Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 20 Apr 2007, p. 54

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B18 The Canadian Champion, Fniday, April 20, 2007 Dramatical At SureSi m there 15 h* 1 Iost 99 Ibs. and 4 My tummy,was iether weight Ioss programs only to put et ail backon. I aveistw kst 99 Ibs., 47 incises off my tummy, waist &hips, reaCl$r , nIè -goaI weight of 143 Ibs. & started My LofesfyIa-frç0' An individual program based on comprehlensive blond tests & your medical historya Iowed up wjth personal consultations, make sure y-ou can lose weight & kaeep it off! Iididual resuitsieiay vary SureSlim Mississauga 3035 Argentia Road (Southwesi corner ot Hwa- 401 and Winsioo Churchtrill, in the Supercentre ha- Starbucks) 905-286-4949 - mlsssalig@sUesIlim.ca SureSlim OakviIIe 2387 Trafalgar Road (Trafalgar Rid-ge Plaza) 905-257-1102 *oakvili@surestiflca OFIX 1HE, I The Canadian l.T. sector is projected to grow by 58,000 new jobs over the next three to five years - with an additional 31,r000 employees needed to replace existing staff. Find out today how Sheridaflrs information and Communications Technologies programs will equip you for success in these fast-growing fields. Healthb UPdate PREVENTION POLLUTANTS & GERMS in our daily food, water and air miiSi be rirmasaleci ra -a sita-a- immne -ya-eie (r vie a-ru gel sica- Or. Cornelius Moermas M.D. states i thrait virtualin atl distasts stem trom a eeak immune systefli. a-sa ina-ie naua- (OI ati it a ila-t ceils B oeils ana- t celis) a-it Be-l Suiremne-Immune Booster A saturai a-a-raut adae lassa tatanias Vetrwlo ist naa ii exiraci A stetng. immune syslem is like a good police forte fiat detecls tfor- eign intrudems and gels rid ut tbem wilboul us being amarie et il. Helps lu prevent dtterioration ut energy, muscular strength, bone loss, orgue and bmain cei damiage, lieart petblems, eliminates also tell muta- tions und pre-cunceetus tetts, wbicb we have in Our bodty on a daily basin. Oser 400 etedical studios, many a-n ta-e iniera-et ave establi-nea- traa thîs saturai pana-ad seipa- ta- ra-la-te ta-e ammune systa-m ta-t mes ana- a-amen gng ta-ta-ag a-rasas iralia- cirallenges, exama-le- sal stress, trauma, ail a-ara-erres, p-esma-sia rasncet sargery chema-Seralpa -ar radiation, wcha, ta-a garat a-aient, ara-ray ta-e ,ma-ae sya-tem ar a lime a-a-n il as ma-st seeded Ta-e aapaa-ese Ga-eama-a-t a-ana-rdets ta-rnaatairai a-uta-e o important tirat il a-pends $1 billon a-a-laro Beatty ta- supp-a- ta-r mediaa a-a-ata-ta-an- heip a-as a-ana-ar straaal rates a-y ina-reasin- nhe immu-ne system. Ineepena-rar a-smpar-a ta- ta-a a-ast a-ian rlness 90a capa-aies #52 AMKAINE BODY A nse-acdic steetuc and alka- lite balseced d a-an pren! maa-y a-amma-n dbsease- states Dr, C.- Bammaad, M H ira-a Ma-st peo-ple a- Na-a-B Ameia aae a-r acda- a-ta- a-an-a a-a-rta boay, seaase ce ao-a- a-ame a-a-d priuna- ta-ad, ika- sa-gar (ca-rot, ta-a-ma-at. darry pr-daa-tsý ca-ite irread & na-a-ales, ca-ite ra-a- a-alas, a-a-Ber. a-la-a-ra-, a-ta-g a-a-a na-t ena-sa-a va-getable- a-na- fri-t Surpessinfity, Meut issue yu need a PH seeru saukline swieteieg peol rr ta eittb Wtt. Heettea tee amt amut tiret 9is nt nmore important 10 bute un sialine neeul beody te betp te preint disceet- burts uni diseuses, esumples: Acidic stoesatb, ries (y.u sbtttd net need ant-cad pitls), stress, tietdness, tow ttttUy, ilullgetin, weigbl gain, diabetles, maotr dis- tante, usbribi, cancer ns unliset te gete in un alitie balanced bodty (mai misaI eany huatlb pettenssioeats write ou internat, incteig Dr. Dtso Warberg tue-Asie Nobel Prise winner), unis eelog tint ut ntbeir diste. Il a-ar a-aa-a a- a-alia-ted cils aa-da- caat-a- il ia-a-me- ina-s-ar-a-a- a--ress a-a-adia-aa--a If a-nar a-B a- acia-ra a-nar a-nay oa-oa a-a-la-ram ira-ma-nia osa-es a-aa na-a-bsaliami a-a- a-enseraa- ira-m a-nar oaa-ana-aaar-- t a -a- a-ina-a-p a-egaaara-la-a-aa-a- ma-na -a-a-ala-ma-a-la a a-a-a-an ta-a-ra ta-a-r m-il br a d-ia-aa-a- sa-tai ta-r a-ia-iaa baalance as tatra-a- a-y a a-tapet dia-t a-ia-na-e ta-more a-aa-atabla-a--a-maais iruit a-nia-a -yta-ki na-aa-apie a-eat Halak Bla-adra- StomacIa-tnBiine Ba-la-sae ta3B w5iu5 5 ineepensisa- a-na- ina-ta--a-a a ira-e a-a-ta-ata-it Marray saak ga-atana-a- Fao a-a-ta a-a-ator a-raie an ihear s ira-ak SHARK UIVER DIL tirai ya-- aan B et Ma-si a-ala-o & ta-s. sa-ha-a- a-ae a-Bla-renia-a-k a-haar lia-et oa- aap ra-eni a-Na-N haaaesno more celAs. Dr. Baimea-o ga-a a-b dreN iraae a-e a-kn na--aatr a-ve a-ia-fr N ma-atha-aaadire crites bind sina-e Dezes ai buie testietentials ise tillse on ou meb ni ay n a-a- cra- mie us ir s ma-ca- ma-te eNfective tiran a-a- ta-baraa--, Bita-min a- Giassena- a-r deaga- Tire a-ali a-a-d media-inria-ia-a-aara-niea-ta-ca-ra-sa moriry ria-nue Nest pra-aentaisa aararai tneaicirte on rire maia-, nata important la- iraat Nell Sa-ar- Lia-en Bat aa 25%/r27%/ aa-iae ANa- (a-ikoa-yaola-) a a-agir a-a--aie atar a-na-a- aty a-cia-a contea-. Tht bing ot aIl tlnb ails. Tire a-et aaps arr rasa -ta- take ana-I t iry e ar-en-lae. insista-on Bell Sbuib Liter Oit #51 ita10/% auraat ano a-ile a-a-aria- Proa-r ana- efiective. Va-a -înenpeese, 90 apa-aies M you have an iIlOssr asicytur docte ~ Sui te te Cta butearn.tfi Ameuta. tecab*dm or catt 1-803 7 lCta Mtt- 9-4 ES S AVAILAULE IN MILTON: A & A tlestbh Fend 1173 a-s-ta-n Na.; HeuBtLSN(ti Main St. L, S ÙHeullb Feede Malta-n Moul,.55 Ontario- Si. S. Datelifle free Abuse Support Group fr-a- 5.30 ira s pira-. F-or more info-armaationl, caal (905) 847-5520 rar via-lt wxývw.htata-wrricn- saci-ir-rg. -11C lia-e a-r t ran Ai -a-iy/l<ltt (( a-rr-a-r-a-aity taraa1>-ý is Ra-n C luba ,at a- 30 1 a-a-. ns ita- a 30- -ir-i ta- inria-. Icar Iia -a-- rira- loraatia-n aaa- rir-to u at i a-at-a- 875> 1022- Ma-il taira Ii si- 1 ta i rta-iai mia-tri a cura- ri-0a-ra- brcastfecdinag cltiaia a-rrh tia ce a-a- îilc- liaa-tation-ra a-ontasulant tisa-ta-a- t - aa 3 pa-.ra iFoar a--rre i fra-titionia nai ira isiake sa-ta appoait-mea-nt, cttl -1iii t liak> ai (90;>) 878-2383, exit. 7tat0. Aduit drop-in volleyball flaka-s pttace [roam 2 fia- 3 pris, an the Mit -cia-t--c Centre a-rî Mara Street-a. The a-osi ta $3,50 for the haor I be Mia-oa Safety Commiolc meets anr 7 pins. ana-he Mila-an police sta- tion on Cis Drive. For informaaation, caal Jan Ma-whrav ait (519) 853-4492 or e-mail ber an jasa-@aanmowhrayca. Tbe Ma-ar Cluba bolds ina Stroiler Walk and Talk anr 10 a m. Meet an tbe Lions Sports Park on Iba-ampson Road near tbe train aracks. For more infor- naaioan, e-matil boata-tum79@bota-oltl. coin or aai (905) 929-5535. Thursday Apr. 26 Acclasm Healnb bolds tbe fora-t of a i 0-week araining program for hospice volunteers from i No 4 p.m. in Oakvilie, givrng trainning no support ondoviduals livi-ng an bome wtb a life-a-reasening tllne-s. To regîster, caal (905)i 827-8800, ext. 2313 or ext. 2318. Tbe Buriington Prostate Cancer Support Group, a-ponsored bha -e C anadian Cancer Socieny, meets as 7 p.sn. an a-be unitonaffice as 1251 Nortbside Rd. in Burling-on. For maaore information, caal (905) 332-0060. The Haînon Waomena- Centre, suine 229 i-n Hopedale Mail, 1515 Rehea-ca Se. ors Oakvaiile. hoid- ina- free Caring and Sbaring Cira-le froa--in a-o 3 p.m. la- also li-a-da- sa-s S1aaniss \Vomcns Social (raua fra-î-a 12.30 a-o 2.30 pia-. Fa-ar a -iaore infornmation, aal (905) 847-5520 car via-os wavwbhala-onwomenscmntre.org. The Deck youtb centre, 200 Main St. (rcar ena-rance), invtes sa-udesats on grades 6 a-o 8 a-o drop hy hea-ween 3.30 and 6:15 p.m. teo play a game of pool or r bsn bang ou-. Higb a-a-a-aol sa-udents are f invsted hea-ween 7 and 10 p.m. The Fine Arts Societ-y of Multon's 'Evening Group of Artists meet- from 7 t-ao 10 p.m. The informai environmenn a- provides arsina witb an opportunity a--a exercise their drawing skills. For more information, caal (905) 854-5753. 1Milt-on Dia-a-ia-t Hospital boid- a a-ane- on-une breastfeeding clinie witb a cer- aihed lactationa consultant from 7 a-o 9 Re p.m. For more-information or a-o make an appoina-ment, caal Jaill Hic-ks as (905) a- 878-2383, ext. 7610. a- Sa-. Paul's Unia-ed Chura-b. 123 Main sa-. F., bold- na-s Georgian Bay Wiaitefsh Dinaner from 5 a-o 7:30 p.m. a- with conainunus servings. The a-Osa- is $12 for aduits and $6 for kid- under 12. For tickets, caal (905) 878-7511 or r (905) 878-8895, ext. 21. Friday Apr. 27 su The Express the Arts poenry group meets from 7 a-o 9 p.m. at Milt-on Cafe on Ona-ario Sa-ree- acros- from. Spokes'n n Slopes wia-h an open mia- format. & H Everyones welcome, espea-ially poets, musicians, artists and lica-eners.

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