B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 20, 2007 FeoUà, y Uri 1um M h street Ai tiat-ui i' a an ut tbtf t-iýL c il Costly Homo Inspection Pittalis Free Report Visit: ww.haltonhonîelnsaectionpittalls.com PudnfiaTw tRlty Brkeuage FRACTURE (1 4A) Fn. 4,7,10 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1,4,7.10 Mon. -Thu. 7,10 FRACTURE (1 4A) Tue. 1 P.M. Starsaand Strollers VACANCY(1 4A)Fni 4:15,7:15,10:15 P.M. Sal. & Sun. 1: 15,4:15,7:15,10:15 Mon. -Thu. 7:15,10:15 IN THE LANDO0F WOMEN I PG ) Fri. 3:55, 6:55,9:55 P.M. Set. & Sun. 12:55,21:55,15:55,9:55 Mon. -Thu. 6:55,9:55 IN THE LAND 0F WOMEN (PG) Tue. 1 P.M. Stars and Strollers PERFECT STRANGER (14A) Fni. 4:05,7:05, 10:05 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 1:05,4:05,7:05,10:05 Mon. - Thu. 7:05.10:05 DISTURBIA ( PG ) Fni. 3:45,6:45,9:45 P.M. Sai. & Sun. 12:45,3:45,6:45,9:45 Mon. - Thu. 6:45,9:45 ARE WE DONE YET? (G)>Fni 3:40,6:40 P>M. Sat. & Sun. 12:40,3:40,6:40 Mon. - Thu. 6:40 BLADES 0F GLORY il 4A) Fni 3:50,6:50. 9:50 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 12:50,3:50,6:50,9:50 Mon. -Thu. 6:50.9:50 MEET THE ROBINSONS (G)Fri. 4:10,7:10. 9:50 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:10,4:10,710,9:50 Mon. -Thu. 7:10.9:50 SHOOTER<14A) Fn. -Thu. 10 PM. name in Milton. Especially when the Town wants to change a lot ut tbem. The Town says it's necessary for emergency services, yet peuple un those streets say the pizza delivery peuple bave nu problem finding them. While my sympathies are witb tbe peu- ple wbo would bave to bave their addresses cbanged, emergency services must be having problems, or potential problems, or else they wouldn't say tbey did. A bandy map ut Milton might just do tbe trick, but if tbat's oi enougb 1 bave another idea. 1 say we re-name aIl tbe streeis, every sin- gle une ut tbem. Tbere's a slew uf acceptable street names that cao be proposed on the Town's website for new sub-divisions, mosi ut tbem boning. A town councîllur in 1957? Ya.... .who cares? A mayor for decades, okay But, it seems like peuple spend consîderable time complaining about politicians and then want to rinme streets and parks after them. My solution is much better. We use differ- ent memorable uhemes in eacb section and then break it down into sub-sectiuns. For example, une section could be oarned alter famous actors. One area witbin that could be cartoon cbaracters: Dat ly Duck Drive, Humer Simpson Street, Bob the'Buder Boulevard. Another section could be movie sex sy'm- j Join the Board of Durectors of Halton Healthcare H a ton Hea Ithca re Serivces Make a Différence in Your Community OAKVILLE MILTON GEORGETOWN HOSPITALS Comprised of ihree communily hospiiols Iocaied in Ookville, Milton and Georgeiown, Halion Healtcare Services (HHS) is a q grwn addnamic organizaion commiffed ta meeting the healthare needs of its diverse communities. Haîton Heaithcore's Board oF Diredtors s in ihe process of recruiting ibren new Board members, and invites applications tram senior execulives who reside in the Regional Municipoliiies of Holton or Peel, and are interested in using their experise ta, make o difference in their own community. To complement the exisiing Board Direciors' backgrounds, the Board is poriicularly inieresied in heoring tram professionals with the following profiles. Corpoirate Lowyer with senior-level experience ai a medium-to-large size corporale low firm Heallthcare Executive with senior level experience and subjeet expertise in qualiiy and heaîth systemn performance Construction Industry Executive with senior level experience in guiding and leading complex capital projects if ouare o recognized leader with a significoni record of achievement in your area of expnrtise, and you have an inierestin1 guiding and shaping ihe heolth system in your communiiy we wani ta hear Fram yon. Demonstroted Board Director experience on a nat-for-profit or corparate Board, and knowledge of the current heolifucare environment are essential. A detailed Boord Direcior recruliment profile bas been posted on the HHS website ai ww-Iw.haltonhealthcare.com. On behalf of the Board of Direciors, we invite you la direct your letter of interesi and inqoiries. quoting Frojeci #HHSBD-700204MC, by May 14, 2007, la Judy Mandelman, Promeus mnc. Tel: 416-216-4633. Fox: 905-707-0625. E-mail: hattonbeahtl@promeus.ca. Waieepark Place. 20 iaV .Streei. Sic, 1100 Tnennio. ON M5i 2N8 nwvw.promeus.ca PROMEUS p 0S INVENTORY CLEARANCE SALE 400 PIANOS Grands -Digitals Ail Taxes included! SAVE s 19OO Plus, don't pay for 6 months* Limited time end-of-season special. Prt ffilikilic H1ore1 r": ,' Vt" th, G ke'l etjoi hon e', vai and: w uirtiP (1 r yeair ru':::d jM ; 0:11: stactruel tmai aitee mns rr al il y~o te tel rtatr, C dIo eoeryttrrrq ý e e te 1erake il r1ejl1 SRe1i an1c e honie . eerhrr BentaI Watei Hrnte'r. t rUgi Ffftiecîy F::rtaçes 1 Air Co'riueeoers 1 Corricet Protr':,t.er Plii.:. : i1c3lig 81rrd Uo li s::rrra.I"n ::: e ( 'The GUa d uriq thetvîrt 6 moths aler purchase Aftethetirst 6 muths, ,rerest stnts tî accru~e van .î,î,v raeo 1919% fier anu Financing examnO, MonthIy Paymntn a $,50 o aOi 19 % ftor 2 mott,i SM30 Speia oferwhe yu prcas a . ne Iunc an ei oniin right cou. braitteed7 Cali 905-633-9581 now. Offer expires April 30, 2007. bols: Dolly Parton Dnive, Mae West Way, Manilyn Monroe Street. And there could be sections named atter movie and television vil- tains, comedians and singers. lu would make everybodys street name unique, Milton unique around the world, and easy for emergency services. The cati corntes in: "We've got an emergency in the celebrity section." "We're on it. Whicb sub-section?" "is in the movie villain area. 25 Hannibal Lecter Lane. Just past Wicked Witcb of the West Way" Sec how easy thati s? Fverybody would automatically know where in town you live, îust hy the name ot the sîrees. Another area could be narned after food. CGoi an emergency is the food section. "We're on it. Which sub-sectioo?" around the corner lrom Anchovy Avenue, and ]ust before Double Cheese Drive." Tbere's nu reason we can't also make a prof- it on tbis. In order to defray tbe cost of cbang- ing your hicense (even tbough 1 tbink its free), people can rent out tbeir street name, and make a few bucks in tbe process. You know, like tbey do for stadiums. Tbe longer tbe street, the more you'd cbarge, but everybody on the street gels an equal sbare. Companies pay su mucb per year for a contracted amount of 10 years. At the end of the 10 years tbe street is put up for bids again and goes tu tbe higbest bidder. Tbat way, people migbt actual- ly be glad tu cbange tbe name ut their street. For example, you're in tbe brand name sec- tion of town - 1-ealth Products. You live on Viagra Way and after 10 y'ears alung cornes Preparation H whu wants tu pay more for tbe namîng rights. You don't mind tbe inconven- ience, and its an incentive for peuple tu keep their streets nice tu enhance its value. "We've gut an emergency io the newspaper columnist area." "We're un it. Whîch sub-sectiuni?' 1'ts in the Murray Tuwnsend section. lus on Murray Townsend Street, ]ust past Murray Townsend Road, and jusi hefure Murray Townsend Avenue."