A18 The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprît 27, 2007 ~~tam ~1-1nc' ThirdrInh2içÇ' 300rovedb 0~ I - , d and ReI 01 More homes arc on the way in the west end o[ Milton now thai town council hias given the go-abead 10 the third phase of a Mattamy Homes subdivision. At its meeting Monday nighî. counicil approved rezonîng a section of Mattamys land necar the southeast corner of Derry and Tremaine roads to make way for 371 more 138 îownhouses. Although 2,216 homes have been pro- posed for the overall property -_ of whîch 670 have atready been approved hy council - waîer and wastewater capacity lias only been seeured for an additional 371 unîtS ai this lime through an agreement wiih the also passed a motion asking the Region and Ministry or Transportation to aceelerate the planning and budgetirig foi the HwY 401 interchange planned for Tremaine Road. ELECTRO'-LYSIS wct CI -LASER CENTRE Spal mtio Ma 5 2:30 m 4pm Speicl romtins Botox & Filler Demos, and Much More.. SB ElectrolYsis 's pleased and excited 10 announce tbe Grand Opening of our new location._______ SB Electrolysis was tounded 3 years ago by ina Del papa - an energetic, vivacious young business woman wbO is very committed 10 the world of Aestbetics. lina started ber career in the dental V--v field where she worked forleng2 years. in search of morechleg she pursued an education in Medical Aesthetics, Electrolysis and d Laser Technologies, and bas neyer looked back. Along witb ber hîghly trained Tecbnicians, ivone, Franca and Sondra, lina is proud 10 bave on board Dr. Cynthia Blair and Dr. witb a special interest in womens health for the past 17 years. She has an extremely high level Of dedication to her work and it gives her great satisfaction 10, be able to bring pleasirig resufts 10 ber clients witb tbe latest in cosmetic medical techniques. For tbe past 7 years, Dr. Tadros bas exteniied bis practice to develop a formidable reputation as a oertified and skilled cosmetic injectiorlist. SB Electrolysis is proud 10 offer you a complete range of Medi-Spa services including: permanent Hair Removal, Pbotoreluvenation, Skin Tag, Wart & Mole Removal, Ion Detox Cleanse, Microdermabrasion & Peels, Sclerotherapy, Botox & Fîflers, Face Tbread Lifting and Lipo Body Çontouning. changing world of Aestetics, SB promises 10 deliver the Most advanced and non-invasive prooedures! We ook ioeward to selng you t Our Grand Openingi i I w I GIFT CARDS avoalcble for cil services WWW. sbelectrolySi s. c 'g 400 Bronte Street S. Suite # 107, Milton 905.876.1711 ANNUAL POP»A.BALLOOJN ANNIVERSARY E VENT! Guelph Une bricigte repairs pushed Bridge currently has traffic squeezing through dangerousY ndlTow three-lane Passage ht looks like town council's w'sh for the Province te hurry up and fix the Guelph Line bridge at the Hwy 401 tuterchange is going to be fulhilied. According wo Town staff, the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) is advanciflg the tîmetine On the improve- ments at has planned for tie area around the interchange to this year. The work actually wasn't stated to happen uantîl somnetinie beîween 2008 and 2010, but a report from Town Engincening Services Director Paul jcripps said ail property matcrs related to the projeci aie advancing ven, quick- improveifents for 2007. 1ar e \Wirds 1 antd 3 C ounicillortary1e deemed the timing change as a ~o news stoiY- duîing MonldaY nîgbt's countcil session. (-ulil r lie, along witb \Vard 3 __utilr jan Mowbray and Cindy 1. unatu, ton- graîulated and ihanked Town staUt for îakîng the matter qoiiYto the MTO to be deait wîîb. The $2.5-million projet will sec the bridge - whith currenily bas tratfîc squeezing through a daiigeiouýlY nai- row tlîree-lanc passage - turne0 i010 a two-jane roadway and lîghts installe0 at t . uy intersection of RZeîd',doa and Guelph 1- me. [Fli work l1 ,i lso entail î-noving the carpool lot antd i tlocaiiitiýg thtc attess point t0 one of the 401 easibotind on- linips Io Rid sidcioad, since the bridgeý s ibrd lane is thle curretit at tCSs. point. A\ lenic loi tlut inipi ovs'tiUtl, ÎS Ioit t u i ss lSiltt iin an .id the lîîssi ,iitittpi tS t (151 t 11101 ssii be (,t tuitiait otilt bs tutc eti o!l tilts