A6 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, Aprit 24, 2007 OPIIO1N ls your child a cyber bully or the member of a fight club? Or perhaps he/she is the victim of this technology-driven, sick form of entertainment among some of today's youth. While we tbink its great news that Halton police are teaming up with the regions two publicly- funded sehool boards to combat cyber bullying activity, theres a third party that needs to be part of the solution - the parent. Halton police report that acis ofcber bullying - often involv- in mviciously violent attacks on mts-are ben eoddwith videophones and posted on the popular site YoluTube witb. greater frequency While some of tItis disturbing footage involves fight clubs - groups thatgatber to engage in so-called consentual fighting - police note tbat thîs kind of activ- ity is illegal as soon as anyone is seriously injured. While some of these planned lights are taking place on school property, at least one Hahton police is aware of was hosted in tbe backyard of a north Oakville residence. For this reason, parents need to be an active part of uncovening suspected incidents of cyber bul- lying and fighit club activity As Halton schools become more aware of student abuse of computer equipment to post tbese disturbing video images online, s0 100 must parents become proactive in tbeir moni- toring of celîphone and bome computer use. If left uncbecked, incidents of cyber bullying bave tbe potential to escalate to a lethal outcome. By either taking away or, at least, monitoring the use of tecb- nology that makes cyber bullying possible, we may be able to, pre- vent such a tragedy Let'rs work to keep Milton clean DEAR EDITOR: Over the next few weeks, good citizens of ail ages, in communities across the coun- try, will be out in their neigh- bourhoods cleaning up debris. Miltonians bave been join- ing in the dlean-up for many years. Tbeyve also been belpi- ing their more senior neigh- bours with yard work. Some bave climbed into the cold streams to pull out shopping carts, bicycles and many other large items tbat have found their way into the water. Our attractive country roads are made dlean again by tbose in tbe rural areas. How lucky we are to have aIl those good people who want toi volunteer their help. Wby do we stili pollute our beautiful world when we know better? Let us now thînk twice before tbrowing that cup out the car window Lets speak wtth our families about how we can ail manage our dis- carded fast food containers so tbey don't end up as litter for others to, pick up. We lîve between E.C. Drury High School and Milton District Higb Sehool. For some years the Town bas pro- vided a canI footbridge, I. on our trai would hope dlean-up, th bottles and haven't madi tainer will into it. Students ters to the parents do, give our you future a pep It is not e Carr wiII make a good additiont DEAR EDITOR: Halton Regional Chair Gary Carr will be a good addition to the Greater Toronto Transportation Authoritys board of directors. Hopefully there can be some improvements made in the systemt with quality people such as be. I also hope the figures quoted in the March 30 Champion are not correct. For if two mil- lion vebicies carry 518 millis annually, that means each bu sengers trips in a year. Why? that much easily, and probabi AIl the best to Carr. Let': cani integrate the whoie syste user friendly Incorrect website address given in Fric A website address included in a Fniday letter was inadver- tantly missing a few charac- ters. The letter - entitled ýTowns proposal for renaming streets is extremely concern- ing' - stated a petîtion against the Towns plan to rename a number of streets could be viewed on a recently- established website. The address is line.com/or The Ch: error, as we ience it mal for garbage at the îsed by students $EEMS LIKE FoMVR Support for walk much appreciated that alter the' DEAN EDITOR: îe litter, broken I Nwoulld like to take this opportunity other items that toi tharîk staff at Vanier Centre and e it into the con- Maplehurst. for actively helping me get now be directed dloser to my fundraising goal for the upcomning Weekend to End Breast Cancer, in support of Pnincess Margaret may not read let- Hospital. editor, but their Tbey recently beld fundraisers, and it is tîme to including a well-attended lurîcheon on ng cîtîzens of the March 22. The events have raised olver talk. $1,180 to, help get me closer to, my per- ool to pollute. sonal goal for the 60kmi walk. ANNE PTOLEMY A third-year veteran of thse event, 1 MILTON ain looking forward to thse walk, despite ist year's cold night sleeping ini the o0 G1TA () March 23, MlosWlMr Tn pssener rips hostd apot luck and dresa ondyt sn aisne 25ps- tase funds for my walk. Many thanks .s cmes259 as- to, ail Wal-Mart staff, in particular My car does twice Suzanne Tait and ber special events y more, each year. fundraising team. s hope the CTTA i wouid also like toi extend my sin- m to make it very cere thanks to, Mîltons Loblaws and Sobey's Express, Shear Pleasure Salon JACK VERDUYN and Spa, Sbopper's Drug Mart (Main MILTON Street), Acton's Giant Tiger, Sobey's, Pharma Plus, Shoppers Drug Mat, Iav ietter Home Hardware and Georgetownfs Real J Canadian Food Store, A&P and Brians correct website Food Basies for donating products and www.petittonon- raffle prizes to, assist us ini our events. mrs. SUE HAMILTON ampion regrets the PERSONNEL CLERK Il as any inconven- VANIER WOMEN'S CENTRE yhave caused. An on-une threat MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE UNITED WAY TVMCTO . . ....YYMÇA Showcase Muiîo'o'l lZbe Canabitin (Cbampion Milon's Community Newspaper Since 1860 555 Industnàal Dr., Mlton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editoriat Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-878-3187 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.miltoncanadianchampion.comn Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Karen Maceli Production Manager TMm Colos Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Tori Casas The Carsadian Champion, published every Tuesday and Friday, is a division cf Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Gmoup Publisher Ian Oliver Adtertisi s acaaapted sn the conditisn ltha, in the evetttof atypsqeattaal errrthat prtonofthe adver ltain wpatt aauped by the ecasatoas item, tsqether wutu a faastable alsaae for sgnatre, alst be charged foi, but the balance of the adaerttutasnt wili be paid fat at the applicable rate, The publishet rettatea the right ta categseuae adaetsemeaîsrdecline CCAB Audited Recogîaîzed f areoxcuellence itup Ontario Caaasaunty AOCna Newspapeta Association CN raadian Caîamauliy C A Newapapea ssociation SuubnNetopapera The Canadian Champion ina a proud medi sponsor fta: Jinge Btl Fund CANADtA Readers Write E-mail youx letters to mniloned@haltonsearch. om