26 - The Canadien Champion, Tuesday Aprît i Sales HeOh; nals H JONES NEW YORK i Ceoro snOE Jones New York a teading retaîler of qaality tadies apparetl la currently tookng for the followong: SALES ASSOCIATES To fuI part tome positions os osa Onkaille and Bonliagion locations Requirementa: -At toast i year netail sales ospenience -Strong communication and loadership okilis -Stnong intorpensonal and probiem soiving skilio -A strong dosine ta meet the challenges of retail - Otstanding customor service okilto Ail interessed candidates please fer- mard your resumne te: bmatz@iny.com JAis 1 an equal opportsnoty employer however we woll only contact thooo candidates chosen for an interview 3 HALTON City Parent News Publication, s division et Metroland Media Ltd, ia seeking an Advertising Sales Representative The quaiiod candidate wili be a ansti- nated, independenit, oel-starter mith a proves track record in sales. Vos miii pos- seas encellent mittea and verbal commu- nication akilis and be familiar with Micro- soft computer applications, sn this noie, you miii be castomer fscused and will buitd ntrong nelationahipa with sew and exiating clienta by ensarisg Ihat theor ad- ventisîsg seeda are met. Vos miii be goal- oniented and capable of meeting regalar moathly budgets. if yos wsaid like ts work for a leader in the media indsistry Ibis opporlanity may bo the ight osefo yoa . A netiable vehlicie as requoned. If intereated please forward yeur re- surie, ne later than April 27, 2007: kbreeaon@metroIand.com Fax: (905) 632-0308 Wie appreciate the istereat of ail appli- centa homever oaly those oelected for as interview miii be costacted. No phose calta or agescien please. MERIDIAN AUTHORIZED ADT DEALER (Miton-based) reqaires: SALES!/ CUSTOMER SERVICE POSITIONS Great opportanity for stadents. No espenience necessary. WitI p.rovode training. Above average earnîng potential. Commiasion + Bonus. Send Reaumea ta: Fax: (905ý) 876-4725 or 7, 2007 Sales HeIp Hasils, Hsptal HopIal , Tadin ooTeacitie Asset Manager Do you beil you have FULL-TIME r ' soe Uo fer? Look b o N'OW tic)fsrther! Progressise enpenîenced -it ___________________ lIIRING Miasissauga dental receptîosa ceekr-éenn cskn GRADE 7-8 LANGUAGE ARTS TEACHER taiy xénig office aeekinig high Knomedge Denfrîs. Oaktl medi u GRADES5 HOMEROOM TEACHER Compay 05.0410 esergy Destat Miltsn Office. Oteabamie SohooIiý , a progressine, prinate, cx- Appiiaioo, foi, the Assistant euth sme .Graoprtnt GlbuiSco foliowing postos: front desk esperience. Fax or cali to loin sar froendlyi edacatixeal, elementary day ochanl, seeka Me angr Strosg communication 905-804-8000 heaftfcare team. goal ified O.T.C. teachera for the 2007-08 As' flgr andi istorpersonal akilîs or Fas te a rs academic year. This la a uniqux oportanity for Manager necesssry 905-804-1708 905338373 creabsve and srganozxd indoniduats fo tîsarafi osa Manoager Traie ttease colt yai rvt colstig Marketing 905-567-1132.dyafl pantocslxtig C u s o m e r S e c e R e s a m nes l R e f e r e n c x s ' l e L MoMobc oooi.oido uaii 2035 Upper Foinax , E.,5 338-tus Anl maHop S Ms qu0 Emaîl: hresourceS@glenbUrnieschO(Ol.COm 416-8459 0026AnmlHsia SWMs.reus DENTAL RECEPTIONIST EXTRAORDINAIRE i1 4mainLbrtr Most be ontbasiastic and energetc for ths ftas Labortoyin tc FT carexr opportons To loin osr oam yos Burlînglon fias 2 must possens excellent muîstskisg, coner Openings seroice skils and ho dx ailed oiontod. Compoter Fsr sel motos xed indh lterscy and supxnb verbal andrit sn communica- S sduais. Goori com- tion skIls a must Wexkday aUx roons & esen- marri of English c th ings, with sotating Sas rdays. professonal Outi0k Ssbmit xesumo in person to 1659 Lakeshoro Roari and desir 010 succexd. West (betoenr Misaissauga Road & Southdocn>. Wil Tain' No phone catis Hospital, 905-40750 jjjfsUi,DCý~ Mealth Care Practitionersl Receptionists oclora and taxtapiata of ail disciplines (Physio- therapoat, Choropractor. Naturopath, Massage Therapial, Athietoc Therapîsi, Kinesîiogost, Podia- trist/Chinopodial> and F/PT receptio staff te- quired for an esablîshed malidoscoplinary clinic ari a new Sports Medicine cliic os Burlonglon. Flesible terma and csaditions. Send resume te: thlmanagement@cogeCO.net ReaReFaIDLEVTInoe iGeorgetown Office Please tas resames ta: 905-8774003 -ULTM ETA SITN Wsnted for Hatlln Office to atari ASAP NEsperience prefenred; must be dedicated and a people person; ti t i. IPease forward toi PO. Box 25 280 Guelph Street, Unit 29 Georgetown LiC 491 Fultme far bsy dental office. S Abeldent an set. I Fan resume to 519-853-0762 Aeninueb7 MR. GREEK Medliterranean Grill Here we grec againi Corne soin sur team for sur neceal restaurant in Milon. Wie are honing enthusiastic energel c teammatea for ail positions, JOB FAIR miii be heiri Aprol 16-20, from 11lam 0 Opm, at 149 Mapie Ave. (on front of the Oaiaay Theatre, math- easl carnet of Thomyson & Sfexeae). es niig fr: *Asst Manager * Manager * M *Prep Chef * Couniter Help Appty Ini Hma y ud g III fi. ? perseeor byelal cw mw 110 Keer St. cafe@ fIadifi@ mangiacakes.com Stusdaiqllt ll 905. e-& . *î 'S * i Hifoi , Solo 100 tohooos oi Sale 00os spatotso/ coodooforSale 100 Coooes o, Soi, 12 Faosfoi Sole Reoo&oouoid I 05 Outrof rovio rsoPooiso 120 p,op,yCsinierooodo 125 Coosng Woro 030 Imtisdooi/ Commercoi Sxoio 145 sofe Bsinesmce 150 iooooen Oppoosaoie 000 Fcisesoo 161 Isioo,oio.R o/Wod 162 r,fes.ool,o 163 CC,,goge oooo US5 io,fod poimeoOO 172 Shoor To,,, Ramais 174 xpormioos &Flotooood 105 Codoomiims Fo, Reo, 180 iiousoofor Oo,0 085 toooohooooof 0,, t e1r90 Cousiog Wooiod 191 eoo,,io oi etc oolof 192 esdoo C, oadAoioO &Wlod 193 Shoneod fcommodoion 194 eo,,091me1 Livong 195 H.11,0& Odgoo 190 Voooflon P,opooooo, 200 Reo,,,tsde oodo 205 ld Beakfoot 208 (otages foo Rno 209 MoileHors & Packs 210 M4oto,CHo, 211 RerrefooOohiode, 212 Compri, TSolos. Sites 015 Sports 5qoipmoo 230 florl lo pis 230 eooOo Sonioo 3 Adoptono 246 6,00doys 248 5igoosns 250 Marnagos 252 Areoooi 253 fbo,i.,,,, 257 Cadi ook, 259 togol Noi,,, 201 Public Notices 262 Cao Poos/ fon,,vo on 003 bolt od 9o,,d 265 Suppor 00rop 269 Place, of Woohp 282 xorhoi,.o Be,oy Services 284 HooCi, & CHumoer, 285 9,lcso, Sorvor, 288 CaŽe,,og 290 Weodîsa Pio,,o, 092 foOoi.g9 293 [.o,, Sosorol 295 5soooorool Club, 296 5,,go29 Fumerai Nectas 298 Comoiy Plot, 299 Fioooos & Oolisoy 301 Faim, Soervioe 302 Hoso Suppieso & B,,g 303 Pooi5y O Oivsok 305 9o,.,s,,o 306 Clothing307 Oooood 330 Chisooa Toos o SlOo 335 Woodsoooo/ 9,,ooi,,î, 336 Antiqu,o & Art 340 5oly N.olo 345 etarantoo Oqonoroo 348 Industrel Fi nt 350 Fo,. Eqooooooor 350 Apploooooe 353 co , & Vidoe 355 TVOSoundlSytfo 360 Muo,oi InrumentsOf 365 Pen, Suppies, ee9iou 370 Ph.ooohy 315 Soop & o'do 380 coni, Saleo 400 (os cooood 405 rýs kfo, Sale 410 Trucks 94offid 400 Vain/O4Mioeorneo 420 Sport oo 405 Aonqe (os 430 Caocre, Training 500 (aientCon,oi.&aseoooo,, sol (osonr, 505 io,pyooor Agooooo 500 Dnven509 Soooori Cois 510 ei Oppoflos000s 511 ioonire Imsoossoo 512 Solo, & 5po Hoip 514 Sk,Iiod & Todrooi(. Hek sis comsuois/ il 520 offico .ifp 5 iodî Soie, 529 Sooel Co& Agents 530 Ret.i foi. 532 Coopitol Codooci /Ooanti 535 Ooloooony Oelp 536 Colohor CoOSO 537 Hiorol /Reotaurant 540 900 To, Coin 541 Oooig 5ppooooosooie 545 5ornsfocHl C ioin er 550 noos Hl Co in Co 550 C,09509 104 (5,s,o i,,,Rm 700 Coparaoy 709 Po,,oug&Oooooooou 0 10 Moooq & Stucage 715 Drupes & O1poiOru9 020 Oooosakoq Oalooog 105 Fiom, , 7 30 GordemsosSosppfs id,o.ng r3s Siosp 4ooooool 737 to, S es Reo, 73 Cannoieoso, 746 flmris evc 04oci 18 Rsn, ap 3 COti ns OIPt Bod et,. 300 Auto Parts/ Suppies eo rt 440 5,foIoooo6 r G lr (mue inentSrie 19 iae236 Nul S ais 272 Bles. 311 i u Leasingoo & Roroio, 445 I.po<ooot O,,rd son /Ou r0 eooo,4 &t fieooi5 wres o.m239 5 oryo olob 073 dtcle Wonted 315 AuoOooooocg 446 roen iorwoood ~ wtoBr3 oooooO.0o05 MUINESU HOURS. Adjusimefits: 875 NMi 381-es fte, Every effort is made ta ensure the accuracy of your ad. Please oouo.eo.'s Mu),-LT check your ad on the first insertion. For multiple insertions of amýrw Sam ta ~ the same ad, credit will be made only' for the tirst insertion. EV Muulv t FrlaYCredit given for errors in connection with production on ads is S limited to the printed space involved. Cancsîhatlflfs must be QM I M W ý made by toîsephonue. De not fax or omali caceIationfs- 1112 Mlles North cf Maleld Read/l7tii Sideresd Georgetewn, Ontario 905-873M929 New ReadyTe Finish - iiasdcrafted Furnitare Armoire, wardrobes, dressera, nîght tables, dressing oanity, qaîli rack, blanket boxes, entertaisment or- msrre, TV/VOR cabinets, hatch and buffet, china cabinets, harsesi tables, corner cabinets, caris cabi- net, sofa tables, bookcaset, desks, jarn capboard, jelIy cabinets, mîcrocase stand, cash stands, cnffee and end tables, deacon benches, seggîe bons, plant stands, mîrrors. magazine rocks, magazine tables, and mach, much more. Brisg sÎTRUCK snditake tfit yest 25% OFF CUSTOM ORDERS EsenythîsgWVe Make on Sale! MILTON GARAGE SALE Saturday, April 21, 2007 8am - Noon 385 Woodlawn Crescent Lots io choose froml Att proceeda Io benetit Princesa Margaret Hospital. ririnail: hr@meridianelectric.ca 1 la -