The Canadian Champion, Idal AprIl 20, 2007 - B15 --the business ltai mmune to thri Saturday Apr. 21 The Kilbride Tennis Club in nortb Burtington holds an open bouse and registration from noon to 2 p.m. Pro Judith Pridbam-Miltar offers junior tes- sons, camps, round robins and compet- itive teagues. For more information, cati (905) 332-9441. The Milton brancb of the Royal Canadian Legion, 21 Chartes St., hotck, a meat rolt at 4 p.m. in the ctubroom. The Hatton Womens Centre, suite 229 in Hopedate Mail, 1515 Rebecca St. in Oakvitte, holds a serninar on hypno- sis from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The cost is $15. For more information, catt (905) 847-5520 or visit wwwhattonwomnen- Hatton Heatthcare Services and the Mitton I eisure Centre hotd the Living Healty Famity Healt Fair lrom 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Mitton Leisure Centre on Main Street, featuning more than 30 exhibitors, presentations and demonstrations. For more information, catt (905) 845-2571, ext. 4147. The Satvation Army/r h Community hotds its Run Club at 8 a.m. with a one-hour run. For meeting tocation and route, tait (905) 875- 1022. Sunday Apr. 22 The Hatton-Peet branch of the Ontario Geneatogicat Society meets at the Oakvitte Pubtic Library (lower tevel), t20 Navy St., at 2 p.m. wàt Ruth Blair of Blair Archivai speaking on 'Researching your Irish Famity History from Ontario'. Visitors are welcome. For more information, cati Ann Logan at (905) 845-7755 or Susan Ramnsay at (905) 846-0408. Monday Apr. 23 A Speech-L.anguage Pathotogist is on-site at Milton Community Resource Centre/Ontario Earty Years Centre (4 10 Bronte St. S.) to provide haif-hour con- sultations regarding your chitd's speech and tanguage. its for kids aged new- bom to five. To book an appoîntment, catI (905) 876-1244, ext. 10. The Saivation Army/<h Community hotds its Run Club at 5:30 p.m. witb a 30-minute run. For meet- ing location andi route, tait (L)05) 875- 1022. The Lighthouse Program lor Gnevîng Children in Oakvitte holds its peer support group from 6 to 7:30 p. m. for children and teens aged three to 18 who've lost a parent or sibting. For more information or t0 register. cati (905) 337-2333 or e-mail lighthousc- Milton District Hospital holds a one- on-one breastfeeding clinie with a cer- tified lactation consultant from 1:30 to 3 p.m. For more information or 10 make an appointinent, cati Jili Hicks at (905) 878-2383, ext. 7610. The Halton Women's Centre, suite 229 in Hopettale Mail. 1515 Rehecca St. in Oakville, holds a free income tax clinic from 10 arn. to noon for women with a total gross income of no more than $30,000. For more information, cati (905) 847-5520 or visit www.bat- tonwomenscentre.oEg. The Hatton His Quilters Guild meets at the Hatton His Cultural Centre, 9 Church St., in Georgetown at 7:15 p.m. discussing members' tronk shows. New members are wetcome. For more information, cati Ann Totten, prcsident, at (905) 877-6038. The Hatton-Peet chapter of Professionat Organizers in Canada We believe... in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. MI meets at TansleyV Centre from 7 to 9] -see more DATEL AFFORDABLE HOMES IN YOUR PRICE RANGE & AREA - e ,ONSO *O'R INVIT FREE ADMISSION courtesy of ý *Naturai& eEnter EV~ * SeeGanaidian Orgnt Fod ~Canadas DAY Livng Weiiness & tteafth Ali Il Lts Live! el Butter Tart Ctet *Visit Food Networkt Visit websitel Gel Cooking! Stage s FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK EXIIIBIT SPAC Att: 905-815-0017 ext 5591 or 1-800-265-3673 Email: oedmt@foreveryoungewsm THE 4TH ANNUAL I iIOUNG Sunday, McW 6/07 ROYAL BOTANICAL GARDENS j680 Plains Roud West Burlington ive Entertainment including the Toronto Ail Star Band (sponsored by Arnica), Exhibits, Displays and more! sponsored by: ý,19,A M t C A' Specializng in Stonennor Water Ftýrunm and Outdoor tighnn I NTERLOCKING STONE WATER FEATURES Pao nd WaIkway' Eto-F,ýedy P-ds DI,ý--Y" Pondless Waterfalls Retaining Waoll Streams & Bubbtr LANOSCAPING GARDEN STRUCTURES Designs Custom~ PeroIOns SoturaIStoneWuk Pivoy Sreen Fagton Cuott Dedn Ldscpettihtff w - o uto,, orowd Spacs oo ýl 905-208-1732 D tý il m advertising sooner or Ile finda Ili Immune ýoods Community to business." p.m., with registra- Derby INE on page 817 Boýwn Buy Your Home For NO MONEY DOWN www.haltonnomneydowfl.çgml P df, otCeffl'tRItStiPOrag Ie us fo FIRST BP-LACE