The Canadian Champion, Tuesday Aprif 17, 2007 - 23 t~nE en t g s -n LealNotices aioic V~ Legai Notices W c'l or sale 0 ar or Sale cas or Sle P, ~ LANS JEPOIJJIILL) okI ir M OSSfantec Consulitng Ltmîted, on behaif of Aiton (Centrai) Manage- ~~l 1 viCD loc ee air A ment Lîmtted )ACML) and Camp Sîdrabene, Sereby guves nofice0 10- ' eodtn. Crie. that an application Sas been made f0 the Munroter of Transport $6,295 obo. Cai/ 905- under the Navigable Water Protection Act for approval of the 8762 plans and site of f5e work described Serein. Under section 9 of 877-6826. _____ Munustor of Transport, and un the office 0f the District Registrar o) 0000 1996 Pontiac the Land Regnstry District 0f Haffon, at 491 Steeles Avenue East, Sonfire. 175,OOOkms. 4-,, -leiit Nov H-857231 a descriobion of the site and -2-door, standard. Wiii e pla e * i 0.7824 ùn1.4, lafflaI I Voila Bonnici, Blanche Passed away uit the Milton District Hospital on Thorsday, April lOth 2007. Blanche Vella Bonnici, beloved cite o) the late Joseph Voila Bonnici. Loving mother 0f Mary Victoria and Christopher. Blanche wr11 be missed by her Srandchildreni Katrina and Francesca. amily and friends are invited to omit ut fh0 McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main St. Milton 905-878- 4452 from 7-9 pm on Wedneaday. Vigil Prayers cil) be prayed ut the funeral home on Wednesday evening at 8:30 pm. The Mass of Christian Buria) wilI be ceiebrated at Holy Rosary Catholic Church 139 Martin St. Milton on Thursday, April l9th 2007 at il1:00 am. Interment to follow at Milton Evergreen Cemetery. Letters of condotence may be left for the famnily at mww.mckersie- kocherca NCRUICEFIX, Albert Edward (Ted> tl s wit h great sadness 15sf the famtly of Ted Crucefis annoonces hia passîng on MarcS 29, 2007. A PFight Sergeant in 1he RAF, Ted wili be missed by his wife Mildred and children Linda (Don), Michael (Paf) and Brian (Sharon), grandchitdren and greaf-grandchildren. A memoriat ser- vice wit) take place on Saturday April 21, 2007 ai 11:00 s.m. ut the J. SCOTT EARLY FUNERAL HOME, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669. Donations 10 the Alzheimer Society or Alendale Long Term- Cure Facrlity are apprecnafed in lieu of flomers. LeBters of condolence may be f eft at J. Scott Early Foyera) Home or on- line at W 9Tf ELY Cumie At Aexandra Hospital, Ingersoît ot Monday, April 9, 2007, Gail (Hamilton Cornie, of Ingersoîl, in ber $915 year. Wtf of the Sate George Cornie (1996). Oea mother of Cindy Koster (Mery) of toger soi, Brett Cornie (Anige)) orf Langley, B.C. BartgOurrie (Jolie) o f Ingersof and Trac' Moran (Ike of tngersoll. Dear grand mother of Heidi (Mark), Melissa, MaBShew Justin, Craig, Chris, Mark and Dytari Dear sister of Dartene Smith (Deniny) c Milton. Predeceased by three brother Terry, Bllt and Ross Hamilton. Cremafio Sas taken place. A private gravesid service was held atItngersott Rural Ceme tory. Memoriat donations fo Londo Health Sciences Centre coutd be appro ciafod by calting McBeathwDynes Funen Home, 246 Thames St. S., tngersotf (511 425-1600) plans for a bridge crossrng over Bronle Creek, wittrin the Camp Sidrabene Property (ut 5100 Appleby Lino onst north of No.2 Sideroad). The Camp Sidrabene is Cated on Part o) Lots 1 and 2, Concession 6 and Part ot Lot 1, Concession 5, within the cily 0f Burfinglon. The bridgo over Bronte Creek is localed on Part of Lot 1,- Concession S. Comments may be direcled 10- The Suporintendent, Navigable Waters Protection Prograso. Transport Canada, 100 Front Street South, Sarnia, ON N7T 2M4. Homever, comments wili be conord- ered only if they are in writing and are received nof later thani 30 days aller the date of publication of this notice and are reiated to the ettecîs ot this work on marine navigation. Alhough ait com- ments conforming to the above wîtl be considered, no individoal response witl be sent. HAVE A USED CANR TO SELL? 853-0860. SANDYS clearîrg, need a break, tired of c/eaning? Let me do il for yoa. Onetîme clears avaîlable, cail for a free estîmate. MILLWRIGHP' APPRENTICESHIP Mohawk College stadent in the Manu- facturing Engineerinlg Techniciafl Program (lost Year completed with honoars) reqoires an apprentîceship ASAP. Areas ot inter- est include Fluid Pow- er, Meta Fabrication, Power Generation and Mechanicul Design. Contact: Corey 905-878-6930 1-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1- 877-586-5896 Same day jueb remonal service Sen- Let thte Canaaian Cnampion 905-876-7080 or 905- ior discount. Cali & geli Classifieds help get the word out 749-0591. done! Advertise in Milton and Ask Us About.. r~. GeorgetownlActon for $40.+ GST or Milton, Burlington and Oakville I workbp~ il.. el 1- «u1 9051-878-2J43 1 rerTrann 11 aerrining 0 Caee ainng 1111tfl arerT ainig Gfantec Consulting Limited Consuiting Engt .neers psoa Z For Sale C For Salie ERRANOS Wit h BABY items for sale: WHITE vanity wîth sînk Solutions. Will run your "First years" Breast pump and Faucets $75 K-2 skis personal errands. Seniors/ $30(new). Portable play- Riaxil 200cm (new) "Look' families / companies. pan $50 Caîl Karen 905- racing biodîngo $75. Pro- Booded. Pieuse eall 905- 257-1580 lorm electronic stepper 977-0077. $40, Front door w 1h trame BED, Amazing bargain, and sîde i ghtsStOO Cui Day re que rhpedic pli. formau shuOters 4 @ 15"x5 U Waned îowtop set, new in plus- $10/euch 2@32"x52"1/2 tic, warraoty $250 905- @ $15/vach Ralph 905- OI 567-4042 will deivroo 257-1580 BEDROO Cherry- ArtilsWaned Wood, Bed' dresser, mirror, cheot, nir05 P/T DAYCARE stand, rew or boxes. BEST CaShS Purd- Art, usai/abie ir home Dovetail corstruction. Antiques, Collect ies, begînning May lst. Coot $7000, Seil China. Crystul, Sîlver, Derry/4th Lina, $1500. Diningroom 11 Figurines, Royal Douiton, Natrîtious hot/cold prece Cherry. New. Swarovskî, Glass, Pottery, meals, snacks. Fun- Coot $8000. Seil Etc. Estate Specialists, lovrng envîrorment. $1900. 905 567-4042ý Top Cash. Cail John/ Flexible hoars. __________ Tracy 905-331-2477 Cali Dayana. CARPET i have several 90"475-3724 1,000 yards of new Staîn Master & 100% nylon car- pet. ild iigro Funture hall for $389. Inldes car- L U O K pet, pad & installation (30 3-PIECE lîvrngroom yards) Steve, 905-633- 1 Firowood set. Beige & blue wîth 8192 jcottee & end tables I$400. OBO. Soiid pine FREE EstimaieS Gai FR FRWO Isingle mates bed with wobbiy chartrd SIE frsl Ipull 001 drawner $100. looking waod finishes? $804fos.0 6inishing and Furniture Cai905-864-9423 Arils Repairs. 9-9 905-632- I SPEEO Rouler Skates, H4OT Tub (Sýp,)Coveý, 1Crs ~or Sale 5-wheel, srze-12 mens black. Al condition. beol prîce, Best quaiity. Ali - Purd $800, asking s$4o0 shapes & colours. Cali 1- 1999 Chevrolel Lomi- 050. 905-876-1490. 866-585-0056 na. V6, aatomnatic, arr, www tilt, craîse, power wîo- POOL table, protes- dowo/doors. Navy blue. sional series w/th every HOT Tub/ Spa- Brand new Lady drîven. opgrade. 1 siate. w/ail options, inciading 87,OOOkmns $5.500 cer- $800 worth of accesso- cover, 2006 model. 5h11l in tif led. Cail 905-873- ries. Brand new nr box, wrapper. Cool $10900., 4474ý Cool $5,000, must oeil Sacrifice $5.500. Cail 905 __________ $1,500. 519-722-4077. 971-1777 1999 Lincoln Town Car. H-UNTER green and LEATHERi 3 prece itairn Good condition. 4-new wood bedroom sel, in- set. Sofa, loveseal and tires, 102,OOOkms. c/odes single bed chair. New, in plastic. Most se/i 10 seille es- trame, box oprîng, bed- Cool $6900 * Se/i $2500. talte. Certified/e-tesled. sîde table, deok, chair 905-304-4873. - Askîng $8.995 obo. Good condition. Askîng 519-853-2783. $400,00 0. Con- POOL Table, Protessionai tact Mark 905-876- Series, Soiid Wood, 1999 Pontiac Grand 4494 uller 4pm. i"Siale, Ail Accesries. AM SE. Black, 2-door, New, 5h11l Booed, Cool 4-cylinder. Aulomatîc, FUTON bankbed $125; $6,200, Seil $1,950. 905- air, AM/FM/CDý Eo- Kidos bikes 16" $20 & 304-9994 tended warranty, very 20"(2) $50/each; Bak-, god cnio. er yck$0;Piypn SAUNA, 2/3 person, in 145,OOOkmo. Cer- $15; Kidos sun lent $20; home, w/c.d. player and tied/e-tesled. $3,900. Garden door window frghlo. Neyer ased. Cool Cai 905-702-1845. insert $10. 905-876- $5500, Sef f $2750. 905- _________ 4365. 304-7775 20 W Gl n A dinrng room, cherry- 172,OOOkmo, standard. t Wood, doable pedeolai M ý Meaic green, black as table, 8 chairs, buffet,! s sees, interior. $3.750. t hulch, dovenait Coni- Cati 905-873-1990/905- r straction. New stili n t 872-1990). - boees. Cool $11000. __________ __________ Sacrifice $2600. 905- ~- y 567-9459. AujtOfls m Aci A King or Oaeen Ortho- pedîc maltreon set. ~ * New in plastic. War- if ranty. Cool $1600. s Sacrifice king $550. n Oseen $295. 905-567- 1151 Bronte Road, OakviIIe e ~Saturday, AprIil 21, 2007 (indoors) n ALERTI Sanken con- Vei Reaistratton 0:00-9:30am >_ crete? Don't replace, Rwe val ase concrete. Fraction o pets pl0950, (speoai nee s 09s Only) 9- te ost of replacement'. Tetmis rif payment Cash or Choque with ID 1-866-280-7T70 PST wttl t e added-RefrshmentS avatiable __________ _____ aoneym 0« heBa (SellingAau diet oth o e o" Tired f promses tht don' am true Want t fid ah * ~ eus aulfe confrme appointments Proessonl tainngandonging fbsuppotgn est piroct noi the eindusr Tiref ro ises ea rogn' foe whtyue doand rewardeda app yorotey aih Dn Moidwys o ta (Drc suales expeiriec qed)tet Emaig onus mdwodcentelantipOsco e www.cesi ntaning and ow-is pport C mi o. iwo@entenn W indows.o