Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Apr 2007, p. 24

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24 - The Canadian Champion, Tueaday Aprit 17, 2007 rn~iz rn~z hir/ng ior the ioitowing posittons wibis aur Oairvitit based head office location: Accounts ReceiVable Analyst Mieimum of 3 yeara espertence in toit cycle Ac- coonit Rectinable, collections and general busi- ness adimin/stration. Proticient in Microsoft Excel anti Outlook Escellent nrgonizstisns sk/ln. Senior Analyst Minimum ni 3 years rtlattd analytîcai and data esperience. Protîcient knnowledge sn Microsoft Ac- cens, Excel and Ooilook. Abil/ty 10 work wdlh large volumes ni data. Excellent organizations and com- municaions ukîlin. Corporate Account Sales Minimum ni 3 yeans esperience in business 10 business sales. Experience 10 techniogy anti/or wirelton natta is preterreti. Tht successfi candi- date ai be tesponsibit for tht expansion ni exsi îng accoontis anti tht tienelspment ni oew custom- ens tim s titneti geographic terrtory. Tht succeostut candidates suti iois a raus tocuseti envioment ihat allers above average compensation, benefits, edocation training programa and excellent advancement opportunities. Please forward your resume by email tacareems@natcei.com Onty aucceestul candidates will b. conlacled. EDUCATION SERVICES rin Trining for a steady part- time career as a SchoIl Bus Driver witb tbe company you can feel good about.. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS If you have a fuit "G" licence with a dlean drîvîng record, and if you thtnk you would enjoy driving and working with children, we'd like to imeet you. 1-877-914-KIDS toplace yourad in CH LM RSESOFULEILS Mircnbancapo AZ DRIVER icati 905.878.23411 Reuret ts ti e pttrnltom prodocs GafriHl usthae petroleum epeence Fan fesmme is: 90"477-5262 Lamb 2000 1c Or email to: adminOchalmemites.ca (United Van Lines) ' UM J s now hînîng G-Clans, AZ Dniners Free Training & Moners COME DRIVE A BUS 4 US Esperience in hosshsld Msnîng preterred, bot training wîill he pronîded. Cali us now at: 1 -879 4-KIDS Appty in persan 10. Luidlaws sanequal0 oprunity emploet 190 Superior Bled. Misaîssauga Or fax resame toi: 905-565-0293 GenIrl HIp fi araHelp Afin: Jenn Type of Work- Door-to-door newspaper detîvery. For Milton- Tuesdays and Fridays. For Oakvitte- Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. You Need- Reliabte vehicle (the targer the better. At trast 6 avaitlabte hours. between 6ANI-6PM, on detivery day'. Strong sense cf commitment and responsibitity. Wr' offer- As many routes as you can handie. Att required detivery materiats. , Training andi on-going communications and support. ~b*<9O$6374795 0.';0'WE71Yu t~ Ži ', 1i - , - _ us About... Cali 905.878.2341, Book vosr Recruitmni ad todav & rece/l.î' 2 ii-erks dis Wnrkopiilisor <rnis $125.00 WHEEL Il openno or Shipe rein acptn The sccesiol andia piaieronsie for th ree Maanshpingtfeaenud prd "t atou in aciiyherdis sc bepr o h joboremn Canddae on IF ullTm aintetd n Ih-is position palease se a resumes tto:958897 rE-mail: ne tt wjax.c o @bl nt Houekep InCustriso nimdian Fueit-Time.a Exiperecer lrurrd bh uc s u adt wil rain. silefo theleaen fad rsmein of:905-893-1900no as tlp lenaeupoInt Gn olf C lub ls bEparn Ex tha job aeund . andcoltprmst If you are nterested n pton pg aur cardrer tam plteaseiontatA a Brap ete@itnaaiacapo. ria ndsre homkeaptîe ho Cstooda-îa Ful time. experience peerd beede imeitly tan.Bnigo ae p tox ean store Must9319 use fices backr25, warehnOuse Emai: CA RISTRSNE BURILINGTON HYUNDAI reqaîren Saturday General Sho p Assistant $tOltr 9um-4pm Courtesyl Parts Driver $ltlrr Mon-Fr 7:3ltam-4:3Opmir Appiy by tas 905-633481 5 Phone 995433-9811 Attention lant Coultl (Service Manager) Trafalgar/ Dondas nExp. Assistant Manager! & Manager PI r & FET Isloigfrreliable bondable Ipersnnwho loeto cleanl Drivrs icece nd mibutnotrequired. Interested candidate please cal REOWOOD PET RESORT Requîtes long-tenm permanent FT (matone)/PT Istadent) staff. Pet Experience an asset. Able Io wonk outdoors/costomen service okîllo/avaîlable weekends and holîdays. Com- petîtîne wages. If you are an energetic multi- tasker fax reaume t0 Idona 905-878-1154 or e-mail 10 redwooelOredwoodpetresort.com. [ UILINGSUER ITENDENT" j Live-in Supenîntendent position j javaîlable in hîgh-nîse building in Millton. Coieiiecompensation package. Suitbleforsinge prso orcouple. Fa e redetaiing experience to:1 Fax: (905) 878-1169 0VRYN ON SAUR Oppsrtaîtits in ig tin ustia, tork/reach sperators, al office positions Please bning ysar resme anti yoan enfhusiasm 10 step ist a sew carter Appîeby Ice Centre - Burlington (1201 Appieyby LUne) 10:00 arn - 3:00 pm If you can't make it cali: 905-842-4402 Are you sellîng frozen food packages, osaler sofleners, home renovalions. cars, duci cteanîng insurance or other producis thal aire sald aicrass the kilchen table? We have sales people who used la oel these producis and noos lypically moka more than $600 a sale wîlh no canvassing and l0appoînimontsaweek. Cail Roy ut 519-671-61 08 - servce E Isernce M naed ers businesso serve ampny. F1 *trevnînçauto le epeience rereds.I or fEaltoureurneti 905-389-1234L me.r by1 Gaei et Gens@alonvov n AIR QUALITY TECHNICIANS We Offer: - Complete Co. Training -$14.95hn/S2ttmonth ta start - Paid C. Vacations - Foibtime boots, no lay-ntfs - Protesoonal & trîentily work envîrnniment F ull Benetits Yos Ofier *Witlingntns to team *Positive attitude *Prenenlable appearance - Poncualiy *Gond wnrk eth/c Mus hav o%, eil Siding/Soffit/ Fascia/ Eavestrough Installers Wanited Tra/n/ng ana/table. Sub-contractor accepted. Cati: 9054854-5963 Fax: 905-854-5992 F-t(~a wo ATTENTION Sommer Stodents Weîcome Av g. $20+/hr Wek ly p/ecework compensaion Enomenalion type work NO EXP NEEDED $590 Paid training Student schoarship programs,,yaitsble lot Setember 2007 To book an interview col 905-525-5946 lit Mapiv Leat l..ausumef Foods is a wid lvaavr in the processng ai freuh and fruzen park auppy- îog cusismerson a global basa. PRODUCTION WORKERS Our pork prscessing plant in Butlington is corrently seeking entbuaiastic, mntînated and energetic sndi- nîduan to jo/n the Mapte Lest tamly. W/lb positions avoulable in ail deparients, tut ail shifts /nctudîng Cut Floor, Dressing Fluor, Packaging, Sbîppîng and Ssnîlaion, there are positions reatiy lu suit ai polenlîsi emplayes. Are yo mnlînsted, resdy la be challenged anti are drioso la nucceeti? Gel n iresh niant wdth Maple Lest Fresh Fonds. Qualifications: *Must be cnmmîtfed 10 sots wnrk proclîces *Abîl/ty la wnrk in. and as partofai lean -Mont posseos gond communication and interpersona akîlis *Ab/lity to work in a isst-paced ennîrannent -Focuned ani quality and contînunon improvement *Previnos inidunirisi I msnutsctoring plant espenience woutd be cnidered an onset Il you beliene 1ha1 you are wîllîng lo stop loto a nea and esctîng carter, plesse loin us for are ni nur lob taîrs ai: Monday April lBth Sheraton Hotel 16 King St.W., HAMILTON Centre Bail Room lOam-3pm Wednesday April lSth ravelodge on the Lake 2020 Lakeshore Rd.r BURILINGTON Nelson Room 3, lOam-3pm ilh look fkrward tm e ting you PLUMBING MART Refiait Associate (FuIl-time) We are recto/ting tor or buny retiî kdtchen & bath boutique. Candidates sbould be o qoîck study lot lecbnîcal informat/on, be comiortable wîth comput- ena, hane a flair ton cnlsor and tiesign and have o firdly disposton. Plumbîng Mati wîll train tht r/ght indînîtiois. Design Consultant (Fuli-time) Plombînig Mar is add/ng ta nor Design Team Ideal cand/dates ohoolti have kîtchen and bath design esperience, a flair tot colour, space une, accorait in home measore and prenentation okîtto. Ptumbng Mari wîll train tht rîght indîvîdua on computerîzed drawîngs, This as an eîctng npportunîly aîlh s great team. Fax resume Kathy Ozugan 9054639-3581 Plumbing Mart 3235 Fairview St. Burlinglon, Lih -akn Posaion i . -avil LANOSCAPE TREE SERVICE STUDENTS WELCOME Foil-Tîme position anaîtahie, transportation requireti, nu esp. neetied. Flease Cati: 905-878-1264 Leaee message Stait lmmedlately Must F181I 25 Positions $25/bn. Piece mark goaranneed by coract. Fun lob. Great Puy. No Espenionce Reqomred Cati Now 416.849.0026 Generai Help Gari Help Generai Holp General Help kli:LG@neral Help General Help M M lm - a.-

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