MILTON PUBLIC UB8RÂR' Milton's Community Newspaper Since 1860 eenFdtO N EW S Race on to save enviroflmeflt s P oR TS A&8 E Madd Dawgs clinch Budding jewelry Ontario titie artist sparkles .18 Jaîî4rir 'te. ww.ftoncanirichaplpon.coim Shopping Centre bld gets rejected GRAHAM PAINE I CANADIAN CHAMPION VACANT HOUSE BURNS: Halton Hilis firefighters spray a wvater/foam mix on a vacant Fifth Lîne and Steeles Avenue farmnhouse affer a blaze broke out Tuesday evening.The f ire, which started at about 7, gutted the vacant home and temporarîly closed Fifth LUne. See story on page A9. Councilý deislu' Di met favourably b By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF ce tr Town council receîved a round of applause Monday evenîng after îurnîng w down a shopping centre proposed for the northwest corner of Brunie Street and Denry Road.1 In a 6-3 vote, council said no to making an Official Plan amendment for First Capital's development that would've contained a Soheys store and c commercial, retaîl and restaurant usesC on the west-end property A group of resîdenis and local devel- opers have long heen opposîng the plans. Council heard frorn îhem, along wîîh people who lavour the project. ai its session ihis wcek hefore votîng the proposaI down. Maggie Lîzzî of l a Rose Bakery on Bronie Street said shc ihinks the devel- opment wotildn'i gîvc people who are new to town a fair chance to corne and explore her family husiness. "l'm not in favour of ihis project," she said. "I also thînk it would impact the (husiness) peuple on Main Street." Developer defends plans But First Capital's representative Patrick Devine pointed to a market impact stucly that said the developmcni won't have a negative impact on the planned function of the central husi- ness district. He urged council to adopt the Official Plan amendment for the First Capital site. Marla Marnoch of the Bronte Meadows Neighhourhood Group also spoke 10 council tu once again ask for them n î um down the development. "The First Capital location is inap- strict Hospital and a fire station are th ncarhy. 'Ohviously the necd for iick access of emergency vehicles has he considered." lu addition, she argued the shopping ntre would cause 'congestion and affic chaos" along Derry Road. Also speaking againsi the proposai 'as lawyer Gerald Swinkin on hehaîf of lanaman Inc., which owns nearhy ropcriy ai thc corner of Firsi Line and ouis St. Laurent and intends to, huild a ommercial developmnent there. Like last time he appeared hefore ouncil, he suggested Firsi Capital hange ats name to 'First Cannonhali', înce hc thinks the proposai will hlow a hole in the commercial plans already nade for the iown. Wrapping up the delegations was see SOME on page A19 Inside Today's Champion OPINION AIS CLASSIFIED A26 DATELINE C2 REAL ESTATE C5 www.msltoncanadiancharpion. com www.miltontoYotaCOm ww.gorrudsautgfOUP.COM