Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 27 Apr 2007, p. 14

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A14 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, Aprîl 27, 2007 Town to run arena concessions Town Hall expansion funds under Town ownership - at least for the time being. A two-year pilot prolect where the municipality wîtl take over the con- cessions from the private companry currently running them was approved by town council Monday night. A plan prepared by staff for the pilot indicates havîng Town-operaîed concessions will allow for more con- trot over operatians, improved cus- tomer response time and fair revenue targets. the nexi few niontbs. Following that, the concessions at the Milton Sports Centre, I eisure Centre and Memonal Arena will re- open under Town management in August and at the John tondli Sports (entre in Octoher. After the two-year pilot, staff wîll evaluate the resuits and make recom- mendations on whether the Town should continue running the conces- sions or once again use a private com- panry. [ "Thnk Yo Mlon fo 30 14'oidiilYa Anthony l'or ibe lasi 30 years, Anthony of 1Icady 's I-laircntting Partour has proudty sers'cd the coîmnunity ai Nhilion ai bis bair salon loeated in Milion NIaIt. t)tring ibis tinte, be bas bad tbe bonotir and prisilege of servicing bis loyal clients and is ould lîke ta take, ibis beari fclt opportnniiy, îo tbank ibe people cf \litton lorthieir support. lit \lay af 2006, Aîilîony g-ave ilp ownership cI the salait bt coîîîîîîtîed ta wsork as a stylisti Going lorvard, Aniboîîy is ctirrcitly %varking ai \anu'Niqtie ltar t)esi.ai aI" Hlopedale NIail in Oakville. Fýor ibose aI' yatî isba would lîke ta continue ta visit Anthony, please call 90.5-82-5-1977 ia bock an appaîntinent. qranteCie pruject uide udA Work expected to be complete ùyfall 2008 CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF The Town dîshed ont $1 5.2 million this week ta buîld the mucb dîscussed 'Town Hall expansion. Councîl approved awardîng thec construction tender at its meeting Monday eveniiîg lor tbe projeet thats going to sec a 50,000-square-lotît, iwo-storey addition put auto the bistoric building. The old and new buildings wîll be connected wîîb a glass ballway that bas been designat- cd for a 'Watk of Fame' - floor tiles dedicated to Miltons top citizeits. Thbe tact fice expansiont lîrtîl cct came iii about $1 .4 million under budget was applaudied by' Ward 4 C ouncillor Paut Scbcrer, siba notcd fice savings is -gooct tnews for everybodct) Director jennifer Reynolds told the Champion the funds ili be lefi wîtbîn the projects overaîl $24.2-mitlion budget. ",We stilt bave other require- meni.s for the project," she said, sncb as fumîiture, office equip- ment and a securîiy systemt. The Town aist, managed ta secure $5 10,000 i provincial grant lunding for the initiative - money that wîtl be used to ensure flie expansion is a green' building that complies with Lt Pt (L eadership in Fnergy and Fnvironmentat Design) cer- tification standards. Il tbe Town is successful tbrough fie t FFD process, il wîtl mnake tbe Town Hall expan- sion fie lîrst municipal con- strtuction prolect ta obtain fice certification. \Vard 2 f auncillor Mike flougion biigbliglhtcd flic aoert ofs tree yas to reaoc orthe rojet tener stoage. t hen iloec wasen ustagtemen dons effort on everybodys part," he said. A report troîn Reynolds to counicil explained the next steps in the expansion process, which include a sod-turning event, conîtinuation of public commu- nications and the installation of large plywood boards around the construction site for dust and noise conîrol. A contest will be held for kids to paint scenes on the plywood that depiet Mittons past, wbîch ties in with 2007 beîng the Town's 1 50tb anniversary. The expansion is expected ta be ready lor occupanicy by laIt 2008. Melanie Hcîiicsscv tan b ictachcd at inlic?încssev(iASiili ADVERTORIAL Sobeyvs Celebrates its 1OO" Birthday! Annîversary Celebrations Nationwide In the panîheot tif Canadian hisiory, Camipanyon rfacie oeta iiis a litile knowîî faci iiai i1907 marks the i,300 strs elilyigmoeta bîrîh cf a Canadian companv deeply rani- 75,000 peopl inal1 prvne udr ed in Atlantic ('anada, and a presence retaîl banners thai includc Sobcys, IG.A, naîionwide. Poodland and Frite Chopper. la 1905, J.W. Sobey, bis wîfe Plifa and "As Soheys cointinues iii grow andî their young son Frank miived ta Stellarion expaîîd. onetîhing doesni chanige -itur Nova Scatia where in 1907, I.WQ. sîarîed a iime-iesit'd approachi ta serviifg otîr citi meat delivery business. Wîîlî a horese- tomners," sîvi Craig (alpin, Presidet drawîî meai tari, hc purcliased and col- Opetatis fite Sobtys O)ntario Region. lected livestot.k from local farmers for -We are a diversified fotit distrihuitir resale. taiimiited tî grîîwîl ini tII ea.h mîarket wc' serve bv ctinsisieiîilv exceediiig tîtr At age 16, Frank enrîsliet ini a business tusit(itittes expettions ibrsugli tIse college where lie leirned practical slls sireti o tf our dedîcîtecl enîpliiyec. ur such as rypîîîg, ,cuittiuing and itie valut suttess lies iii 1(00 yeits tif stiperior titi of perceniages thai carried huit îlîrrugh- tout c service. excellenit prtidt varicti oui his life as one tif Cansadas, motsc antd ciipetitiie ipt'riaits." cessful enîtrepre'neurs. Ini 1924, F'rank These basic cioncepts htive liten pirt of' Sobey persuaded lis (ailier ta0 expand rte th h a oesla ocbsns o h family business front meat and a few local is e0 av res iAsd drtie br tîsîei re ihe veealita a full fine of groceries. pat10ersAnîhyreheae vegetablestlrough every aspect of Solîeys' business The moderîn Sobeys grocery clîdin was îaday. Fromt stes ta dlistribution centres boni.ta the head office, îhey filter ilîrougs boro.every level of the cîîmpany ta an effort ta, Membrs o th Soby failyail on- offer uts wîde cusionier base a rewardîng îribuîed iii santie way ta the store in uts sopn xein early days, but it was Frank's ideas and "We are incredibly protîd ta be cele' dedicatiait thgt launched the small fanîily brîîîng 100 years af operatîn and aur business ino the national gracery retailer success is testanient iii the dedîcatan tif thati t is today. aIl of the emplîîyees whlî have served aur costomers over the (irsi ceîîîury," says Today, Sobtys is stl headquartered in Gilpin. "We îhaîîk aur employees and Stellarton, Nova Scatia wîîh aperations cusiomers, bath pasi and presenit, for atroîs the country. The company s Wtil heling create a Canadian suecess sîary esîablished as a leading national grocery and we look forward ta oc nexi 100 retailer and food disîributor, Tht years in business."

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