity Newspapena Assoatiton Stabuaban Nentapapant The Can a Chiasitan i pato d p natarît Jingl Bel Fu