22 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday April 17, 2007 Inex Ru, eal Estate 100-135 e Business14 16 eRentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Commrunity 240-299 Fax: 905-818-3187 Email: cIassified@miItoncanadianchampion.com: a Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-5 Mon. ta Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.comil e Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cali: 905-878-5947 Ad submisnion by mail or in persan: The Canadian Champion, 555 Industrial Drive, Side Door, 2nd Floor, Milton, ON LOT SEl Deadlios: Mon, .11 a.m., for Tues, publication, Thurs, il a.m. for Fri, publication. Special Feature & Holiday deadioos may vary. Pavreent: We accept caoth, ctteque, lnterac, Visa, MaoterCard, Americao Express. Ait ads placed are non-rofundabta and no credit wtll bo Issuod. Business aCCOuntS Cao be opened with an approoed credif application aoailahle f rom your Sales Consultant. CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT AUNS ta ensore the information is correct. Contact yoor Sales Consultant wîthio 24-Hours if an error appearo. An error in a Fri. publication mont be reported no latter thon Mon- 11r arn. HOe asns OPEN HOUSE Sat & Sun 2-4pm 3-bdrm condo tomo- houne, t 1/2 bath- mrnem, finished base- ment, A/O, 5-appi. 318 Laurier Ave., Unit #41. Milton, $214,900. F580.. Oeil: 905- 878-1328. Comm.Special WORKSHOP- Country la- catin, N. Burlington, 2600sqft, hsatad. Tom 905-332-5858 MILTON Office/ladun- Ji trial unit for lasse. t,6OOnq.bt. & 900nq.bt. loft. Truck dock and ground levei door. 905- 693-9303. MILTON Heightn 3- bedroom aparîment and leOOuq.ft. office spaca. Appliencan, parking sud umuli yard. $2,OOOlmth plus utîlîtien and uer- vices. Avoulable May tut. 005-654-t1687. Bup~sies MmcsOpportnaie r tect Pef :ost Note franchise for mare fer noI for Milton ares. Great opportunîtyl For ush an oa 11-905-337-7773 JOB at home. $487.68 Waakly. Asnemble Proit- xcts, Mail or Computer Work. Frais Datails www.TopJobReview.com write OHRJobs: 372 Ri- deau St, #916, Ottawa ON, KîN 1G7 Ref# AlS t - 800-351-5120 Fracises PET loyers, do mhat yxa loyal Multi-Mans, Free Home Delivery of Pet Food, Exclusivn Tsrritory, Support,& Training, 145 Franchisas, tom invent- ment, mww.muftimena.ca or 1-877-462-0056 Pofesoa REMOVE your criminel records Faut. 00e do Par- dons and US Waivnrn. Don't ha ambarranned. t- 800-298-5520 govemmsntpardons.ca $$S$CONSOUJDATE $$$$ bad credit, taxi mocrtgsge anrears, sefl-emptoyed 100%. Mortgagss, dontl puy tper Progruiol Ontario- Wide Finunclul orpora- tion 1-M8-307-7799 FlosFr Rosi BACHELOR spart- ment, Milton Main Street/Sth Line ares. Single tenant, no pets prelerred. $850/mth + hast. 905-875-1 150. MILTON - One of a kind, appealing apt. Large BR/LR & letchen. Fireplace & A/O, soun- dry fecilitien & dinh- mauber. 4-piece bath. Privaie entrance & parki nglb ac on y. Soitable for quiet non- smoking/nio pets lady.. $lOOOlmth utîlitien mnci. 905-878-9861. MILTON large 1 & 2- hdrm apartmentn. suailable May 1lut. From $880/mth + park- ing. Cail 416-723- 4801. 2-BEDROOM base- ment apartment. 5-appliancen, parking, $750/mtb + atilities. Avuiluble immedîately, Pleane caîl 95-27e- 4777, lesue message. OOWNITOWN MILTON MilttadeTowes 82 Miltuide Drlve. Attractive quiet build- ing. Spacioun bnight dlean 1&2 bedroom onîtu wîth laundry tscilîfy and social rnom on site. Reguar resideut eventis Open 7 dapu & eeinga Cati 905-876-1249 www.reututar.ca ACTON Apartmentn. 1 & 2-bedrooms avaîlable June & Jsly. Fridge & utove. laundry facitities. Prefer nu dngs 519-853-4374. Open 7 dsys/week. Same day approua. ww.reaistarca accepting applications for: 1 bodroom apt's For more information anle ame a histenlo building in Rockwood, with gais firepiscen starting et $675/moetb plus utilities. Oeil Elizabethi Det, Johinnon Asso- claies Reuttor 905-877- 5165. ACTON i -bedroom. Avaîlable May 1sf. Fridge, steve, atilitieu inclsded. Nu pets. Firut/tant/references re- quired. Cail 519-853- 3877. ACTON i -bedroom. Ausilable May tuti. Frîdge, stove, utîlifies included. No pets. Firufflant/referencen ne- quired. Oeil 51 9-853- 3877. ACTON 2-bedroom apartment March tnt. $870/monith afilîtien in- cluded. Quiet Building.> No-petu. 192 Churchill Road South. Osil 519- e53-1281. ACTON 2-hedroomt spartmeut May ltt. $880/month atilities in- cluded. Quiet Building. No-pets. 192 Churchill Road South. Cali 519- 853-1 281. ACTON 3-bedrnom, $850/montb pion atilitien. t-bedroom $b00lmonth plus utilifien. Georgetown 1 - bedroom, $700/montb pluu hydro. Coul 519- 853-50e0 / 519-853- 5352. ACTON, 1 -bedrooim apartment. Asaîlabie Jue Int. $650/month plus hydro. Csîl Steve or Susan bt9-8b3- 4892. ACTON, 2-hedroom nemi, large master, large yard, 4-appli- ancen, ample parking, so pets. $g00month plan utilitien. Avaîlabie May tut. Oei 519-855- 3223. AVAILABLE NOWt Thta one mon't sif Bright specîos, corn- uaniaently locatad t- bedroom on Guelph Street. Adaits only. No pets/smoking. Cai 00w 416-570-6578. BEAUTIFIJL country setting betmeeu Georgetown and Actes. Bright 2-bedroom base- ment apartiment. Sear- ate tasndry rnom, lots ot indoorlsutdoor stor- age. $900/month every- thing included. No pets. Cai 519-853-974 3. COUNTRY netting lu Brampton, 2-bedroom apartment, f,000 nq.ft. Bright, like new, distant vîem. Stovefridge, own privase yard, fres park- ing. Aveileble May 7th. $825/month. Fîrsf/tant. Abnolately NO PETS. Oeil 905-456-t1879 or 905-838-3568. GEORGETOWN t, 2 snd 3-bedroomn aport- ments $79blmonth, $925/month and $995/montb. Avaitable immedietey. Inclsdes heet/hydro/ceble. Park- ing extra. Call 905-877- 6563. FosFor Rosi GEORGETOWN t, 2 and 3-bedroomn apsrt- ments $795/month, $925/month and $995/month. Avaîlable Augunt 15th. Includes heatbydrn/ceble. Park- ing extra. Cail 905-873- 6284. GEORGETOWN t- bedroomn apertment iu quiet building, cloue f0i sil amenities, $695/monthb firntitant, no-pets, non-umokçers. References pieuse. Daytime 905-877-3661, evenings/weekends 519-833-2573. GEORGETOWN t- bedroom banemeut aprtment. S785lmonth inclusive. No pets/smoking. Asaîlabie Jane tnt. First/lunt/ref- erencen. Cali 905-877- 2993. GEORGETOWN t- bedroom hanemeot spartment. Very spa- cîouu, brîghi. wîth swn lausdry, parking, nepar- ate entrance. No nmok- ingidogu. Avaîlahle îm- medîately. SebOlmouitt includen otîlîtien. Cai Oneg 4f16-625-3668. GEORGETOWN roomy t-bedroom banement, niean Mail. Availahie May tnt. 5850/month otîlitieni cahiel appli- anceni AC, t car park- ing încladed. 905-872- t1549. GEORGETOWN rnomy t -bedroomn hanemenit, near Mail. Avaîlable May tnt. $850/monitb utîlîtieslcablapplî- ancen, t-car parking o- ciuded. Cali 905-872- f549. SPACIOUS, brîghf 2- bedroom banement epertimenf, pnivate en- tronce, shared lssndry and hackyerd, near Deirexansd Mapis in Geao r ge t o0w n . $775/month plus utilif Ian; quiet non- nmokar, no pets. Availabla Jane tuti. Mike or Bey 905-873- 1389. For Rosi MILTON 3-bedroom hos near nchool, t - car garage. Auailuble May. St ,400lmth + ubilitien. 905-875-3750. MILTON 3-Bedrnom main leuai af Bungalow or 2-bedroemn lamer les- el. Jant renousted, nem carpet, frasti peint, Cen A/O etc. SteelenlMertin. 2 min from 401. 519- 748-1800. 3-BEDROOM tinsse, apper finor. Fraubly painted, privats lasndry /drinemay. Close f0 averything. For more detailu caîl 905-877- 6659. GUELPH Lîne/lone tai 401. 2-bedroom, spa- cloua livingroomn and kitchen, laondry, 1-1/2 bath, garden. S92blmonth + otilîtias ($50 discount for main- tenance). No petn pra- ferred. 416-787-t1125 /416-781-9410. MILTON Heîgbtn Large 3-bedroom hoana, 2- battus, larga yardlgar- dan, b-epplîanceu, toma mater, naturel gais, O/A. St ,600/mth + utilitien. Avsîlable immadîstely. 905-854-1687. 3-5EDROOM nemi, Georgetown Southi, clone ta uchoolu, CAO, ceramcn. 5-appliancen. Avaîlubie Janie tuti. St,47blmouth plus otîlîtien. Coli 905-877- 1246. century home N. tturlîng- ion, SOOOnqft.. 4-bdrm, 2 bath, 4 appliaucea, a/c, gas hat. Tom 905-332- 5858 CUTE 2-bedroom bouse for reut in Acton. S900lmonth pion utiliîteu. Relerencen, and firnîllant. Avaîleble May tnt. Coli 905-702- 8945. SMALL 2-badroon country home lu Georgetown area. Avuilebla îmmediataly 51 .100/montti inclusive Fi rnt/la nt ref ere ucas. No smoking/petn. Coul 905-873-7222. MILTON 3-badroom, 5-uppliancan, A/C, sutteru on ail win- doms. Availabla May t Sth. $1 ,400'/mth. Firnt/Lant sud refar- encan. 905-864-6337. FOR Renit Like new tomu- home 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath, 6 appliencen, clone to schoeln and ameni Availabis May f bth. $1 200/mootti plan auibani. $600.00 necarity daponit. First sud lent ra- quireit. No dogu. OeIl 905- 864-8978 OAKVILLE- 2,3&4 bed- roomn tomohounan avaîlable immedîataly througb July tut. 4 appli- uncan, Hopadale Mal urea. Lakashore Manage- ment 905-876-3336 LARGE rom, nem car- pating, country huma. Shared kitches and bethroom. Mals pra- farrsd. 401/Guaipti Une. $4SOlmth 905- 854-0359. BRIGHT upacionu roomini in execotîve nemi. 1 rnomn uemi-en- suite and other roomn wi den sud full-ensuite. Immacolate, single pro- fenuional, non-smoker. Ný DerrylThompuen. Scott 647-223-0237. IPI! oing Eves oing Evets IPI-oing Event ~igEeas PSYCHIC FAIR Satu April 21 - Noon - Opm Sun. April 22 - Noon - lpm lnternationally known ~ . Psychics, Auras, * Palmists, Tarot Cards, t Spiritual Communication, Crystal Bail, Runes,- Numerology Lectures and MUCH MORE. Admission - $5.00* $2.00 off with this ad HOUDAY INN EXPRESS 2150 HM POITf M., MTU 047-831-1857 Ïje Caambian Cbiampion Miltons Community Newspaper Sînce 1860 Clssified Phone: 905-875-3300 Claaified Fais 905-876-2364 Cluified Enui: cIaaified@iltoncan-aa anchampion.como Bleihd B i ii iI e8i a05 HASSARD (nee Nayier) -Jolie and Tocdd are proud toannounce the arriva of their tirot son, Dradley Linton, on Aprit 06, 2007. Escited G randparentu are Gurry and Dehbie Nayler of Milton and Robert Hussard cof Burtington. Alwayu watching over her granduon, the sate Nancy Hassard would be uci proud of ail. Bradley lu also welcomed by bis Aunts snd Uncles, Junis and Kevîn, Lauren and Kati, Mark, Jeanette and cousins Atyssa sud Rylynn. Special thanku to Doctor Rajauingham and the L&D nurses ait Mit- ton District Hospital. 1