20 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Aprit 24, 2007 lsHl sales Help T1Slsep ILllfamHen ~f'ISales & Agetss W o Hein Agents&Agns alsies n:1p SUPERCUTS - HAIRTYLSTS andNSea anindastry leading Marine Parts & Candidate muai have working knowtedge 0f HAIRSTYLISTS WANTED Acceasoriea distribator al aeeking a taientedi parloces and procedue ciniairaplan WATDand eneraetic individaai ta loin ita Castomer eaperience in graap benefits andRPpan paet rkenirn- met ortlatsniE vraDomnctn kîi oiini esn ' ' 5 Service Team. pior recreationai marine inds- M ast have ecellent rganzatînal and problen' Fan,1 ..1N flebl tat eî r n e in a rstr o un te ssa Can dta snlvîng okilta A Min. ot13 yrs recent payrnll-related F an tt ai te, tan s o i et i e f m a w îth î ro a s i o vnid ae s eope rîen ce P rotîcient i E cel U ne of C e rîdian i paced w nrk environ- applications, and posseso aelet arnnadste nantmedi Group Ltd. ment for Shjlistn ot every levei. On-goîng ai wîth tall rime opportanity avoutable for weiiE al R I@tteev.o every le.Onia training, tran eqaip. qaitied candidates. Preterence wîii ha gises ta Fax 905Te îlo5naia5hapin3adiisOno training, tran equip. inetv. bîlînnai applicants. n e Management poli Management posi- Fa eunadcorlte oat: laaeet oi ions avaitable for aur mlyn. mmediate Rpnn N EPR SNAL E lions available for or nwMlinlocation Poiinislctda . 0 n for a part time vn mîltan location 905-308-118 MsisuaRa ra retoitR P E E T TV 905-308-118 17-0082Real Estate Receptionist 1-877-7011)l_____________ iv-do7n7o0n82nkile Candidte mot poonns The qualttied candidate wîli be a motîvated, independent, Admnisratve ssitat -Ingedints annllntawn981vle n an didmer muvi s t poss s 1-87-7000082,~,,. ~self-starter wîth previoua telephone sales experience. ijTencl lelp ialHl Medium Sized Company of Roadu, Bridges, Sewer n tn loking for Oaatitled and Eoperievced Operatora and Skilted Applîcatorof 0f Asphaît Pavementfor the followivg positions: * Plant Operator * Spreader Operator * Trail End Man * Rolier Man * Rakers Please fao or emnîl worA esperience 10: 905-875-3225 into@ hogomark com truck & traiterI shopin MtOn. C om pla I t i V waje & eefts. jaI 90 aI a. Fx 90-7832 Mississauga based plant automation company seeks organized, energetic, recent collage graduate wilh solid knowtedge. of PC hardware, Windows, etecîricat circuits and conîrols. Engtish, good communication and inter-personal skitls required. Must be able la work independenty. Needs car and valid driver license. Position involves moderale travel lhroughout North America. E-mail:jo@ma.o M fi ep OFFICE CLERICAIL Annoavis Recaîvable, Orter Filr anti Invnîcîg support. Paniher dues include scîtchbaard reception, mail' anti coanier packaging, tiliîg, Fet c. a s assîgniet. The applîcafli mast ha penvavabie. orgasizeti anti tetaîl orienteti, citir excellent verbal and crîtten akîlis ta cork iv Ibis fasi-paceti evviravievt. Please send resumne inciudiflg rat erences toi: c/O Milton Canadiafl Champion Box# 25A - 555 lndusrll Dr., 2nd Fluor Milton, Ont., L9T-5E1 Wanled for bunY office. Muat be efficient & nager ta Iearn cith goodti elephove marner Techniçaltiraining cili be provideti. fax j : 90 *88-67 Medical Distribution C ampany i Milt a lu currentty seeking a temporury faIltlimne persan to perform generat office dalles. MasI have a gcodi working knowledga oI computers anti any experience in MAS 90 software ix an aset but not required. Fax resume ta 905-76-1004 Email: ca.harls@of.alb-cao» Wn are a tant growîng fond ingredients diotributor cho prîdes itunîf on commilmevi and eceptiovsl service delîvery. We reqaîre a dyvamin Administra- tion Assistant 10 in nar tans iv nar Onlille office. Thn position cull ha responsibie for the conrdinativg of administrative tauka on behal of sales, parchas- îng andi distribation. Ynu ciii provîde exceptionsl support and play an integrul moevi oui operution. vie are tnnking for an indisidal with 2+ years of cantomer service and adnistration esperience. Yna munI hune enceptinl conmmunication -skilîs and highly developed ivterpernonal allil, euth the ability 10 adupi to aIl levain within an orgavization. Strovg compater okîlîs are requîred. * Are yon an indivîdual that takles a keen inrent in the foodi induntry and ifn liands? * Do pou enioy norking îndependevtiy and revois- îng probiemn5 *Are yon a naît-starter and have the abiiity to work vn a amail office environmevt? . Do yoa have an ave for dtau anti esceptînvtal prîntization skilis? vie offer a greut workîvg culture combîveti with o comprehensive bevetits package anti competîtîve oalary. Ift1hi0 i0 the job for you, pleane forcard your renume in confidence, by emaîl or fan lv: info@di-COrp.coie or Fas # 905 469 0758 Oeadiina for receipt of renumn il Aprii. 30. j fhvdl vote that contact wilfl ovly be made ta, thoon Individuels onlecteti for a interiew.n L AjO 0 Oy Administration Reps Full and Part TIme vie are seekîvg applîcunts for full anti part rime aobs iv Admivntration iv aur store iv Burlîngton. We aire neeking matura, espariencati people with reliabl trnpration, annellent communication skitîS, wîlingves ta leary anti a flexible achedule thut peris yau 10 work somne weekends anti snme anenîngs. vit ara vow tukivg applications le peruon only- Burlinglon Paner Centre N. Service Rd. ai Bravi, Burlîngion. BILLING CLERK NAYLOR GROUP INC. n growuvg agaîn nîth an openîng avaîlable iv the bîllîng deparimeit. The suitabie candidate ciii have sirong computer okîlîn, aminimum of 5-lu yeurs bîliing naperience, h e L y hîgh volume office. Startîng nalary i0 $1 3/hr Mont ha avaîlahie to cork rotativ gesg, Satardny's & Suvdayns. Ta applyI = o snition, pînane emaîl mrobînsont@rOyallepage-oe Due tv hoge growfh, wie reqaîre -ART /SRIE *IO and IIECDECNC Pese fat yout reume to: 905-877-7818 Affention: jecels, Service Manager Ail appiicavis wiii bv considereti regardions Oi experience. Part-Tf me Conter Hep required au The Dry Cleaner in Georgetownl Fnidayn: S5pm-9pm: Saturtinyn: i :3Opm- 7pm; and Sundayo: lOam-5pm E-mal Rasume f0: a ob6@hotmalcom, Fax: 905-876-432 or Appty In Persan: Real Canadien Suparstare - The Dry Cleanai Local leader mn Canada's #1 ndustrui la sseeking individuels to joint our team We nrol have positions uvaîluble for New Car Sales and Leasing The rîght candidate muni have. , Excellent moi lion anti ha moulin orîieti. -A proven ability make effective preseniutionn. -Excellent Cunto Service akîlîs. II Sales experence* A tanin eurn aboya arage incomne. vie provîde an annellent revumerution plan, b fuls anti a company demonnirato. OMVIC cat individuals preterrea. Please forward resume ta ChrlstneTaflor, Geneil Salas Manager BY Fax 905-333-3934 Or E-mail christaylofr@iaggtpofltiaC.O We thaok ail applicanto tar applyiog but 01oflyh conîdereti will ha contacteti. Microsoft applications in Ihia role, you will be customer tocuaed and ail build strong relationshipa with nean clients by ensuring that their - advertising needa are met. You anilI be goal-orienteci and capable of meeting regufar monthfy budgets within a deadline focused envîronment. If you anould like to work for a leader in the media industry, this opportunity may be the right one for you. We offer a competitive compensation package and benefits as well as possibîlities for future career growth If tnterested, please forward your resumne no later than May 15, 2007 tai: Wendy McNab, Advertisiflg Directar wmcnab@miltlcafadiaflcbeMPîancarM We appreciate the inferest of ail appticanta however onty those setected for an interview twilt be contacted. No phone caltis or agencies ptease. - ti Sals Help il5aSalesl ~ a Help ça iReiwilsaý1ele ae*al -aesH j mer ave- Iflm se OahlnOficSle s nnekîg esreneti techvîcnl sales persan ta cal an the Municipal Truffin cantrol anti Parking market, Computerielectrical litemine, hasts an mechani- cal, Trasel in Ontario reqoîreti, ownvsehîcle, training provideti il y ourrs t *lcr Lt d siore L maae wuith o a DIFgR4mvet daNa nrn yaiiatie ucsanos 0i oui retai oyeratos Oe:i & cuestomer il you aie a dyvamun and evthisavrn îdua Senelce staff V iSh 3-5 yeas succossvi riv imvnageen eayerv Sommer studants * Are an effective commuvnaor *Evîoy bvuvg a member of a veas and yses the aiuy toi moilale othera - Comyetiive salires and bonus we wnnid lime eau mmm aonur am! Appiy in person Il yau wouit like iv work euin an organ vation voa vas na 1h renume advavcemevl opporitties, las yor resomne art nouer R. Denntnger i00 o v r o fa x v u m er u o -n 2 5 -n a a L im te d AtM : HR Manage r 699 Guelph Line maumau ý -Burtington ExperiiCaenrtarrli mun ha edicti ani people person, big soas 10h11li PIeuse forcart 10 PO. Bon #12525 280 Guelph Street, Unit 29 Georgetocn L7G 461 M Reqired Full-TimeI in Georgetown Office mail orîenateti have accouviting experience, nove iPleane axrosumes ivý agond aptitude for figures anti hab tohm molli Ass' n ag er 905-877-40 tank as port oi a team iv o busy onvîronnment. Jo- NOW *103 vas osperience waulti ha an unnet. I G Please forward your rasums la: HIRING ii Fax 905-338-1909 or assit: IcaltInon@Ogi.Co IMMEDIATEi FUL' M POITO CoIo,rovy T,rking NATURAL F000 ut PARKSI0E REST HOME INTERMEDIATE Businessiu iou î0n AF'fo ýgr Rpidly oopovdîvg Allerroov/idnight Shiît, 40 houîsiceek, training ACCOUNTING CLERK Asse Mailer cmpn ivnrho provîdoti Resîdevl caroicookvgicleOtivg, Mont ha NavorGrop nn.a îtisîeticopnv lcattiun Manager indîvîdoaO for sales reliobie. Puy dîscunseti whon hireti Plase fan yaut Okill nter mediot e Ac ouv ing la r Th sucful MngrT nees anti management ronume 10. 519-853-0372 to Administrative Manager. cnediate cîIvonuthon yers o. The nucss Marketing No proapectîng or ________________________ fand cycle 'IlP pron Inludit ayro Y anti dxata Csole evC ci-slig Al ap entry Muni have ntravg compluters sklni od Mv,,OibO piiet upit N AIA ATTM exp fo flnc and home bas treaments. candidate ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cnddae shout bev wiltn tas traveIt.. na Cutmr eie odcaln. i p and FxcektayatlM innomartraties.I er l ài I F e 520pa5e0 tEHIa SPPooORTf JOIN OUR RETAILTEAM ACCOUNTING B00KKEEPEW'ýi in :i I*,I1l,ý il O LI" I)u, AI, i, pl, Iý Il, resunýeC-chilimag Ca L