The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2007 - A21 Nf - GRAHAM PAINE ICANADIAN CHAMPION CATCH 0F THE DAY. Haiton Sportsmen Associations fishing derby charman Carlo Nonis gives eight-year-aid Jordan Currie a sneak peek of the size of rainbowv trout that wîii be availabie to the young angiers tomnorrow morning at the annuai Kîds' Fishing Derby at Miii Pond. The association once again stocked the pond with 1,000 rainbow trout of ail sizes. & tue FamnP AJIne 345 Steeles Ave. E., Milton e 905.878.8161 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK FREE YOU'RE INVITEDI ADMISSION courtesy of (B. ggow hy 16 ù"ý wMbâ kwien 1