Ali8 - The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, April Notice of Liquor Liceiice Application 117,2007 SFighter keeping busy with his acting career acmý ý0ï ae i k i S will lur less brecathing rooni comrpared ln'addition to keeping Up training - Getuing started in kung lu in my lat Ontario to kickboxîng, the traditional stand-up aibeit un a scaled back level - bes kept teens, 1 had an ex-mihitary instructc The following establishment has applted lu the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario for a liquot licetce under thse Liquor Licence Art: Application for a Sales Licence PIPER'S HEATH GOLF CLUB 5501 TRAFALGAR ROAD HORNBY (Indoor and ouldooxr area) Any resident of thse municipality nsay miake a NNrilîcît submission as to whether thse issuance uf thse licenîce ts in thse public interest haviîîg regard lu the needs and wisbes of the residents. Submissions must be receîsed nu later titan May 10, 2007. Please include your narre, address and telephone number. If petition is submitted lu the Commission, please identify thse designated contact person. Note: The AGCO gives thc applicant copies of any objections. Anonymous objections are nul considercd. The personal information gatbered is collected under the authority of the Liquor Licence Act. Thse principal purpose of thc collection is to assess eligibility for Uic issuance of a liquor sales licence. Copies of ail objections are given to tIse applicant. Thse information may also be discloscd pursuant tu Uic Freedom oflInformationt and Protection of Privacy Act. Questions about Ibis collection sbould be directed tu Uic Manager, Licensing and Registration, Alcobol and Gaming Commission of Ontario at Uic address, telephone numbers or e-mail address listed below. Submiissions tu bc sent to: Licensing and Registration, Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, 90 Sheppard Avenue East, Suite 200, Toronto, ON M2N 0A4. Tel: 416-326-8700 OR ToII-free in Ontario: 1-800-522-2876. Fax: 416-326-5555. E-mail: local ltgbitet haltd sunrimon about as muchti]î tnnstty and desite as lie ever btd Io break b -ce of bis grapphing-ori- entcd foc early on. Otîreý ale Io keep tbings at a verti- cail b.tse - iblanks lo sonmc effective decilnce Cyr bad (lis clear cul cdige. Rzclled( tue forner kickboxing star, lie ctttgbt nic willb %orne glancing bilows. buti totbittg 100 serions, andt 1 coilsi tell lie was gelling winde-Id." liton aside lot- several years, Cyr bas acting career (spawn from bis martial arts background, tbough nu longer including îbose types of roles) and his own construction business. Wbile mixed martial arts is a more alI-purpose formi of combat compared su kickboxtng - oftcn featuring as mucb ground attack as straight away assaults - Cyr stressed tbat tbere's one main, and ratber obvious, stmilarity between tbe two. "in eitber one you've got tu be able (pain) just doesn't register with me." Su now that the local figbter has bad a taste of mixed martial ants, will be be going back for anotber belping anytime scon? "Dcfmnitely 1 wanted tu prove 1 could do this before 1 gut tou uld and I've ]ust started tu du that. I've gut anotber figbt planned for june, and if 1 win tbat it sbould open the duor to une in Las Vegas." unio * * i I * SI. I. We're o c 'mittdt etn vrtigrgt ~Reiance home comfort- A division of Union Fsr 'iuu'vt- Kn)Vrr lis as ljn.- v 'v i Fý ' c Rsrlraîicr Hom'C Cor ' ," .» - -v~'r- Visît us ai reltancehomeciniot.ctim or raIl 1-866-Reliance (1-866-735-42621. W/ater Heaters 1High-Efficîsrîcy Fiiricf,, AJrC îîo -. Cn 'P '- . ~ o i' Fo a fre no .. obiato inhm esi e all 1-6-3546 vz 7 7 The night cati. Guaranteed. q e r