A4 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Apr i 27, 2007 AAI Pond death was accidentai Police have detei- mmcid tht death of a man whose body was pulled fromn an old quarry pond in (amphellville last Friday was accidentai. The hody ol Waterdown resi- dent Michael C owl, 44, was dis- covered hy police divers in a pond on Reid Sîderoad, west of Guelph Uîne. Police saîd he drowned, its flot kîlov, Il hov' long 11uL d hCoI fi the waier helore lie was bonrrd. Investigalors have cleter- niined the mrna was trespassing in thec privately owlicd poind, going lishing, He stood up in his moving hoat and feUl overboard, police said. The deceased wasn't a good swinimer and there were no per- of the pond Apnl 19 b> a con- cernied citizen, said lialtori Regpontai Police Det. Sgt. Murray Drinkwalter. Upon arrivaI, they found a truck with a hoat n ailer, and a partially suhmcýnrged boat i the pond. Police divers lound the hody the next day. A post mortem examfination was conducted at Hamihon General Hospital. Drunk driving case returns to court May 15 with dnank driving in a collision ihat kîlled an Orangeville man will return 10 court next month. Alvaro Diaz, 21, has heen charged with impaired diiving causîng death, dangerous dniv- ing causîng death, having over the legal limît of alcohol in his Urgently Rtequired Part-time Daldy Crossing Guard Concerned about the atety of achool children and want to become involved? A Part-lime Crossing Guard la required at: jDIXON AND SPRUCEDALE IMorning Croasing: 8:45 a.rm. - 9:15 ar. Aller Sohool Çrossing: A minimum of three hours per day la paid. Hourly SaIary: $1 2.23 lnterested applicants should submit a resume 10: Town of Milton, Department of Corporate Services, 43 Brown St., Milton, Ontario L9T 5H2 Attention: Coordinator, Human Resources Fax: (905) 875-5414 E-mail, humanresoarces@ milton.ca n accordance with the Freedom of Inormation and Privacy Iegisiaiofl applicant information is collected under tie aiithrily of tie MunicipaliAct and wiI be used st l for canddate selecto, Notice of Sale of Land For Bridge Rehabilitation & Intersection Improvements Notice is hereby given that the Town of Milton intenda 10 sel Part of Blocks 39 and 41, Plan 20M-369 on the est aide of Guelph Uine, south of the Highway 401 on-ramp. This land la being sold toi the Ministry of Transportation for bridge rehabilitation and intersection improvements. The Administration & Planning Committee will consider this item al ita meeting on May 14, 2007. This notice is provided in accordance with Town of Milton Property DisposaI By-law No. 34-95. Further information with respect 10 the aforementioned Notice may be obtained trom the Deputy Clerk, Town of Milton, 43 Brown Street, Milton, Ontario (905) 878-7252, extension 2109. Dated at the Town of Milton this 27th day of April, 2007. Troy McHarg, Town Çlerk Town of Milton Nomination Period for Ward 2 By«Election Ends April 30 Nominations for the Ward 2 By-election may be fîled durîng regular business houra until April 27, 2007 and on April 30, 2007 between 9 s.m. and 5 p.m. Nominations will not be accepted aller 5 pro, on April 30, 2007. Please contact the Town of Milton Çlerk's Division at 905-878-7252, ext. 2386 for more information. Troy McHarg Town Cterk ahove zero wîrh a G2 licence and usîng unauthonized licence plates. Diaz will make hîs next appearance May 15 at Ontario Court of Justice On Steeles house. The horrific two-vehîcle col- lision took place 1-ehnaary 2 on Regional Road 25, south of No. 5 Sderoad killing a 48-year-old, Notice to Property Owners Destroy Noxious Weeds NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to aIl persona in possessionl of land, in accordançe with The Weed ContraI Act, R.S.O. 1990, Chapter W.5, Sections 3, 13, 14, 16 and 23 that, unlesa weed aeeds and noxioua weeda growing on their lands withîn the Town ot Milton are deatroyed by the date ot June 151h, 2007 and throughout the season, the Town of Milton may enter upon the said lands and have the weeds deatroyed, chargîng the costs agaînat the land in taxes as set out in The Weed Control Act. The co-operation ot aIl property owners la earnestly solicited. Complaints and inquiries may be made by telephone, to the number listed below. Please note that dandelions, burdock and goldenrod are not considered noxious weeds within the Town of Milton under The Weed Control Act; therefore, complaints concerning these weeds or any anonymous complaints cannot be accepted. For the information of aIl property owners, the tollowing are designated as noxious weeds in the Town of Milton: Canada Thistle Ches Colt's Foot Common Barberry Cypreas Spurge Dodder European Buckthorn Goal's Beard Johnson Grass Knapweed Leafy Spurge Poison Hemlock Poison lvy Proso Millet, Black-seeded Ragweed Russian Thistle Scotch Thistie Sow Thistle Tuberous Vetchling Wild Carrot Yellow Rocket Complaints and inquiries ahould be directed to: MR . DOUG McPHAIL, Weed Inspectur (905) 877-1819 Dated at the Town of Milton thia 27th day of April, 2007. Troy McHarg, Town Clerk Voter Notification Cards are on the way! Voting Day for the Ward 2 municipal by election as Thuraday, June 14, 2007. Are you on the votera' list? Voter Notification Carda will be mailed in early May to ail elîgîble votera in Ward 2 whoae namie appears on the Ward 2 votera' liat. Voter Notification Carda identify each voteras voting subdivision, deaignated voting location on Voting Day and the location, date and lime for Advanced Voting. We ask ail votera to bring their Voter Notification Card and proper identification with themn when they vote. Ward 2 votera who have not received a Voter Notification Card by May 18, 2007, or require corrections 1oi the listed information, are asked to contact the Town of Milton Clerk's Division at 905-878-7252, ext. 2130 or 2137. Troy McHarg Town Cterk Avenue. The return court date was set motorist just before 3 a.m. 3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.