Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 2007, p. 25

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k-Mi GnHeV DOWNTOWN OAKVILLE Clothing Store oeeks esp. personal for the fsiiowing: *Store Manager e PIT Fashion consultant (saies) Fax resumne toi: 905-592-9494 Rhpiertred Handyman-- îakIli.e vn!oux odd lbs, plumbing, paint- ing, oarpeatry. 20-30hours/week $11 .50/fn. Fax resumne 905-815-0554 The Canadien Champion, Tuesday April 17, 2007 - 25 M GnalHep M mpoye7 Empnîn Empyent M ~EmployP ee sviinmîg Pool Builders iooking for olrsng, eafhusiaslic General Labourers Oppsrluaily 15 graw with csmpany Compebinie salary Fax: 905-338-169 catI 90 5-338-1887 Fackagingd Recruitment Agency aeeks reaut oriented ina player with profesalonai phone presence. Training provided. Cati 905-842-4262 Ask Us Abo ut.. workbpî CaliU 905-878m2 Mature Part-im Sales Associates We are currenfi y recruiag for mature outg0- ing part time sales associafes available ta work primarily on weekeads. If yoo are eathasiastic and have a passion for home décor, we would like 10 talk fo y05 about loin- iag sur retail feam. You must clo posseas a sfrong customer focus and like working in a tast paced eneiroameaf. (This would be an ideal opportssity for a "Stay at Home Paren") We offer o compefitive horly wage and an amaziag staff discount. A vehicie is a must. PI ease nisit sur website fa leara about sur company @mnonelineliquidations.com Please fax your resumne fa Store Manager @ 90"415-1121 or email Rf ta info@rnoveineiiquidetions.com No telephone inqoiries please. LNILEMYL I ti f M~L E Jfoi EiLf i SLOOKING FOR A STUDENT TO HIRE7 THIS SUMMER? Place vour ad with:e z CLASSIFIEDS April 2nd - June 29th O Under the classification: x SUMMER EMPLOYMENT Special Rates! Internet included! X Ph: 905-875-3300 SMiltoncndahapol »com SEMPLOYMENT ~i~EMPLOYMENT 4 Io &a Hep Hairstylist U.Colourl Technicianl IExcellen t Wii WIGSVILLE 905-634-9022 indigo Books &Music Inc. ici vis>i()IIý,î,-t thisisindigobooks Assistant Customer Experience Manager Chapters - Oakville Town Centre 1310 North Service Rd. W.) J in oiur Leadeurship TFearn and hegin av esuivon iireer in rril wirlî us. Your passio for booiks is conl1reavevad b>' à rniairnvm oii 1 ycir'srenvi supiervisory experiesce arnd knvivledge ot lrigh-vol uinc i oveano ry We tuilr imrirensise oirien tantion aud training, plus a career path develotincn 1prgrani The abiliry tii svtri riiicing sînif s inn ltdivp, .ays, cveii nn.d au eekevid is required. Pluae se vd y'nur resusse unt Puter Skaves an pskaneslva ineligmnca. 55, î/u.ukuI,/,nîui /,,,inni n1 tv/ i,t,s/Jfn tri/ nin,in U // 1471 & ot.;uin,/ J \Jpr rtc.c fc o \rkl os ise 1i<"0ýs www.chapters.indigo.ca/careers PLANT MANAGER KLIMER MANUFACTURING in Hurasy designs, assembles and oelis powered scat- folding construction equîpmeat. We reqoîre an eaperîeaiced manager for production, arven- tory conitrol, rentai equîpmeat and fleet manage- ment. The successtul candidate wiii be weil organized, good communication okilis, have the abîiîty tai lorecasi inentury needo and produc- tion ochedutes hased on hîstorical and actuel sales. Muai have good computer skilis. Management ut approaimately t5 employees. The ahiiity ru work la a tant paced physically demandîng enniroament. nalîd driver's licease, Reports dîrecily iv the Presîdent. This iv a noni-union shop wîth competîtîve saiary and ornait resurnes to: kanvderOkimeCOini or fax: 905-876-3791 *turer lu service annoting accouais and geneate ram *business. Muai be deaal oriented and organîzed. Abl todo ak ofs fomhome plans. Fravîos an- prec ihntebuilding or construction irdusiry pretarred. Coul 905-877-6757. Required foý fine grading & shaping Minimum 5 vears experience full lime year round work. r--eà-x resume ïo: 1 905.878.2341 îlir Cýiiiýiiiiii (1Jý11IIpI0II 525 LEGAL SECRETARY requires an exp. fu-lime Real Estuta Secrelury. Muat have aop. wiih Teravie & Conivayancar. Fax or E-mail lesume iv: mrechin & Huffman 905-333-4298 bhhiaw@bhiriaw.net CMM is an eapanding Measurement Solutions pro- vider iscated ia Mississauga. We require an individua lu prioritize, coordinute and schedula ail wsrk within our dynamic meusurement servicea departimrent. Ysu miii allocate resurcea as weii as pertutm ail administrative procedutes. Require- mania include great customer communication skilis as mail us previous administrative esperi- ence. Quality and Manufaciuring ensîrunment esperience 'vould be an assai. We pruvîde a com- petîtîve salary and benefits. Pliase email your rasume lu: llr@cnmoyz cum FCETIONIS1 * required for Milton Law Office. I UGreat telephone manner and Word skîlis requîred. Fax resumne tai Sharon: 90 3-49or E-mail: sharon@haber-awyer.Coufll * Fuli n Service Manager/Dispatcher Computer, orgev zational and commmncationkllamt Fax esume: 90"477-8025 R~SEES'ELAW LERK' reurdfor Milton Law Office. rExcellent salary and benefits. Fax resumne to Sharon: 90-3-49or E-mail: shrnhar-ayer.oJ RAG Transportation Services Ltd. R.G.Tranaporfation Servicea Lld., localed in Qakville, Ontariao curteally loolong for an: Accounts Payable Clerk Wfth 2-3 years esperience. Furiher responsibilies would inclade swifchboard relief and aome credif and collection dalles. Tfhis wsuld initialiy be a one year conîraci poaition (lui caner for maleraify leave) bol may resuli in full lime empîsyment. lInereated applîcanto ahould oead iheir reoume wil h oalary eapeclalians lu: R.G.Transportation Services Ltd., Fax # 905-842-0484 or Email: dmortimer@rgransportatiofl.COm Attention: Deborah Mortimer, CMA SALES CORD -A C STOE EVC ORE- DESK coardînalor raie ad assistant la, preoideal, plus customer service/order deak functions. ladivîdual muai be tluent la Eagiish (wrdlten, readîng and ver- bal), French an assai. Attention lv delail aioag with stroag lime management, problem oolning and urganizulional akîlis as ssential. Coud computer, niumerical and peupla okîllo raquîred. Please~~~ ~ ~~ e-ai reueIqiyH@earm- mmOfi ep Administrative Project Manager Ara you DYNAMIC, YOUTHFUL & hava a 'WORK HARO, FLAY HARO parsonaii Du ysu have 1-2 years axperienca, oolid udministrative akillo and ara prohicîaal using Microsoft stoftae Do you lova the media induotty and con you troaie ocrosu the cuntry? Vîsit oui caboîteaut cwc.nactevnuoluiono. coito 10 oa if y05 cuuld bea Frsîect Manager toi tha moisi soccasotul ma- dis soies compony in Canada! Hîring bith Englîsh and French apeohîrg peuple. Sard reoume to canadajobs@ cewrevenuesolut lons.ca ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Frivole uchool and pvychology pruclîce requires o mature protessionol wîih excellent urgonîziool and communication skîlis to conducl intoke interviecsanod co-ordînole sppuînlments for profassionol saff Apply ailE deailed reaume încludîng raierencesý Chichota Educaionai Centre inio@chishotmcenire.com Fax: 905-844-7321 We ihavk ail opplîcanto, but cil those under covoîderotion wdli ha contocted. EXECUTIVE ASSISTANT ta a professional an a amati tînancral services office la Bsrlingtoa. Lookîng for highly molînoted individual with excellant organîzatioflal, communication and computer akilis, Excellant rapport an dealîag with people and the ahîlity to molli 100k essealiai. Lita auperleaca an assai. Repli in confidence f0 cwild@waterstreet.ca SENIOR ACCOUNTANT Eqoîrea Leasing Corp, an Oakvilia-bssed leasing compon, naquîtes un irdîvîdudl whu cull ha responsbla for novse uccouniîing, analyzîng uc- countîng transactions, and varncus teconciiuiions. Applieunts must houe a CGA or CMA devîgna- lion alsng cîth sirong Excel, sccountng, anatltcal, and communicution skîlls. Appiy ta Stuart Forbea, VP Finance by emait to ctuart@equirex.ca 1 to -lcunadc 058 82 4 ý Chapters ý

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