Al16 - The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Apnil 20, 2007 I :7I ~ E ' ~ ~\New father-friendly website GET A FRESH START. Get SOLUTIONS now for- MjrCash Flow Problemrs Wage Gornishments Evici mssI w y g i in an ud nc Persistent Bill Collectors Judgements, Law Suis Student Loan a 1,0 me br Delinquent Taxes Foreclosures Divorce Relxted Finoncial Problems AiU things dad related discussed on site htast oing 50 mmbr M IPADDON + Bakuuycnbeypji a s! x refor ini osfai By Stephanie Thiessen ery of topics and post messages moins enjoy being a YQRKE INC SAFo hi upc nld o peuple they clickw -,T FADkMSERiS - ) 3 11 CANADIAN CHAMPION SAF o Wfl . Woisicld o 22 iSree TuEEaèodFys(an&arnStMltn Abtrsuh' it-yourself projects, sports, vehi- and then get togethe 225 ainStret ast(Mai & artn S.) ilto A ettr sluton! Fi-,t i ujoç the moins in ces and parenring, Gillespie other. Brocklo onfrijofrsBdi di Education deieadcetfnt aduit edcaiouricils ndpacics Courses arandedo aurasa Sherida InttueofTchoogen Th poqa i dsind orths anfoeptedo foStesasionsssio. o auedBrock.caiN7esiN Milton who found themselves with an Internet forum. Now, dads have a portai ail their own ru do everything from share hume improvement tips to ask questions about their cars. A couple ut montbs ago, local resident Sandy Gillespie decided ir was rime ru creare a dad-focused version uf ber wiid- iy pupular wehsite wwwhaiton-, which she created a few years ago. Su www.miiton- dadis.cum was hum, Su far, its gerting off the ground siowly but sureiy, with about 100 members who caîî read others' messages on a vani said. Gillespie's husband, John Vireliaro, iv the sites moderaror. Message huards are a grear way ru Sget a lot of information from a lot uf peuple,' Gillespie said. To find our ail the peuple yuu're chatring with on-line live nearhy iv a bonus, she said, adding thar she mer ber neigh- hour two doors down over the i-lton Moins site, nor knowrng how close they iived. "It's an ice breaker for sure," she said. "You feel out who you have a kinship with and go from there." The Haiton Moins sire now and iv con- lespie said hie ro [mnd ith on-line r with each Airhough the sire iv for moins across Hairon, discus- sion boards are broken down mbt communities, and the Milton hub bas become the busîest. she saîd. The group bas evolved intu a support network, with women shaning with and encuuraging each other, and also welcoming new residenrs tu rown who log onro the site. Ir was some uf these moins who expressed a desire ru sec a similar sire for their hushands, Gillespie added. Str'phanie Thir'sscn can be reached ut sthiessen@9miIton- carîadiaîîclî "The business that considlers itsOif Immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later findis itself immune to business." Derby Brown LETS~ ~ GO À R~IADO "eàâ CHEVRj L