The Canadian Chamnpion, Friday, April 27, 20)07 - Al19 Çr~p ~~ptd iropr' ~trP Awards support efforts of youths from SHOPPING on page Al local resîdent Bill Walker [rom the Bronte Meaclows area, speakîng on behaîf of himsell and bis neighbouts. le said îhey're in lavour of the development, noting the southwest quadrant of town needs a fuît-serve groceiy store. \alker also poiîîted out that wîth the housing developmrent planned tor- thre wcst end, it makes sense to cltîifinatc îralfic traveling across towti to sirop. Cîsuncîl members ihen wenî on to express thcîr tbottghts on tire proposaI. Ward.s 2 and 4 C oticillor C olin Besi expressed concerni about the tact tire town is rapiclly runnîng out of serviced employment land, wliîch is whaî the First Capital site is desîgnated for. Popie who lîve bere have to work outside the comînunity.' lie noted. "I think we're selling ourselves short.' But WVard 3 Councillorjan Mowbray argued the preferred place for employ- ment uses is arouind the 400-senies highways. S8e said she stupports the Officiai Plan amendiment because sine has heard people say thev want a gro- cery store on the wesî side oil îcwn. Ward 4 C.ourncillor Paul Scherer said 8e thinks the development would affect downtown busînesses and create traffîc congestion ii tire Derry RoadlBronie Street area. Eellow Ward 4 ( 'ouncillor Wencly Schau concurrecl ihat the retaîl centre woulcl bave a cletrîmental affect on the central business area. On tIse flip side, Ward 3 Comcillot Ciîmdy I tnan said shte leels the devel- oinent coolcî îc tually bclp anchor th( town's core, since the downtown area doesn't olfer a food store but First Capital would. "I believe this is actual- ly soiething that will serve the dlown- town. We can't afford to have tire pop- ulation drive ont of town loi one more day than necessary (to shop)." Wards 1 and 3 Councillor Barry I c shared similar sentiments, noting a shopping centre in the west end could gel more ol the rural commuiiy into town to shop, in turn helping the downtown stores. When ihe vote was called, I c, I uinau and Mowbray lavoui cd the development white Scherer, Ward i Councîllor Brian Peninan. Ward 2 Counicillor Mike Boughton, Schau, Best and Mayor Gord Krantz voted agaînst Councîl went on to approve an officiai Plan amendment regarding the Town's retail commercial demand study, which recommends where new shopping space sbould and shotildn't be located in Milton. The study - along wîth Town staff' - recommended against accommodat- ing First Capitals proposai, but it was pursued further and reacbed Monday night's meeting based on the direction of the previous counicil. The amendment makes way lor sev- eral developments, încludîng an expan- sion of the Crossroads Shopping Centre and a commercial developmnent in Milton Heîghts near the corner of Third Sideroad and the realigned Tremaîne *Road. Melanic Hennessis tan te t',ai lid tir c?, eînei-s4yani li oicanadiiamlhtn 1111 ion HAYWARD Pool Produt Vantyghem, Voanda Fernandes, jessica Fermo and lames Denby of Guardian Angels Catholic School, Milton Fach of the recîpients earned $500 for bts or ber respective schools. Award ',ul)tlssions were based on 500-800 word essays and testornonials and weîe judged by a sub-commiitee of the Chairs Round Table On The lnsqironmnent, a workîng gronîs comiprised of indix iduals Iroin the corptirate and community sectors. "The IliaIton environimental awards pi ogram is designed to encourage and support the efforts ronment, said Regional (hanr Gary Carr. lIogeiher by preserving and enhancing our envtronment we can truly make a difference t0 make Halton a great green and natural place to lîve."1 [he Chaîrmans Breakfast on the Fnvironment is supported by Bell Canada through the Bell (ommurnty Development Fund and presented in partnership with the TD Frientîs of tire Environment Fouindation. Melatnîe Hetitsesse-v can be reached at mhctn ticsscv8a-miltoîîî anadîanichampî MI Place items at curb by 7:00 a.m. on your designated bulk collection day. Check the map for your corresponding collection zone. Items wili be collected on the day designated for your zone. Bulk Waste Collection Note: Collection boundaries have changed. Please confirm which zone you are tn. Zone 5 Wednesday, May 2 Zone 6 Wednesday, May 9 Zone 1 Wednesday, May 16 Zone 2 Wednesday, May 30 Zone 3 Wednesday, June 6 Zone 4 Wednesday, June 13 The following materials will NOT be collected: " Automobile Parts* " Propane Tanks " Tires " Building and Demolition Debris " Concrete and Bricks " Household Hazardous Waste " Cardboard Boxes " Tree Branches " Tree Stumps5** " Soit and Rocks These items may be disposed of at Halton's Waste Management Site (HWMS), 5400 Regional Road 25, Milton. Open Monday Saturday 8:00 arn. - 4:30 p.m. *0niy small non-h 1zaidous autoinolîle plirts cals be accepli d ai the HvVMS - n~ sinal tree siuîiips, uisder 30 (in 1 Ot fin a diameter cais W, acepied ai the HW\MSý Metal & Appliance Cali-in Collection Service Metal items and appliances wiIl ONLY be collected on a calli-m basis, and therefore wiIl not be collected on your scbeduled Bulk Collection day. To receive collectiion, please cali Halton Region Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at 905-825-6000 or Toil free 1-866-4HALTON (1-866-442-5866) UVY: 905-827-9833 Metal items and ipp1ians,'- idude refrigerators, freezers, clishwvashers, sissus, vvashers, dryers, metal furnitiire, brîoke-ii 'ioi swing sets, etc. Please ensure the doors are renioved for il '.. 51Bot RaOk ii,01ai -MU Te:9585600eTi se l864HL0 * TT: 95-87081 c