Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2007, p. 31

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The Canadiani Champion, Friday Aprit 27, 2007 - 31 The f CM A r uttnf ego Badnch a tofr aHas an immediate opening foi a Hakim Optîcat, a large retait chain iv Massage dpnamic HRIPaprntI Administrafar ta vois their Mil-tf M M tooking far an aggressvatv hrps Cai: 416-8 tas office, (35hrs/wk). Main respanisibilties in- Maat have aone antamatîne knnwledge. Parts ex- enere ca basum sesmnetaagnOlvx frbs at ctude: prscessing bi-weextp paprati & att rstxted N n votaining. This ideat candidate mont have disciplinarp ctîsîc in O eost payrntt tanks, performing att HR fonctîn and ad- pe1iece r xfxrîxffi a minimum oaf 5 years refait experience dnwntawv fforlingtor. Emal:siset minixtration of the benefît ptan. The succensfot Ptxase fax renosur yod drivers abstract ta: and the wtt ingness ta dedicaf fholed tin Plxase fax resamne to candidate wîtt passeso 3-5 yrs of HR/ Paprntt exp. 905-873-1914 Attentin Ton necessany ta becomedefyîvtndi 905-3»30143 or preferabty in a non-profit xnvîrnnment, covpted Oremoîl Io: tvvv@ýgxvnxvwvvcon at aspects f the apticat fietd.cai953-10 SxlDe nos with a post secondarp édacation in Human Re- If yo feel certatn thire ysa hase ihese 1Irl9533-14 N dC ish Pub sonurces. Knnwtedge 0f ADP an asset. Satary quai ficationa please drop off resame tn person ' Ish roub Range: $35- $45K< - ROGERS- ai the Hakim Opicaf tocaied ai 790 Guelph Line Zp(1MVfMý sGo ig Itereaied applicanis should appiy ne laier WIRLESS (ai Fairvlew) Attn: Kim -1 Now hiring for: ihan Frlday May 4, 2007is. A vplourde.cmha@halionhealthworkS.ca or Rogers Wirelesa, Canada's teadîng wiretesa Hospitat, .ok up fa by fax to: 905-693-9183. solce & data communicaions service prosider HMoe.I Medcai, Dent Medicat, Dental $11h +Ok vpeft _________________________ s eektng the toilowing: Fax $t5/h me beefa SALES ASSISTANT FTIPT RETAIL SALES & 905-864-6797 Itegrsfed Transportation Grnup is an Oakvîtte CORPORATE SALES EXECUTIVES based transportationi broker that han been iv Buringan Mitise,, -rWehen Areas business for over t1 i eurs. We are currxntly Are pou an exceptinnalto motînated teamn ptayer' oie e we -ti rIeS o tnokixg for ahîghlp mntivated and confident *Do ynu hans the determinatin & creatîve skîttkao-ý , re c ins A; tsar g1 stop &'On comuncaio sklst eqie diesls assist our sales staff in quatdisig salea leads. Vie Do n ou have the wîltîs offer the succesofut candidate the opporfunifp f0, isformsd of att ptan moke their own work hours. Succeustut candidatea sît This ea a Mon is Fr!, day-lime lob ihai requires envîrosment thaf offero c a commilmeni sf 30 is 35 ftrs per week. neiopmsnt & training, con ResonalilliO6 nctde:bensfîfo wîfh untimited growtl Contact potentiet cuofomers bp tlphone to Pureîu rfith prfrnc icrpr aasse the intereaf thot the oliest mat have iv nur qrud i the preee negt transpertation srvices Intreseucnd idaheîm s s ho Obtaîs contact name and oCher retevant data fo & cover ltner sfafîsg area updais Customer dafabase aoftware miorfxt Key Requirements:emiorfo0 " Excellent commanication akîtts in Engtîsh sales@ifltect " Accurate data entry skiffs or fax 905 " Computer ltfracy in a Windows envirosment Pisase emaîl resume f0: Iniegraied Transportation Grsup, tac. INSIDE 231 Oak Park Blvd, Suits 212 Take our ftephone ordens Oakvitle, ON L6H 7S0 zîse adnsrbosing for our a Emati: careera@ahlp-lig.CO5m oufboand cotd catling. Tr have abilty asd désire fc Positions avaîtabte fuit-tii RECEPTIONIST téléphon voice, Engihha The RCGA is sskisg applicanfa for the posihon of oiovs suad f0 the ahane Hsceptioniaf, reporfing f0 the Homos Resourcea dîvîdats etome. Forward Coordinator BIE HEALTH This position requirs someose 4-5 doa per wesk #3-154 3350 Fairvlew,t working 8:30 - 5:00 The ouccesefot candidate for thîo position wîtt be as esthuoistîc, setf-starter wiîf h oufstasdîsg customer service okitto. [ Ass't Manager Pieuse forward a cover lester asd dstoitsd reoume NOIW bp 5:00 PM EST Frîdap May 4th, 2007 f0: HIRING Rayai Canadian Goff Association P0anp ,any Aitention: Human Resourcea C.,pý.y 0ý,kî,.O Suite 1, 1333 Dorsai Drive, Oakviile, Ontario L6M 4X7 ii~. "' Emafi: jfarreti@rcga.srg; Fax: 9054845-7040 Ass't Manager NO PHONE CALIS PLEASE Manager Manager nrainees Mazketing IJe(Dnbiani (cbampion csoe e.c vopae na caît 905.878.2341 Sales Hulp FTI Sales itelp 416-4002650 A V&À9-1Hfbtp-M&A;snftl WMetroland Media Group Ltd. The Miton Canadtan Champion, a dtvision of Metroiand Media Group Inc,ia oeeking an euperienced INSIDE SALES REPRESENTATIVE The quaiitied candidate wiii be a mofivafed, independent, self-starter mil h previouo felephone safes experience. You miii pososs excelfenf sentiesn and verbaf communication okillo and be famîliar with Microsoft applications. n Ihîs rote, pou miii be cuotomer focused and miii buîld otrong relafionshipO mit h nom cfients by ensurîng ihaf their adveriing needo are met. You miii be goal-onienfed and capable of meeting regular monthly budgefs mvilhin a deadfine focused environseent. If you mould like f0 mork for a leader in the modia înduotry, thio opportunity may be the nîghf one for you. We raffer a competitive compensation package and benefifo as meli as possîbilitieo for fufure career gromth. If inîeresled, please forward your resume no lter Ihan May 15, 200710o: Wendyf McNab, Advertisiflg Director Wmcnab milolaldalh PînO We appreciate the înterest of ail apptîcanta hnwever onty thos selected for an interview will be contact ed. No phone catis or agencies please. s & promotions? 1 loin a resta focusd ingoiso professioiiat de- petitime compensations & h oppnrfastp. ifs sates expérience ix- tn fo those with a back- :ry. otd sabmif their resome & position reqoestsd bp vireless.coml -637-7349 SALES from oar niationl maga- esiors heatth producf. No aîsîsg prooided but must iencel and be prnmofed. ne, Mosdap-Friday. Good nd msmorp akîtto a must. yand gsnsrouo commis- average sarnns. Older sn- resame and lters f0: PRODUCTS Budnigtsn, ON L7N 315 hm ReSae s H ep JOIN OUR RETAIL TEAM Now hiring Dell & Customer Service staff, Summer students Apply in person vvith resume R. Denninger Limited 699 Guelph Line, Burlington NOW HIRING... PARTTIME SALES ASSOCIATE(S) join a greai team and work in an ever changing family owned/ operated home furnishing store. Some sales ex- perience is an asset. Appty et: Fred's Furniture and Home Decor 1881 Fairvlew Street (ait Brant) or Fax (905)639-3550 mm miimma Ask Us Ab Wîfh dpînneerîng spirit and unique focus os perosat empnwermenf, Saint Elizabeth Health Cote pronîdeo home and communifp heath cane oervices fhroughoxf Onfario, detîvening tbrex million oisifs annuat p. Named ose nif the 50 Boit Empiayors in Caaada, ao el as ose of fhe Beof Places f0 work in Canada, we offer a fleoible, ouppontine and amazîng work envîrosment. The fotlowiog otîporfunifixa are anailabte in Haltta liegion trcludîog: Dakeilie, Mito, Burtîngian aad Georgetawn area: RNs and RPNs - $2,000 Sign-on Bonus! rau-lime & Pari-lime - Day, eseniag and aighi shiffs (Visiiiag & Shoift Pragramsi We wetcome exporieaced prafessionai aarses & 0w graduaies. Wo offer: Flexible scheduiag - 24-hoar ctinicat sapport Extensive paid orieatatiaon - Precepiarship prograre ,Edacaiaa barsaries - Online toaroing Subsidized RNAOIRPNAO memborship Groap Scoofit IL Pension Plans Pîxoox fnimand pour résume f0 Humas Osources af. Fao: 1-877-619-5140 * E-mal hreonceo@sOinteizaheh.om Websiie: www.sainfelizabeth.comv !RonONBMT HEALTH CARE cAes TC SE AAIED ;j(WH*-4¶e"N aod BARTENDERS aii train) 31-0677 905-702-8824 îourast@beiset ca Hase the lime ot your lite ihis samment Ware accepiing applicaios for the foiiowilg: * SERVERS, (Enna's & Water St.) * HOSTS* * COOKS* appt y in persns sufl ~'w w vr Emma's Backporch 1I~vIlF 2084 Otd Lakeshore Rd. Hm y Wdilenm? EXPERIENCED CIIIIIIIIII no haRd Servers, cooks da*f Wanted itlWea"d"euqoem for escîtîng n5w restauranti conceptinv West Oxtivitte. CHALET Emnait Resume RESTAURANT 800yl0r234@ requires: Potentialto xrow wîfh Part-time/Fxl Tise comsanv Waîtress 12 (noon) ta pm Line Cookl Cali: Grill Person 905-878-3632 Nick or Diane BECCOFINO FINE DINING Lakeshorel Trafalgar seeks esperienceit motivated perses. The Firehali Hiring 905-339-7646 Full-imo - Waiistaff - Lino Cooka Sous Chef ~ assfid"u' A py In Person or Mndyt ra F ax 905-827-2 2026 t 7ri doug@ihetlrehai ca 9 arn to 5 pm RN- CA5UAL PART-TIME Innormar Strategies mnc. la isoking for RNa wiih IVtM & SC exp. for cilaica and homo base irealimenis. Candidates ahoaid be wiiting la iravet. For more information or to apply, email: ktayal@innomar-strateges.com U Wilc eprenerred mmedattPU Pot fme for bnsp dental ofhice. SAbs denv an assit Faso x set59-853-0762 1 m Gevrgetown Off ice IPlnove fax resumes to oui...1 work6pJjs 78-2341 Âe -2m

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