Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2007, p. 33

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The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2007 - A33 The number one mortgage team in Canada working for you. The past few years have seen a rise in the number of potential homecowners seeking mortgage baDOUaIâbrokers. Recently the number of tenders lias increase4, encouraging consunsers ta shop around and consider their options before decidmng on a mortgage. The professionals at the Mortgage Centre offer ccrnsumners several advantages ini setecting the riglit mortgage. With more than 100 years of combineti experience behind then, the tea= at the Mortgage Centre is among the best in the country The teain lias been named number one Top PmoducMg Mortgage Centre franchise in Canada for the past six ye.sTe epertse sPaks for itse1f, asthey are well quulied and ready ta assist you with all your needs. Bob MacDlonald, the Presîdent of R.D.M. Consultants, recognizes the difference that a broker can make in a consumer~s searcli for the perfect mortgage: "As mortgagc brolker, we re able to deal with all iending institutions for out clients," lie explains. "We shop the moýrtgg market ta flnd the very best morigage rate Ilierc is- seving lots of timne and hassie for the client:' As well as relieving somne of your stress, a consultant at the Mortgage Centre can offer you unbiased advice and specialized knowledge. Brokers at the Mortgage Centre work for you- flot the lenders. This means that their advice lias your best interest at heart, and works solely to your advantage. As mortgage brokers they also have the ability ta understand the rates and féatijres ofecacli lender. With this knowledge they can thoroughly explal cach stop of the pioceas to youminusthe jugmi), ensuring that you know exactty what you are getting yourself inta when the time cornes ta make a decssion. With the helt of a mortgage broker, many consumers who neyer thouglit that they woutd be able to own a home -are discovermng that, under the appropriate terns, owning can be,1 cheapertdmnrenting. Bob explains that this is the produçt of recent changes: "What's new in the industry riglit now is 100 per cent financing with no money down- besides being given the'option of choosmng a mortgage with a futl amortizatioxs period of 40 years to pay?' The resuit of this is excellent terms and conditions for potential homneowners as welt as tow interest rates. The Mortgage Centre franchise ini Missisauga ils located on 2085 Hurontario Street, Suite 202 and supports Onliville, Missimauga and hours. "ýWe trY ta make oursel'ves available for whenever clients nçed to see us," sasaBob, who gocs on ta explaits that the il agents working in these areas are available on eveniinga and weekends, andi COnduct honsc calîs to better serve their clients. Bob expl" &M*athe dedic*te financial expet at the MotgM Centre offer maorie services that jut flndmng the best ssortgage deal: "We also helpt arrange finance regaWIlR renovating for clients, and advise those who wish to pay off higli- interest debt." So, regardless of your type of financial dilemmna, cati the Mortgage Centre franchise in Missisauga et 905.949,4949 today.amWo an*r Tom Hogg, Mortgage Master Tom wus învolved in the upenîng of the vety fîrst Morogage Centre francbise je , ~ , \ Canada, wbicb bus ~ grown te 83 franchises Coast te Coast. ~ Fundîng over 100 is tecognized as one of the countrîxu Top Mortgage Consultants. o î e Withlb peurs in tbe mcîttgage business Tom attribates hîs succesu te the srrong famnilp support of bis wife Denise, tbeir two childien Ashlep andi loshua, au well au tbe tîreles efforts of bis Pull lime assistant, Keoin. Laurie Furness, Mortgage Master Wîtb more thani 20 geais rn th e industry, Ihave consîstenlg retaîned top vraies wîtb MCC and attrîbute mach of mg succes o t the level of semîice 1 am cem- mîtted lv preuîdîng to Mg clients and referral sources. 1 have deoeleped stroeg relatîonshîps burît on a basîs of trust and cenfidence. With a team of two admîeîstralers te suppo me, 1 truly believe orbte benefit 1 provîde, and censîstentlg pentrag ehîs attitude wîth clients and referai sources. As ga ea Meutgage Centre Seialist, l'Il get Canadays leaidîng lenders te cempete fler goetmuttgage in anelectronic bîd process that guarantees peu best avaîlable package ef rate anrd features. Mg semvice cents gev netbîng, and because 1 work fer gev net tbe leoders I can effet unbîased adurce and help peu select the mogage that's right fer gev. Marie Driscoil, Mortgage Specialist Gunther Kaschuba, Mortgage Specialist Wîtb almost 40 geais experrence in 1 bave been in the moregagelreal the feanial indestiy, bave a eoi saeidstyoe 5yas inewledge ef mottgage proce- whc N.de okn N dures pactices guidelnes and fofiaca ntttos regelatons Thi knowledge fotaeboeaeaet L 7 l .1 enable me oe dea witb aaswiashvn era wivaie eue ind a on wiesdra ett ae wdeiua lergefi o esonudetuaie yprm an dp eacg ar n eou onrsdnil elett ain ad eerteeu an icne meprecd ncmeca wbeni reguied As peu motigage unevrtn flrepoet specialîst 1 adbere ru the batik code încîudîng aparument buildings, retaîl of ethîcu comîng fom manp geais o) plazas ard inidustrial buildings. Civing in werkîog in 'tbe baolsing industrg wîtb respect ru pour rîght Burlîngtn, I semîice turlînigten, Hamilton, Waterdewn te priuacp, Ibis is a cemmîrment ofPep meut importance ru andîbe surrounidioig areas, boweser, liceosing allomo me. As geai mettgage specialîst and a proven peiformer, 1 me te semîice tIre entîre province. A stroog netmork o) wîli utîlîve mp wealth of experreoce ru adoîse and help peu Mortgage Centre offices prouides the oppoosunitY of select tbe murtgage ihat is rîgbt fer pou . referrîng clientn te an experienced mootgage represen- tatîve in their aiea if su desîred. Tom Gasparec, AMP Director, Jamie Lobo, Mortgage Specialiat Senior Mortgage Consultant eecogeioed as dîstînguished profes- sional mîllo a surgîng business, Tom takes prîde as an aduocate of his customer needs. Tom is ~ contirnuouslg ruîsîng the bar n educatron, eepetieoce and prolessionalism, aod Iras over l0ogeurs of related finance aod ~ mooigage industrp eeperresce Tom is a true fiiianciial priifessiena e~whe is alwags focused on provîdîng cemprefrensive aduice and excellent custemet semvice te his clients. He tiely is tfie defrertien of a "ttusted & Accredited Mortgage PlOfî - sienal". le 2004, Tom mas awarded the prestigiotsA CREITTE MORTGAGE PROFESSIONAL (AMP) dii bg tbe Canadian lostîtute of Mortgage Biokeris U Jamie Lobo, Mortgage Specialist As a residential/commercial mo age consulta ni, Jamie has elped people achieve their ho e or business ownership goals by sharing my k experience and knowledge Simmi Jangra Mc Providinig excý Simmi' sS w-o Iras always the clients' expectatlots bg highest gualitg, conivenEe Fred Karain, AMP Mortgage Specialist have over 20 geais ofsenior maniage- ciment teine prlom erceg inand clel cmm nca r Mgpersonal gurnle wl e vte be deal avaabe, not as befiettmegv ned A mierel ogage vr lime the renewe yeuri meilgae Jivan Sanghera, MortgageSpecialist As pour Senior Meorgage Aduisor 1 wovld lîke te put mg experienice yod formai educatier to merk for gos. Recause of mg paut experi- f m ......U \ ence, 1 have tIre relatîonsbîps 1 W f and knemledge ru gel pou the best rate, eueip rime. As a Seniior Muntgage Aduisur 1 wîll eugae yure, and the best enure pouteceine the best terme for pour mertgage. M gser- vices wîli Save pou meneg andîbey wiii aiso educate peu or the mengage ntocesu.1lhave eeierce in Piranciai Semvices and cati sbewpeeýtbe benefits Ibat a 30 ai 35 geai amertizatien ceaid effet le regards rageour RRSP or RESP et bow Lt îid bîgb irterent debt. Bagîng, sellîng, refinancîrg, ai renewing i WICC SAVE YOU MONEYt Fred Waymouth Mortgage Specialist bave more ibvu 30 geais experience Ame) wTh xtnsivbe knedgetie bas enbe et pcal e t f p resiental andn pcaedesigned er bre rime hebgrsas meIassaeeed e pacas. WaKIG Caada R dna pOUierRA BEST NtheRE CIThe Mortgage Centre We work for you, flot the leaders. ,, , , i ,,t M-b, of ih o, s,q , i-, i HEAD OFFICE: 2085 Hurontario Street Suite 202 Mississauga L5A 4G1 905.949-4949 www.mortgagecenltre.com 1

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