AlO The Canadian Champion Fr day Apnt 20 2007 Mattamy's phase 3 gets initial green light Davis seeks l!îîhl1lt lI~,fvlîî y1! I il I subdivision has hem gîvcn tht initial ibumbs alrcady htrn approvtd by count I - waicr llwy 40! iii r I i lt jh i-i (i I L~)î I S up by the Town. anti wasiewaier capaciiy has only bren Road C ommiiiec ciiîloisci! lii tutti titi At its rneeungMonday nigbi, the adminis- secured or addiiional 371 unîts ai ibis i lie uliinîaic jîlaiî loi Maiîaiiîy lit a tration and planning cornrniiîee supporîed urne ibrough an agreerneni wiîh the Region properiy also incîtidîs dcsigiiuittl air. corner of Derry and Trernaine roads to malte expresscd concern wîîh developmcni once mmi, land sci asidu loi tWt lu iii' il rezonîng a section of land near the souibeasi Wards 2 and 4 (ouncillor Colin Ilesi rcsidcniial ollit c amI t oîîîiouh lai di o t way for 371- more homes - 233 single and agaiiî geiiîng abead ol roads and pul lorward schools, a ur-igluhuuuiil boul i antI lotît VII fl orïi i n ati O fl sernî-detacbed and 138 townhouses. a rnoiioiu calling lor ilw Towu to ask ibe lage squares Plans liii lit' stilttliVttuî>it'~ While 2,216 bornes bave been proposer1 Region anti Mînisiry of Transportation i0 phase will go heloru îoWii t oiiiiî il Mîiiday By Melanie Hennessey fi I/-M/-fi H/-I APION STAFF - .. 'A liii a <lait' lia r-t iii hi st i for tht ~ j bîlioo C tii'-i'r5'aitscS OttiyiiilaiittO III liii rot ciiiug aiuuîiliîr local rî'sidu'îii has îhrtîss o ~si bts liai iii lit' ring lit vie or îhr' lt-dr-rai r au dîdaîr spot K ~I Das t5 rccuoily Mîlionian Richard I l h I announced bis mien lîtmns ii seek ihe fit 5i Richard Davis lion. going UP againsi Itirmer nitnttOat ion o. r C.c rs 1') \rcx Keene and Rick Maihoctit i he -1-5 s cir itîd bas alrc icly sci sortie specilic gît ils he d lîkr b acbîcve if oîîîmatelv chîîscîî as ihc caiîdîdatc FRIOAY, APRIL 20 AND SATURDAY, APRIL 21 svtîb one ol bis lit un locuses heing tri unleis ilitermule îiaied wiuîie qiauiiiuei liii urne tiemi miv maie been in sale dirinq lime pasi weeim Persitiai shipputil in geî sputris anti iccrediion îuuding Saturday the first 50 customers to vîsit their local Sears Dealer store wîll receive a coupon valîd that day for încîeased "By focusiog tilt sptîrts anti recre aîion I beluese wc cao malte a major $10 off a minimum purchase of $50 or more of regular sale or clearance prîced merchandîse îîtîpacî on iwrt tuber irnluimrîani areas thai cîîncern Canadians - heahb cosîs ancl crime.' lie saîd 'By reinîrrtducing sputrîs aîtd healîby actisilîrs b ail chu dreit we wtlI stan lui reduce ihe star îlingly bîgb obesiîy rate He ntîted that by' keepîng cîîîldren adjuutable, miii fach busy and active tbey'îl also baste Iess Dryer. .7 dryiîg optîmni . Wrîîkle Guard ~t Our Lowest Puce '~ ~ ~ ~, impact on peîîy juvenile crime. Do ibm bealîb-care front, Davis is - I - I I NOW ~4~W ' ~ ~ . callîng for ihe gris ernmeni tri make changes to ibe prtîcess doctors who onIy@~Sears immîgrate iru Canada musi go îhrîîctglî belore îbey cao pracuse here 3ncc these people arnve in Canada tînt niais ciii cînîîrurîîon ibex facm an uphill hatîle lit bas-mg ilteir JASPER il DOIJOLE SOfA ~ pi tîlessional qualtlications recognîzed hy (anadian companies and even the federal and prrîxincial gos'ernnîenis' bc saîd, "The government should be proacîlse tri aîdîng would be immi- grants and C. aoada iîself hy beîng able 4 b assess peoples qualifications prior 10 îbem enterîog the country He pruiposed iîius could he donc hy in csîigaiiog Irîreugît educatîcinal facîb ites îrt certifs svhethcr their prctgrams mmet tir esc cccl C aitadian sîaîîdards. Cilice that N clîttie. Das ts saîd lic îbîoks tmmigt anis shrtiilcl hc ahle tri lias c iheit priilcsstritîaî accrediiaiirttts cerîîfîcd antI ibeit Itrîcl cmplcîy'mcot ~ qbom~~*~"'u~ .~ înîtoediately'. prtis'iding tht-y caît risc' ~ one tiI ibe îwo tîlfîctal languages. Uc orîîed thai as an army brai' hes aI a greai soppot 1er tif ihe C anadian mil iarx Il ssc rc grtuutg lui settrl rîcur pur s n iii rît daîîgercîus siîuatiiîns it s i i unîheni ipon cîs ici prtis'idm thein w iii the hcst tiiols wîîh whuch ut do their j bs he said Dasis s i mari ted lather tif îhree wh w rks as an au îrallic ciintrtilîmr ai I e îî s n Iitîematiutoal Airpori. îles alsut utc presid iii tiI thu Mulitin Marîuît Swim ieam For irurtre ittliîrmaiittn sîsil rîcbdas'îs.c a Meltotir I lî'uuuîcssuv tiali lic mcii lîc~I ai ntlîcîtiicsscx@iii uliîtîit aîîridioncltaoîîiiitit r tint