A4 -The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 20, 2007 TAX NOTICE Ratepayers of the Town of Milton are reminded that the 1 st installment of the 2007 final Tax Bill s due on Monday, Apnil 30, 2007. If you require information about taxes, please contact the Corporate Services, Tax Division at (905) 878-7252 ext. 2193, 8:30a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday tri Friday. Tax payments must be received in the Corporate Services Office on or before the due date tri avoid penalty. A late payment charge of 1 1/4 %will be charged on the first day rit default and on the firsf day of each calendar month in which the default continues. If is the responsibility rit the ratepayer to ensure that the taxes are paid by the due date. even in the event that the bill s not received as mailed. Taxes may be paid: a) By mail: Corporate Services, Tax Division, 43 Brown St., Milton On. [91 5H2 Cheques post-dated ta the due date are accepted and encou a.getI. b) Telephone or Internet banking (check with your financial institution for detaîls) c) By using the mail deposit box to the leh of the glass doors at Town Hall (ail hours) d) Between the hours of 8:30 arn. and 4:30 p.m. at the Corporafe Services (Tax Division), Town Hall, 43 Brown St., Milton. (Cheque or money order is preferred, rather than cash). Direct Debit also accepted. e) Please contact our office for details regarding the Pre-Authorîzed Tax Payment Program. NOTICE 0F PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSIO%9-%1N TO ALL RESIDENTS/PROPERTY OWNERS: RE: ROAD SALT IMPACT ASSESSMVENT AND MITIGATION STUDY BROOKVILLE OPERATIONS CENTRE The Town of Milton has engaged an environmenfal crinsultîng fîrm, Ecoplans Lfd. tri complefe an impact asseasment and mitigation sfudy of road sait storage operatîins af the Brookville Operat ions Centre and surrounding lands located sf 11302 Guelph Lîne, Brookville. The princîple objectives of the study are to identify the magnitude and extent of salt-impacted groundwater and surface water surroundîng the site, and present mitigation options. Prior f0 any field activities associated with this study, members of the project team will be available at the public information centre f0 introduce the proposed activities and respond to any questions or suggestions that you may have. Date: May 2, 2007 Location: Nassagaweya Community Centre, Brookville, Ontario Presenfafion Time: 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. Commenta and information regarding this projecf will be collected f0 assiat the Project Team. This material will be maintained on file for use during the project and may be included in projecf documentation. Information collected will be used in accordance with the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Acf and the Access f0 Information Acf. With the exception of personal information, all comments will become part of the public record. If you are unable to attend this session and wish f0 obtain more information or provide wriften comments, please address your concernas f0: Doug Thompson Manager, Operations Town of Milton Phone: (905) 878-7252, ext. 2552 Fax: (905) 878-6072 E-mail: doug.thompson@milton.ca Martin Gedeon Projecf Hydrogeologiat Ecoplans Ltd. Phone: (905) 823-4988 ext. 412 Fax: (905) 823-2669 E-mail: mgedeon@ecoplana.com Location Map of fthe atudy area 11125 1122' < U1 0 e, 04, OS 4- '~ .2 4 & «cia 'w 0Q > 4 'Q 4, 4, f \Family homeless after .dfldel q~ d ksiL ý # a*1% Firefighters lzept bu-sy with Tuesdlayires By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF 1 liey le prity to looik ai, but svBen tl rounes, i iB daingers of Bîrckerîîîg rcan- dies, tioBudys mure asvaîe bhaî foraI lItreliglîtets wlîo Baitled iwo blazessi Biairs .ipai iîsrlay Iýut tîIy, nubiîdy was Burt in cuIter of the lires, althougb une lanily bas luîd tiinselves ss'thtbu a hoîme. [Be incidents could have ended tragi- cally, saîd rîuiel l.arry Brassard oif tbe Milton lire Department. "Candles are une of tbe leadîng causes of [ires in Ontario," Brassard said. 'Peuple need tw realize tbese tbiîugs bave an înberent cdanger and tBey need tuB Bc anrlled sili rare.* Firefigbîers recetved tbe fîrsi caîl ai about 1:.30 p.ni. [rom a frantic f 5 year- olrI RoseBeath Drive re-sident ' ud managed to esrape altet a randle vas kturkecî tu tBe Bucîr and îgnîîed sume Bcd rus ers. SherI tii.nagcd Io gelthle lamiîv's dug and pet rabbiî tu safetx as sbe exîterî tbe bouse. I-irefigbters respunded wtbin tbre minutes to discos er a fasî-movîng [ire in tbe basement. After an aggressive intenior at.ack, tbe blaze was extin- guisbed bel ore il spread, Brassard said. The recresuion room was gutted, and the resi of tbe bouse sustained heavy smoke and water damage to tbe lune of about $90000o i be family - a woman and ber two daughters - is siaying wîîb relatives in iown. Brassard crmrnended the ieenaged occupant for bier hasty retreai and for calling 911 IroitT outside the house. tlfe said rrews dîd a great job of exiinguishing tbe blaze, and added basceeit lires are one of the roosi dan- gerous types lor fireligBîers - tbe staîr- way acts as aî patbway for îbe [ire, wBirB seeks an avenue tu move upwards. "TBey re lOrced to go down a sirtual cbim-ney, Be saîd. F-ireligliters svere ralled iu a second blaze ai 7:30 p m., alter a plastic potted plant i.augbî lire lrorn a nearby candie i a seventb fluor Ontario Street apari- ment north of Main Street. Vhe [ire \v as mo-ais ont ,vlen [ire- [îgbîers arrîsed. Bavtng been extîn- guislied bs the resîdent - whio was sti11 inside - anrî rressý s inisBed the joli. B3rassard saîd the v onan - and tbe many otîter residenis - as lucky the [ire didn'i gel out of rontrol. i Be ocicupant sBould Bave lei the apartment. rlosed the door beBtnd ber and pulled the Buildings [ire alarmn Before calling q911, lie said. Damage bas been pegged ai less tban $5,000. Stepuait Tltiessi'î cait leicclied ai stliîesseîiCwmîiltoitcaîtadiaîtrltanpioi.con- We dare you to compare your insurance rates. $1,098-11 $4,513-12,o You may be paying 4 times higher., over 300% more for the same thing. lnstanfty compare what you're paying ta oser 30 other insurance company rates. lnsuranceHoflîne.com arranges them by prîce, and gises you the 3 lowest. Rates between insurance companies can vary by 100's, even 1l000's of dollars. Jump on-line and compare. Plus your quote wîtt be emaîted f0 you, instant ly. YoutIl be shocked how mach savings you'll tind in tess than a tew minutes.