AS - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 20, 2007 What Price to Yo Easter reminds us of the incredible value of God's love for bumanity. While we were still sinners, Jesus died for us. Tbuugh we did nothing to deserve so great a sacrifice, He chose toi give His life for us. Sucb love! How easy is il for us 10 put a price tag on the love tbat we bestow upon others? Many limes, I bave beard il said tbat if you scratch my back, 1 will scratch yours. God's love is different - it's kind of like the mother's love in the following story. One evening, mother was busy doing dishes alone after dinner. Her little boy came up to ber and gave ber a piece of paper. She dries ber bands on ber apron and reads: For cutting the grass: $5.00 For cleaning up my room this week: $1.00 For going to the store for you: $1.00 Baby-sitting my kid brother while vou went shopping: $2.50 S'ncTuary - ' Mîltoni. Sunday, April 22 10:00 arn "W1ien Lifi Hurts"I 905.257.3987 Milton Sports Centre 605 Sagta Maia elvd& (Demny R&. avest of Hwy 25) MILTON SEVENTH-DAY A i, CIIRCH Invites you ta aur weekly Sabnalt services ai Hugh Foster Hall, 43 Brown St. Milton Sal. 9:30 a. is Salibaili Scitoal Sal. 11:00 ais.- Divine Service FREE BIBLE SCIIOOL icuven dis amnazing Bible ausuienu ta le's peeplexine questions. and te secret tu a hiappy lire, Fo FRIEBIBLE LESSONS, wrîe P.O. Box 23012, 55 Ontauio Si. Milton, Oui. L9T 5B4. On te INTERNETttlp://www.vup.cois and uwuisaingfacu ungltibewlscholtsain.p PASTOR: Ai DaCosta 519-835-8301 For sure îufornnatisi abiout out serice and pnugruiu, pleaue catI. GRAGEWAY CBATST CHURGH S 103 Martin1Stre9et Postor Walter H -Isaak 10:00 arn. - Suridcy Scbool '11:00 arn. Morning Worsbip 6:00 p.rn. - Evening Service Tbursdoy 7:00 p.rn. Bible Study & Proyer i1YouuII always lind a friend aI Graceway" CHRIST 1412 Bnitannia Rd. West, Milton, On IL9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 arn Worship & Communion 11:00 arn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minister Steve Corbett 905-878-5664 de Lecaieti an ieriy Rd. ~iuthsi beirnen the Sparts Centre antd t/he Hospital Pursuing Jésus passionately and conneci with our God-given family Meet new triends in the café ai 10:00 arn 10:30 a.m. Service New Headlines - What would God say? Lead Pastor Jack Ninaber Youth Pastor Eric HeIIiweII www. southsidemilIton. org A rherch et the Chnistian anti Misnianary Aliance Locatd on Derry Reati, betwoeen the Sparts C Htr a hHsi 10:00 a.m. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 a.m. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study For the Son of man lis corne 10 seek and to save that which was lost. Luke 19.10 KNOX PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WELCOMES YOU 11'71 Mîaine St E Milton 90/5-878-6066 Direcion of Muic Mînîstites - Sonja cas de Hoef Sunday Worship 10:30 a.m. 9:15 u.m. - Youîh Sasail Groap (Grades 7 & tipI 10:.30 a.m. - Children's Worshîp lAges 3 -Grade 6/ & Nursery "CALLED TO SERVE THE LORD" N NWheelclair access ad wsslntus prîîsded So that ai .11 ay canie and worshîp. Access nff Mary Street. 824 T homrpson Roadr Southr, Milton, 0.N 1_91 2X, Visit Us aniline www.NewLifeMiltOfl.COm or ( all pdstor 3>0n Rogge ai 9()5 818 3358 S23Mnd At rE2, 10:30 ar CELEB A ION 0F BAPTISM Preservice Hyrnn Sing at 10: 15 amn Supervised Nursery Care frorn 10: 15 a'n' CHURCH SCHOOL & GOSPEL UNIT for JK - Gr 8 Cottee & Conversation atter the service Corne Worshîp WiIh Us! 1 Rev. John Benham & Rev. Gaylyn McLean Church office: (905) 878-8Rcb5 ext. 21 1 ýý7ý1 www. stpaulsm i Iton. 0 rg 1 Sn, when you add it up, the cost ofmy break frc l'rom parental influence. u P ut on Love? lo)ve lis: No Charge. They want 10 take control of' their Taking out the garbage: $.00 When the boy finished reading destinies. The list went on and on. wbat his mother had written, there were Parents, remind your cbjîdren At the bottom il said, Total owved: big tears in bis eyes, and be looked regularly of your love. And remind $14.75 straigbt at his mother and said, 'Mom, 1 tbemn that wbile it costs yooa to love Well, his mother looked at bim sure do love you." them -tbey can have it for free. standing tbere, and the boy could see And then he took the pen and in To learn more about love, visit a tbe memories flashing tbrougb ber great big letters he wrote: "PAID IN local cburcb this week. Service times mind. She picked up the pen. She FULL!" and locations are publisbed for you in turned over the paper be'd written on, Today's teens have a bard lime the Religious Directory below. and this is wbat she wrote: understandin g tbe value of parental Subrnitted by Rev. Dan Rogge, For the nine ,nonths I carried vo love. Tbey spend aIl tbeir lime trying te, Pastor of Milton's New Life Church while yvou were growing inside me: No St. George's Charge Anglican Cburcb For ail the nights that I've sat up with hisnrr crbnenia xrou, doctored and praved for voif: No ' W2150+ ears Juin s hia year in a celebraiion of.. Charge H ueofD vdThe preaching of Gui's wurd isln hiixhuc For ail the tr.ving tienes and the tears Cne unf Davel on, he nul pie nr plese I've shed for you over ail tue Years: No1 Ivie you tos oureSundcervc RECTOR:RvCanChlsMser Charge 'In a His Arsem April 22nd. 2007 Services - For ail the tilDes that 1 wiped Your nos Soliday nn Axrns 8:30 arn- Ho/y Coimunion and vour backside: Noa Charge 2750) Htgh Point Dr. Milton. ON 1,9T 5G5 10:30 ais - Moming Prayer j raih aly RSeric For ai the toys, foodl and cleîthes: No Prayer & Counseling: 64-9936 1 N30arser aomn Jair iundte ay oom LiehargengulLie 7051 Guelph ite ai Derry Road (Tel) 905.878- 1363 n Charge ~~~~~~~~~~~~Make A Difference citnewbie . GRACE ANGLICAN CHURCH 5t. Davî"s Clergy: 317 Main St. E 1 Rev. Dr. Mark the Chureh on the Hil --clmlci" h r McDermott 90"478-2411 Rev. Dr. Renée Desjardins Campbelville 905-854-9800 ___________ MaONCERTi NEW LIFE CHURCH Saercs Mark a CONCERs FOR GENERATIONS TO COME Services: Sadudais A i 2 1st, 2007 -7 -30 pm 8.0 an atiEahaistApilSUNDAYS vl 10/X/ amr- Sang Eacharîst isclading JFeaftwing: 'nh "Kd'Sii"Pruigraut . fo/lowed by caf/ce Itoar SItYee Bell Listen #toour Sunday sermons on/mne Juio Award Winner Childrens'Minisries A vailable in ail Services ait www.gracechurchmilton. com Guita - Vocalist «Captioned for the Oeaf/Hard of Hearnvg TIJESOAYS r 1 Wltee/chaîr Access lhrough Parkingl Lat Tickets avattable at the Churoti 905-854-9800 www. gracecturchmliilnconm orsteve BelWebeie:ww.lnD uiý WEDNESDAYS rN1(r h i qrrf CHURCH 0F MILTON GOSPEL HALL