-Town considering taking over p~~dLJ ISd lidLO CSU The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 20, 2007 - Al13 Why~~~~~ a. *.iesBn mrgg on Because we deliver more when it mafters most The Town is looking to once again operate the concession services at local arenas. Staff îs proposing a two-year pilot project where the mnunicipaliîy would take over the con- cessions fromr the prîvate comnpany currently un- ning thern - a move that the commtinity servic- es committee endorsed last Tuesdlay evening. A plan for the pilot presented to the committee explained that management of the tbîrd-partv contracts the Town bas hiad for concession servic- es "las taken consîderahie staff nime and effort." Town operated concessions wif I allow for more controf, improved customer response time and l'afir revenue targets," the plan said. The plan also noted thai the current conces- sion contract is ending mutuafly within the next few monthis. If the pilot is approved by council, thc concessions at the Milton Sports Centre, Leisure Centre and Memorial Arena woufd re- open under Town management in August and ai thie John Tonelli Sports Centre in Octoher. Afier the îwo-year pilot, staff would evaluate the results and make recommendations on whether the Town should continue running the concessions or once again use a private company. Besides the Mil ton Sports (entre, concessions at the other three Town-owned recreatioli facilitie-s were once operated hy mtinicipal staff. The malter will he on îown counicil's agenda Monday Look for the Every Kilowatt Counts Bookiet. The savîngs are electric. nryetcn pous Vour Efectrfcify Savfngs Booklef is coming soon to your home. Its tull of electrfcity-saving tips and f, instant rebate coupons. Like twenty-tive dollfara off ENERGY STAR- qualfffed ceiling fana and tt*ree dollars off compact fluorescent bulbs. Be on the lookoutftor your book. And start savfng. dom ami :m %Lower mortgage rates than the big five Canadian banks ýO Get our f owest mortgage rate up front with no haggling. exactly what you'd expect f rom a bank ranked number one n corporate social responsibifîty %0 Ask me about our new Green Mortgage Rob Herriot Martgage Development Manager Phone: 905-541-8816 Email: rob herriot@citizensbank.ca citizens bank of canada HOME BUILDER INFORMATION SEMINAR This is flot a selling seminar! This is a no hassie information seminar for people who are planning to build their own home or cottage. It deals with financing, design, potential problems, avoiding cost overý-runs, selecting trades and legal respon- sibilities. lt's two hours of critical information and entertainment for the homebuilder. If you're planning to build, you must attend this seminar! Thursday May 3rd Hilton Garden Inn Toronto/Ajax 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm 500 Beck Crescent, Ajax, ON Tuesday May Bth 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm Holiday Inn Select Oakville 2525 Wyecroft Road, Oakville, ON Thursday May 1 Oth Sheraton Parkway North Toronto 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm 600, Hwy #7 East, Richmond Hill, ON