Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 24 Apr 2007, p. 11

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Thse Canedian Champion, Tuesday, April 24, 2007 - All Legend * Ttas,uccStion Sicit Propsd 50kVWi. (Brce Miltoni) Eoisb500 WOTrriion Le (BrexMilton)i Majuors CRoas T..hp / Mpofii.. ~ Kit,.. eso 1 1 N Hydro One Networks Inc. ("Hydro One") bas initiated a Project under Ontario's Environmental Assessment Act (the "Act") to build an approximately 1 80 kilometre double circuit 500,000 volt (500 kV) transmission line on a widened existing transmission corridor connecting the Bruce Power facility ("Bruce") in Kincordine to Hydro One's switching station n Milton ("Milton"). The Bruce to Milton line will provide the capability téj reliably and safely transmit approximotely 3000 additional megawatts of electricity from the Bruce area ta southers Ontario and support the Province's climate change and dlean air initiatives. The Province's newest dlean energy corridor will deliver emission-free power from new wind generation, and the refurbished Bruce Power nuclear units. The earliest in-service date for the new lise is the end of 2011. The Ontario Power Authority (OPA), the provincial agency responsible for developing a long-term lntegrated Power System Plan (IPSP) for the Province, has determined the need for this transmission mie, the timing and the preferred route. The OPAs analysis looked at varios options to increase the capacity of the electricity transmission system in southwestern Ontario. Its final recommendation considers the technical requirements, total system capacity, provincial land use policy and the overaîl cost to Ontario electricity consumers. The OPA has recommended that Hydro One begin the approvals process required ta build the new 500 kçV line from Bruce to Milton. The new mie is expected to be located immediately adjacent ta the existing transmission mie on a widened corridor. Additional easement interests of approximotely 53 m ta 61 m (175 - 200 feet) in width adjacent to the existing corridor will be required as shown on the study area map. In a limited number of cases, property purchases will be required where homes or buildings occupy the widened corridor. Pieuse be odvised thot ony ut yuur personul intormatiun contoîned in yuur submissiun will becume port ut thre public record tfies tor tinis motter ond moy be releoised, tF requested, tu ony persen unlets yuur submission stotes tirot yuu de nut censent te yeer persuol inturmation becoming port ut thre public record tfies and disclused tu ony perses upon request. Public information Centres Monday, April 30, 4 - 8 p.m. Best Western Governor's Inn 791 Durham Street, Kincardirie Tuesday, May 1, 4 - 8 p.m. Hanover Regional Aquatic Centre, Auditorium 269 7" Avenue, Hanover Wednesdlay, May 2, 4 - 8 p.m. Egremont Optimist Centre 392137 Concession 2, Holstein Thursday, May 3, 4 - 8 p-m. Marsville Community Hall 191282 13" Ilise, Marsville The Environmental Assessment Process The Bruce ta Milton Transmission Reinforcement Project EA is being undertaken iu accordance with the Act. The first step lu the proceus is the preparation of a Terms of Reference. If approved, the Terms of Reference wll provide the framework for the preparatian of the environmental assessment. The Terms of Reference will set out Hydro One's work plan for addressing thse requirements of thse Act whes completing the envirosmental asseusment. Consultation Members of the public, property owners, stakeholder groupu, First Nations and Metis graups, government agencies and other interested persans are escouraged ta actively participate in the planning process including the development of the Terms of Reference by attending consultation opportunities or contacting staff directly with comments or questions. Consultation opportunities are planned throughout the planning process. A first round of Public Information Centres (PiCs) will be held in communities along the proposed transmission lise ta provide information about thse project and tise appravals processes, and ta obtain input from residents, farmers, business owners and other interested stakeholders in the area. We will also be seeking input from First Nations and Metis groups through a separate engagement process. We encourage you to attend ose of the PICs, where you will have the apportunity ta lears more about tise praject, provide your input, and discusu asy issues or coscernis with aur project team. Monday, May 7, 4 - 8 p.m. Grand Volley and District Commusity Centre Grand River Room 90 Main Street North, Grand Valley Tuesday, May 8, 4 - 8 p.m- Ern Community Centre/Ern Centre 2000 Shamrack Raom 14 Boland Drive, Eris Wedsesdlay, May 9, 4 - 8 p.m. Royal Canadian tegios - Brancis 197 15 Wright Avenue, Actas If you wish to b. added ta the proj.ct mailing Iist or would like further information about the project, and any future public meetings, contact: Carrie-Lyns Ognibene Hydro Ose Networks Inc. Tel: 1-877-345-6799 (locally 416-345-6799) Fax: (416) 345-6984 Email: Commuttity.Relations@HydroOne.cam Website: www.HydroneNetworks.com/BrucetoMiIton For more information about the Ontario Power Authority and the need for the new transmission lise, visit www.powerauthority.on.ca. hydro<:ý one Brisgtng Power ta the People of OstaroM

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