The Canadian Champion, Frîday, Apri 27, 2007 A1 3 EFW opponents have say at meeting CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A residents'grnup strongly on favour of the Regioiss GreenCari program but opposed to the paîtentiai eneigy-irom- Ivaste (EI'W) faciity came ouiIoi spread ils word at a receni public onior- mnatin meeing. Tise sesston at the Miltoon Spoîrts ('enotre largeiy lincusc! on gaîherîtsg rit izens' ioput on the GrcenCart ouitiative, wich coilects household food waste foîr coonposting and is currenîiv beîîîg piioted in certaitn areas of Haiton. But Barbara Halsail sf Proteci Our \Water anci Ens iroîsinentai Resasuoces (POWL,'R) aosd Miltons resident Caria Biasutto, who's lookiisg to start a Milton-bascd enviroomental group, used the opportunity to liaîd ont Byers that dlaim technologies lîke the ones the Region couid use in its proposed EPsV facilîîy are "incinerators in dis- guise."- Aci'nrding to Halton îhough. EFW plants are not the isseineraîvon plants of old, but rather facilsîves that use advanced thernmal technologies that produce sale. dlean and renewable ener Haisali, there are plenty of other alternatives. "If we do a lot of waste 7reduction, we don't need one," sie said. She noted that shes also in favour of expanding the GreenCart program, and Biasutti shared similar sentiments. "We want to make sure tise GreenCart is impiemented region- wtde,' Biasutti said. t Several other residents the werc aiso n las oui ni tihe ieenC 'ait initiative, like Miltoriiaîîs Jion andi Shirley Steeves. In additoon, tihe couple said they'd like to sec the Region swth to hi-weekiy garbage pick-up ,and weekly Bluve Box colliection "it makes a ton afl sense in me," ions said. "I îhînk uts a very smart i.ilca. i-eltn Milton residetît Lasa Vanderviet saîd she'd also preico hav- îng Bilte Box pick-up each week and .a region-w% ide (veiCeî(art pi sgrain. Andi ai this posint, she said she dcss n't ihink the LI-\ osption shouid lie niied oui cither. But îlot ex erysone ns atiîendance was iin favotir ci tise (vreeis( 'ri, lîke local resîdeoso Gar-y Eluis, who continues to coîsîend tise cost of the program wiii far ouîweogh any benefits. -I don't sec that we're gosng to save tise pianet hy separaîîng our garbage (into the GreenlZart)," he said. He said he'd hike to sec the Regoon continue tsi pursue the EFW option. "I thonk the economics wiil prove that's the way to go," he said. A business case on the EFW propoîs- ai wvli go hefore the Regions planning and publie works comnsittee May 23. Resuits from the publie information centres held on the GreenCart wili also be on the agenda that day The commit- tee wili then consider regoon-wide implementation of the programn at its J une 13 meetsng. The GreenCart prasgram has been piloted for a year in over 5,000 homes throughout I-lton. Alter one year, the initiative has diverted 721,350 pounds Saisi lie mV ~lsPod Sat raêqxready, iPd i USBport Leeym OEM M* 0frt iaWec Ond -aie ui gaaMWdwon t4 fkactyrdio ad 0w art Whu=etc, fmi atafterado, SB tIunibJ*h' ýM RI¶/ CD AM/ FM/ C$/ MP3 AMI M1 tuV Mri-t Uao Front AU»X/ %~b Contrai Front ALD</ %ab Control Sat ready /Iipod ready Sat ready Tri pl e pro-out /////,AL PI1NE KENWOOD 5q AJ SE , 90 '88-95 547 Main St. E#4,Mlo 53 Du-t Cree, $39499 Ange[ Lyos: Royal Lîpîgi Meadowtown. 905-78l8101 757 tdwards Cm, $251900 lilty Irgi. Rimax liai Istate Cetue, 905-878-7V77 29N Moilii Cme, 136,981 Via Cosenlino, Vînture Pirk Riai late 41t 822-0148 1071 ilaag 937,981 Andrîs Casait, Min Com Solutions, 905-812-110t 84 Maiev Lame, 9281,900 Voit Hliîgs> Ptdettia Town Reaity, 905-878-9100 357 Spmai St, $429,900 MîtMais Reaty, 416-264-1111 6190 15th Sie Roavi, $841,900 thetisa Keates, leiax Real tîtae Centte 905-87877V77 Barbara Croate loyal Lepagi Medoowini, e05-878-107 1153 Davis Lam, $294,9N0 toma Stan PtVentai toast Beatty 905-878-9100 258 Caves Coui, $1S99900 Lityd Moore, limas Rl Etatît Centte. 905-878-7777 $23-7385 Ma9gistrale Tenac Bais îirng limas liai tstalle Cfloti 9Q5 878-7 i 757 Easards Cres, $282.990 litty Inge liRmai Rles late Centre 905-878-77i 53 Dawson Cre, 926,981 Pat Hîrmîiston. Royal Lepage Mehadoatoane. 905-878-8177 11726 Diublin Lii, ACTON Kim Couitit, Royal Lepige Meadoittowne, 905-87l81t1 1233 Newe8 $i4h99 Krystsna iVîîtowski/Mia Siastysiak, Go West leiity. 905338-3511t 380 Mlabéo Cres, $M6,900 Vît: Cosîntînt Veturte Pars Reai Estate 416-8220148 859 liînmpson Rd., S $319,5W1 tebta tait, Royal Lepige Miidowtowne, 905-878-8701 Thse MinMaxx Reç*t Inc. Mver$isement on Page C5 in today's Million Champion reads "393 Sproat St. for sale for $429.90." fttshoukihave read: 357 Sproat St. We appologrize for any inoenvenenoe ftiis mght have caused 1 i 1 mi 8:1 1 ý: equis aient to O I400 bags oi gaibhage. The expansion oi the GreenC ,art program is identi[ied as a componenh in tihe 2006-2010 Soid Waste Management Strategy t0 hieip achieve 60 per cent diversion o[ waste from the iandtii, therebN extending tihe file ni the Regions iandfii site. According to the Region, i wouid rosi about $6) million per year bo have a i iaiion-wide (ireen( an prograîn. iFor nmore information violt %ýwvwhai- mitianiei 6eiîîs'ss- y (ar i i atleai ti WAL-MART CORRECTION NOTICE D)ue ho cirs.umstances beyond our a.onlroi, the Sanyo 42-inch HD-Ready Plasma TV (e563636) advertisea ian our ncurent flyer (expiring April 27th) wiii not be availabie. We apo)logize for ans iniioiùlence this 7iiais have cased. Speaialing un Stoînitk, Water leatures and Outdoaie LivMing IN1ERLOCKING STONE WATER FEATURES Patio' and WaIkwayv5 Ero-Fne, sdly Ponds DsuvýY's PodIsWterfaII Rntv,,ss W.11, Stviiis & B,,5blrs LANDSCAPING GARDEN STRUCTURES C. netODes5in Cusom PergoIa's Natiial Stone Witt Pt,,t s,ee.t Fvýgstone c ust Diecs Lissai: Lt,n9ti aý-Y-.t,,,osd 6r,-d SpSSO 1-1' 905-208-1732 *Oser 120 Iuried crafts people In the Great Gambrel Barn, The Aberfoyle Town Hall and Indisidual Exhibilor lents * Handmade quality * Superior workmanship * Great guif ideas for Mom * Country decorating at if's best * Live enierlainmrrent * Beautiful Spring location * Food Asailable Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. 4 p.m. Aduits $5-00 Children Under 12 MIE Paffg FME ICOUNTRY HERITAGE PARK 8560 Tremaine Road, Milton, ON Cali 905.,878#8151 1je W IlV lai ù1 11 Grand I '2FRFREE iFR BUCKET CARD: ($50 VALUE) Upovi presentation of this coupon. Good for 2007 season. 16-- -- -- -- -- -- - Visit our webslte: w/ 7801 #5 Side Road (300 yards West of HWY 25) Mil11ton 905.878.3290 Haours: OaIIy 9:00 amn till dusk A R efesmet 28,200 b7 ava.uilable .m No fishing licence is required for bildren Remnember to register at the booth and you will receive a refreshment coupon. M\ill) 15 t i ttri 1)( s iotke i th Rttiii)<>tt irotaf!! %1,11 Pi'îiî,sd ,îi% loioacdt ileîc d,, \iiiotî Mali ,t,,5, 7.ý1 nofiî li1rc i lii il,,:o The Milton Far Icu SHdW