Sharing money the rught move, says Jackson efrom MUNICIPALITIES on page Ai Burlington Mayor Cam Jackson said he tbinks tbe four municipalities will make the best decisions on where to invest the money The fact municipal councils will have the option to return the funds for regional transportation projects was bîgbligbt- ed by Halton Hîlîs Mayor Rick Bonnette. "This allows us flcxibility" bc noted. 'l tbînk this is a good resolution." Bonnette also said he tbinks giving the moniey back througb taxes would defeat the purpose of the Fairness for Halton campaign. Halton HUIs Councillor jane Fogal sbared similar sentiments, explaining that making tax cuts would tell the Province Halton does bave enougb money for infra- structure.1 Sbe and Milton Mayor Gord Krantz voiced their support for the motion crafted during last week's planning and pub- lic works committee that asked for the local municipalities to simply bc consulted with on the option of receiving pooling funds versus using the money for regional projects. And Burlington Councillor John Taylor stressed the needs Halton bas in its roads svstem, likeming the situation te how streets are prioritîzed wben snow plowing. 'Wben it tomes to snow clearing, sou don't plow tul-de- sacs first," be saîd. 'We need te buîld the regional mira- structure before the local inirastruc turc. When the vote was talled, Bird, Bonnette, Dennison, Elgar, Jackson, Oakville Maîyor Rob Burton and counicillors Tom Adams and Alan Jobnston, along wvitb Burlîngton count- cillors Rîck Craven, Carol D'Amelîo and Rick Goldring were in favour of the motion te, send the pooling savings te eacb local municipality, Voting against the resolution were Best, Krantz, Taylor, Fogal, Halton Hilîs Councillors Clark Somerville, Milton Councillor Barry Lee, Oakville Councillor Fred Oliver, Burlingron Councillor Peter Tboem and Regional Chair Gary Carr. Oakville Councillor J eff Knoll was absent. Under the Provinces plan, pooling will be reduced by one-sixtb of its 2004 levels each year until the program is completely eliminated by 2013. Melanie Hennessey tan be reaclîed ai mhennessey@mnilton- canadianchampioi.totm. ,Turner holds taxing income trusts meeting Halton MP Gartb Turner is calling a special town hall meeting Tbursday to, discuss the impact taxing income trusts bas on investors and the economy The local politician is învitîng income trust investors and concerned citizens te come out to the meeting, wbicb will start at 7:30 p.m. at the Boyne Community Centre, located at tbe northeast corner of Britannia Road and Regional Road 25. For more information contact (905) 693-0166. For fur- tber details on the income trust situation, visit Turners web- site and blog at Te Canadian Champion, Friday, Apnil 20, 2007 - A5 Record industrial growth Iikely to continue ai growth is on pace to match or eveni surpass last year's record-breaking numbers. According to a report presented to the Town's administration and plan- ning committee Monday evening, industrial/commercial/institutional permîts issued in the first quarter of the year represent about one million square [cet of development - up from 770,269 square feet reacbed at the same tîme in 2006. ",We've been heaning a lot about since the 2000 Census report showed that we are the fastest-growing com- mumty in Canada," said Mayor Gord Krantz. "But one of the keys to, a healthy community is a balance between industrial and residential development." Residential development is also Up, with 80 more unit applications herng made in the first three montbs of the year compared to 2006 and 268 addi- tional permits being issued. According to staff, the bike is main- lionls prior o e tic ncd toi inandatoî y compliance witb the new Objective- Based Building Code that came into effect April 1. "The results really mean that a number of applications have taken place in the first quartier, but the trend is a steady growtb which matches our forecast," said Director of Planning and Development Mel lovio. "Milton continues to be an attractive location for bomebuyers and new businesses alike." RETURN TO WHERE etr THEY KNOW YOU BEST.i EXTEND TUE LIFE OFYOUIUTIRES-.opeeainen evc sid HAVE AN AUGNMENTISE1O vailal a s MIL DONETODY. Ai~ ASK A&OI TRUCK fi- 97 CSty ded inthe prio yo tirs and orGM eprie UT THE NEW EXCLUSIVE GM TIRE PUOTECflON PLAN 'I p~ ~ U u .150+ paint hupoctio * USED VEHICLES 32 "41m= 3 A9 9HsmanS Canada*ê____________ p.,