ASHLEY HUTCHESON / SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION OPEN FOR BUSINESS: Mayor Gord Krantz cuts the ribbon at the recent grand open- ing of Shear Pleasure Salon and Spa in Milton Mail Sharing the Spirit awards to be given to top students Cathohic students who go above and beyond the cail of duty will be recog- nized at an awards ceremony Monday The lQth annual Sharing the Spiiit Student Award of Excellence Ceremony will take place ai Christ thse King Catbolic Secondary Schooi in Georgetown and wdll kick off Cathoic Educaiion Week 2007. One stîdent from each elementary and secondary Catholic scbool in Halton bas been seiected to reccîse the award. In Milton, the rccipients arc: Christine Pexal iromn Guardian Angcls. Annelise johnston [rom Holy Rosary, Alex ( erelli [rom Our ILady o f Victory Coim Wbitford [rom St. Peter and Marika Dabek [rom Bisbop Reding. Students are nominated by their pnincipals and demonstrate outstand- ing qualities ini areas inciuding Cathoic leadership, famîiy commitment, invoivement in sehool aifaîrs, itîvolve- ment in community activities and ded- ication to a dilliculi situation or task. "The excellence and commitmrent demonstrated bv these recîpients reflects the essence ofi ail of our parîners in Cathoic education,- saîd Lou Piovesan, dîrector of education. We are ail x'ery proud of thesc students who are our Catholic leaders ofi the future." SHOKN NER SOCîPINi îWÀnuLVIrn# Seeing Beyond Numbers Ve Wdo allkl"dof Taue LdI Reasonablo Rates - Check us First Ld 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed Milton Mail ( by the Zellers) 905-875-3726 Head Office: 1866-829-9433 .Charity golf approaching Tee-off for a good cause Aith an upcoming golf tournameni designed to give participants a day to remem- ber. The I Stb annuai golf tournament in support of i-lton Womens Place wili take place Jonc 8 at Crosswinds Golf and Country Club. Participants Àrill receive golf, a cart rentai, a barbecue lunch, drivîng range use, a plated dînner, prizes and more. Participaction's Hal Johnson and Joanne McLeod are the tournaments honorary chairs, and Dan Dunieavy [rom The Pan 590 wiil return this year as master of ceremonies. Tickets cost $225 per golfer, whicb includes a $50 tax receipt. A foursome costs $850. Those wbo register by April 30 wiii be entered into an early bird draw. Various sponsorship opportunt- tics are avaîlable. A foursome witb bole sponsorsbip costs $1,000, whîle a bole sponsorsbip alone is $200 and a specialty bole sponsorship ctists $300. Donations are also welcome, wNitb items beîng sougbt for raffles, prîzes anti grab bags. [o register tir inquire about spon- sorsbips, cail C. ristina at (905) 332- 1200, ext. 244 tir c-mail cmackayý New ibis vear is tîn-lne registra- tion at Pired of the samne aid plants in pour garden t Ready o rry sornethorg new? PereTnnal qardeninq is one of tne fastest growing gardening trends loday ana with each year cornes tnenrodaction of new varietres and the rediscoery of nid favourites. Unque and different is what gardeners are iooking for. Long lasting foers, boid beautrfui blooms and the lite things i ke de cateiy variegared forrage and the interesr ng sAape, textare and colour of a leaf are sonne of the characterstcs drawrng more qardeners to the worid of perenniais. A coaple of anique and different perenniais to try are: Armri'NityThrftý ad runer %okig las",A tipth ou The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 20, 2007 - Bil GIA-NT SCOOTER SALE 2 Days OnIV! Friday, Apnil 27 (9:O0ain - 5:OOpm) Saturdav April 28 (10:OOam-4:OOpm) ât-" Demo Scooters Many models at IZ huge savings 4 SILVER CROSS@ , RECYCLED AND NEW HEALTH CARE EQUIPMENT 1195 North SeMce Rd. W. UnitB5 Oakville (Between 3rd & 4th fine) 905-847-5504 WANTrED! 7 HOMES THAT NEED ROOFINO 7 homes in your area wiII be given the opportunity of having an INTERLOCK metal roofing system installed on their home at a reasonable cost. This lifetime product is capturing the interest of homeowners across the country who want to know this will be the last time they wiIl have to re-roof their home. Our product is environmentally friendly and comes with a transferable Lifetime Limited Warranty with an excellent choice of colours to compliment your home and is going to be introduced to your local market. Your home can be a show place in your neighbourhood and we will make it worth your while if we can use your home. Please cali Terry: 1-866-898-6285 TÙ1II11-Free 24 hours 7 Days a week in Today's Caam Champion! SHOW HOUAS Fayir 1PM o 9p or saudy ibam Io5Pým. 'f..e N4X' eÇ5 , Apeil 20,21 & 22 H Horrreasof ai pridrroi andra ie for your home Millie Momoria Arena *Great soleo, grea qairy, great poeo - ailua7roneoof 77 Thmpson Rd. S. *Ternifi, one lime Home Shrow Spedel Just South of Main Si.1 *Compare oompanies. Seees *Local, reliabieomrrparues i Free Parking ena