A10 The Canadian Champion, Tueaday, April 24, 2007 -New owners, same great dinn exeiec No major changes planned for Harrop GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TOASTING THEIR TAKEOVER: Former Harrop owner Robert Goderre (right) toasts to the restaurant's con- tinued success under new owners, and brothers, Oswaldo (Ieft) and Luis Andocilla, wîth one of their signature spe- cial occasion desserts in the foreground. By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF W hile 1the l-arrop Restantrant is nciw iii new fiands, fioth the olci and new owners want faithi ni custoinets to rest assnrcd ihats the oniy major thing changing aitihe fine dinîng establish- ment. i ong-tîme owner Robert Goderre turnied over the keys to brothers I nis and Oswaido Andocilia cariier this month - a duo thaïs no sîranger to the Harrop. Both have expenience working in the Steefes Avenue restaurant, wiîh i uts on staff for aimost îwo years and Oswaido sinrce iast Jnily [hey'Ye been able to see ftrst-hand the popnlanity of' the menu ttems and say tfaey'te otîly pfanining tri adci sinu speciai feainres. -We have a very good menti going on," noted Oswaldis Menu just fine: clientefe That cornes as weicrme news tri Goderre, who lieard fond and clear from the Harrops long-urne customers ihai îhey're very happy wtth the food sefection off ered. 'i was getttng e-matls saying, 'Don't you dare change the menu'," Goderre said wîth a simie. 'Fveryting on our menu is seiiing weii, su thereifl just be sot-ne additions. The oid and new together wiii make a nice marriage."I I uts - who previousiy opened a bar ai Yonge Street and Steeles Avenue - saîd t was aiways bis dreain to own a restaurant, ntîoing theres someîhing speciai about the Harrop. "fi was the bomuse that basicaily cap- tured me," he satd. 1i feel mnyself in here." Meanwhtie, Oswaldo has heen workirtg in the indlustry for the pasi 14 years. 1 just efljoy the restaurant busi- ness," he satd. "And i sec wor-king with my brother as the righit connection." Both expressed enthusiasm about their new joint venture and the staff they'lI have helping them along the way. ,,The team we have is just incredi- hie," Luis remarked. The art gailery that shares space with the restaurant continues to oper- aie as usuai on the property So after 10 years of running the i'arrop, why did Goderre decide its urne to leave? New venture abroad Hîs best friends aie îîpcniing a iesori on the north coasi of Trinidad and he's gotng over to support the endeavouir "ive knownl for a w'htle IA d ke to miove on,' he said. 'There are a coupie projecis i Trtnidad i'm very interested lu. i'd fîke to open a restautant te someday- He said lie bas great confidence in i uis and Oswaido, noîing be thinks iheir expertise is very conîpletnenîary Goderre satd that he il greaîly miss the Harrop and its cusîot'ers, whom he thanked for their many years ot patron- age. "This is my third restaurant and by far my favounite," he satd. 'Theres just someîhing about Harrops - when yokt waik in the door, you're home." Melant Heiinesse-Y tan bic reachled ai iniheneiesscv@ntiiioncanadiaeirliampiîii <titi I Iost 99 Ibs. and r id to-led other weight loss programns only to put it AU back on. 1 have now lost 99 lbis., 47 inches off my tummy waist & hips, reacbed my goal weight of 143 lbs. & started my Lifestyle Prqyam. An individual program based on comprehensive blond tests & your medical history, --iblowed up with personal consultations, make sure you can lose weight & keep it off! 'Inaovdual results mayvary SureSIim Mississauga 3035 Argentia Road (Soul5west corner of Hws' a01 ana Winston Churchill. le the tupircinire ty tartucksi 9015-286-4949 a MlSSlssaUga@sturSf. Ca