Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 2007, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion. Tuesdlay, Apnil 1T 2007 Keep This Eriday, local gr and individuals wvili forces iii spruce Up local parks sîreets roadwavs via the an Milton Mialseoser Mon Without questioi svcrtthsvhIile event - one thai vOU c(an stil invoived n its'v ca (905) 878-7252. ext. or v isiiing w\N-w.iimiltc ois the lirst of a nui of area spring-cleaning natives planned oser ne\1 mionth. Atiendance and s] sorship for these clean 'las been quite strong But while ibis suppe certainly' enceuragîng, annual need for se n clean-ups is somewhat it dlean oups couragîng. joint Not a spnng gces bv- our svithout a number cf com- and plaints abouît local lîttenng nuai pnmanlv in rural areas. -iîng. but occasionails on nmain i a urban roadwavs as well. and A letter in todav's I get Champion cx evidence cf lliiîg tlîis. 2189 Dîscarded ccffee cups in.ca and emptx fasi food bags nber wo'uld be bad enough. but i- il sema sonne people are the inakîng far bigger public trash deposîts. î)oiî F'sing our parks and -ups roadsvaxs as a garbage can over is sîmplv1 net acceptable. and As îodax's letter wrîîer îat'll stresses, ifs an embarrass- ment te cur ccmmuntx; st-t is Se lets trx te keep the Milton clean - net just for îany a few davs each spning, but dis- ail year round. Readers Write E-mail your lettears te mltoea@haterîoeaxch.oem. Renaming rural road a bad idea 17-11t oîtîs si le'itît is tîtLîlss'ssîd Io ui, l01ois f Millie. flitl ti teps l ias fi led wsilli il DEAR TOWN 0F MILTON: This t.orresponclence is in regard ie s\oui pîlanl o re-nanie No. 3 sýideroad. liii1 againsit ibis proposi for Ille lit.oiiScilic'ice factor alone. No. 3 Sideio.id lias e'sisied lor. maîis Ncairs -ai leasi 155 ,o det.adcs - andI 1 feel thai te changiî,e ii nanie svotild cause nloie .eitst Iiani tl \ould 1os Inv lltss r a tat.i ihal OIe polit.e. tire t.epartiiienî andi ambuitlancte sers ice ail k-lsiîs w liere it i>. and cani arnive o.n site ii agood îîîîie fraîîie. Ilsesril the clecisîoîî 15 inad.e îo t.hangîîie biii îhe nine andt. residet.e,: nonîhiieîn on No. 3 sit.kioa,j tus- t.eiterni 15 the t.osî \\at. to V i sl beai [lte eithis, dt.ltîný etial miiîsties to update my address. conîacîîîîg mv hank insurance companties, lasvs ecr and acct.unltani, etc. neit b mention the labour of phoîîîng or sendîng change cf address cards le ail nu frîeîîds anîd famils. of svlîch ses- eral arc oui cf losvn, out cf proxilîce and ocii cf cournn Who ssîll pas for tîtese numer- eus Change cf address cards, postage. faxes, mailing supplies. long distance calîs, and, mosi importantî. in-s lime assav from s ei k le at. t.otîlIipli ihes decîs Ceî iaiiils nol m self' Several resîdients cf No. 3 sýideroad are elderîs;, reuired peo- pIe. some ot vwhomr Fnglîsh cs not their natîs e longue. \Vho %svill assîst themn to contact the neces- san mînîstnes te change cheir pensieon infornion, as Nvell as an-î- clier documents and, if needed. take them îo ihe required miliisiries te perfornu the c.hange,' It i am net misulsen, sviîh ail the health card traîîd that is arotind. the \linistrv cf Health requires s ou 10 makec ans changues and renessais in person. These pensieners can nol, gîven their ticomne, bear the addî- tîoîîai costs requîred for suc(h ait endeas cur. 1 have read in several new,ýspa- pers and seen on TV news repents thai Milton has the hîghest rate cf population increase in Canada. I feel thatil t ould be in the hesi interesi cf the residents of Milton if îoxsn couiil wsere ici diret their resources 10 impros îng other aspects cf the îowý,n. as opposed te re-naming an alreadx establishrd and exisuing road. I feel that town counicîl should concen îtself wîth namîng the nessý streets. as weli as planning îhem, thaî xviii be created duning the tosvns expansion with the ness- bouses beîng buili. DAVID DARESI NO. 3 SIDEROAD Incorrect information provided in pesticides letter DEAR EDITOR: t Ilis, i i tt.p nt i'lti. \tkt.rs ret.ett ýet i CIt I, pIl" fh pest îtfl 's l.ia5ilC CtCt. ii c hitans.le rth1c ri tet izus bai \t tit te liton I leretere. i ts net business, as 1Isual No doubi \'alker is ciiber .a b't.iness. man or siipt iet ot bttsine-ss ssîtb their ,cîter-al lacIs of knosvl%-edge et sciencte. in hi, t.scrontcming aimes- phent. loading of CO02 Front the s.nttsai C s CnIozitat Surnev ai \ht 0a1, \.'t.nI cihera - ated in 2- 00i3. 'tnest.-,t.n land and underxsa!r ýmît an ,uT mit.Y-i nu ' T nlfl-. ann-uails xs ht1I %w' cli dt huimant. t.ninf'ute about 2eobillit.n i,-nnes ýt.Ž a pertenuae ..e . cinibutf onis t.'7 per t.enî t otht total (.02 w ben t.' mpared t. h&umnan a.itxand therefere are not tht. mat iýr gmntratr. as svitcd bs Vialker MICHAEL PAUL ROCKWOOD Lîttering must be addr essed DEAR EDITOR: 1 jiast wanted to express a concern as a resident of Milton. 1 arn speaking on behaif of my comnîunit)y Iocaîed on Louis St. Laurent Avenue, frem Thompson Road te Freemnan Trail. There needs te be signs posted about dumping garbage dlown thse side of Louis St. Laurent. This is îoîally disgusî- ing and quite the embarrass- ment to our communîty. There are garbage baga, pop cans, cofl- fee cups and even furniture along the side of thse road. Aise, thse cars speed up and down the roadway ai ever 100) kilometres an hour. Someone is going to gel hurt or killed. 1 have called the police numerous limes, with no bnlp or concern wbat soever. Sometbing needs te, be done te help ibis cemmunîts' (-Iran up the garbage and post nio dumping signa, as well as sperd limît sîgnis and a sîgo tibat says te watcb foir pedesîni- ans. 1 amn just se disgusted ai the way tiungs are bandird brr WhýaCs wrong witb the people of Mtlton_ do they net care about their communiry' CAROLYN NWKKANE bouow 555 Indusina Di, Milten, Oi-t L97 SE1 905-878-2341 Ectonaù Fax 905-878-4943~. Advertismg Fax 905-87 S31 S Ciassi±ied 905-875-3300 Circulationx 905 878 594ý vww mîlteîscanadianclîan-poit cen,, Publisher Net] Oltoti Advertising Director Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager Office Manager Tee-i (', as. eC M-~ wp-a, puMheder Tuesday and Fîiday is a division of Metiolanid Media GmWu Lid. - Group PublsWe lm Olivr AdteTtrs5 s (sîspied m T sUis ,, S t h e eTtTTTT5ItPoqtTt,ITT T tT tsT.ssTT t ' t6n tsgputTetpsS or T TTTTp, t Tt'T the TTT T 'ýa"a1 eT ftît.t.T. , tT "l T'T,'f hoTT forT, STi tire .UTii, ofT 14i w.itTTrI.,ri wii [w ij.,fo 31 i Uth~ UtT UIT'1 ah- tiiiiT 'Tt" Ii ~T't TTTQITTSUITtT T ýo p 'r CCAB Audited t LU tTin 't 5T tt J.»I "ý5- 't UNITED WA m OF MILTON IV AU"TON MITON CL.AUS PARADI She .ss-Mi i , t-

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