ComrcalRs*ets What exactly is the OCNA and what does it off er? OrgcmzcËo hasmore ness to find answers to their questions. w Oraniztionhas oreServices for the public % ~~LE ~ , ,than 2 70 niei'beï The association also offers services t0 help the public do business with communi- newspapers in G'ntano îy newspapers whife benefiting ourmet Founed i 195 , wth ofice inbers ai the samne urne. I-IATLN & (YO)MNj\ jIXt oundeo d Tr1950, wthe oicesin These services include Ad*Reach Serving Milton & area fo ovr 5 as untn sand r Toron o iat onî Ontario for display advertising placement. (CNA muit aneperidst association Network Classified Advertîsing for multiple 103 Steeles Ave., unît #6 &v 7, Milton 905-878-4821E comprîsîng more tban 270 member newspa- placements of classifieds, and the Press pes octe rrogiou tLtp Service for centrafized distribution of news ROBERT (PIE) LEE INSURANCE AGENCY Ldtm- Disability - Critical Ilinon - Annuiis - RRIFs LIFs - RRSP's - Mulual Funda (M.S.lL) - RESP's eelilt '2 u"a~~e a< E~«a Klm Mithel 245 CommUrclal St. Milton LOT 2J3 OFFICE 878-5786 FAX: 878-3M9 If's dedicated to helpîng member comn- mnunity newspapers prosper by: - Advocatîng for f avourable govemnmeni policies *Supplyîng miembers wîîh iools, support and information about the industry and the market * Providing the ineans for members to work together to resolve issues t0 improve ihe competitive position of tbe îndustry - Promotiig and enhancing tbe image of tbe industry among readers and other important consiituencies - Pooling, resources and deliverîng serv- ices to the public joîntlv, and securing bene- lits collectively which'indîvidual members can't obtaîn alone. T1w association is the mnembers source of information ahout their industrv. Its in busi- OCNA staff The OCNA has a staff of 18 full and part- tinme employees and is govemed by a volun- tary board of directors comprisîng 12 direc- lors plus the immediate past president. The board sets tbe direction and policy for the association and the executive dîrector car- ries tbem out. Better Newspaper Awards The QÈNA is proud to recognize the out- standing quality of work produced eacb week by ils member newspapers and show- case il 10 readers and advertisers. Tbe Better Newspaper Awards, botb Premier and Genieral Excellence lategories, are presented annually during the associa- tion's spring convention. S-LT01 POiE E:1PE eýaaada qac _ýe *THE BEST SOUND IN TOWN MUE FLERS e BRAKES CON VERTERS WE HAVE WE CUSTOM-BUULD STAINLESS STEEL MUFFLERS & TAILPIPESi lie