The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 27, 2007 - A15 Hydro One asked to keepi property owners in mmnd Region wary of projects cffect on residct The Regmon is urgîng 1 ly dru Oue mo bave the ummost consîderauion hor local property owniers when negotiating for the land needed mu conistruet ils pro- posed niew 500-kihovolt transmission fine. A motion to that effeet was passed by regional counicil last week regardîng the $600-million fine that the utîlitv plans mu build between the Bruce power facility and its Milton switcbing station, spanniug about 180 kilometres. Hydro, Oue wants to widen the existing corridor and construet the new fiue atong the nortb and east side to, avoid the need to establish a new rigbm- of-way The company reports that nigbts to an additional 53 to 61 metres of hand adjacent to the corridor will be required. Hydro One will bave to obtain additional easemnent nigbîs and, in a imited nuinher of cases, purebase properties. At the planniîng and public works committee meeting. Halton Hilîs Mayor Rick B3onnette empbiasizect the impact the fine will have. HIe said os er 66 landowneî s svill be aflected -Iargely ut Hialton Hills, but witb a sinall handtul n Milton. "One or two may lose tbecir bouse,- lie said. HIe noted it also looks like soome woodlots mnay hc lost, along wmth eigbî acres of agricultural land. The motiun approved hy council as"s Regional Chair Gary (Yarr to write to H-ydro One urging it mu undertake future negotiattons witb property own- ers lu a [air, transparent and generous manner. It also directs regional staff mu be engaged in the environnmental assess- ment process for the projeet, report back mu committee when necessary and ensure pertinent information is posted at A recent press rehease [rom Hydro One stated the companry will work to ensure concernis raised by everyone împacted by the project are managed in a fair and responsible manner. 'ýRedcing2 sizes in 5 weeks bas neyer been this easy.. sP WEIGHT MANAGEMENT " Registered Nutrîtional Consultant on staff " Lose weight eating real food " Lose 3-7lbs a week * Focusing on a litestyle change ELECTRO-MUSCLE TONING TREATMENTS " Compliments any cardiovascular programi " Reduce 12 ta 30 inches in 5 weeks " Condense 9 hours of exercise into 40 minutes " Targets hard ta tone areas 150TARI .S. UNI 18 907528 ww.oevryil.o