win north Halton titie Take on Ealgarwood in semifinals tonight The Wildcats weren't about to let a little thing like returning to north Halton's top division interrupt their championship haul. Eager to, both upgrade last year's lier two title and exact revenge for a reg- ulIar-s eas on defeat, Wl. Dick's boysR bas ke tbai teamn ourdis- tanced tbe Chris Hadfield Hawks 29-25 Wednesday night in Georgetown. Fueîed by an il -point performance by Connor Lander, the Wiîdcats took a two-poini Iead into, haif-time, and from there neyer relinquîshed tbe upper band in tbe alI-Milton championship clash, as the previously unbeaten Hawks struggled to make good on a number of key scoring opportunities. Kyle Brooks netted eight points for the champs, wbile Matt Dupont chipped in five and provided impres- sive ball handling. Hadfield's offensive efforts were led by Justin Manning and Damien Selvakumuran, who finished with nine and eight points respectively Three of Selvakumuranfs four bas- kets came in the fourth quarter, keeping the final verdict in question until the bitter end. Wl. Dick will now take on Halions East champions - Falgarwood of Oakville - in the semnifinals tonight at E.C. Drury High School. Game time is 8:15 p.m. if victorious, the Wildcats will battle for the regronal title at Burlington's M.M. Robinson High School Thursday evening. kt's a nombrainer. WEAR A HELMET!@ Sports injuries are preventable, and wearing a lielmet can hep, especially when in-line skating, biking or climbing. The Canadian Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 17, 2007 - A17 HoIy Rosary qiris denied return trip to semifinals A rctorra to Ilaitons tathols ial lttour ust wasn't in the cards for Holy Rosarys girls bas- ketball team. Despite some standout play - particular- ly from sparkplugs L-auren Furik and Marie remaing hurdle to the reprnai scmifinals, falling to Oakville's St. Bernadette 37-27 Thursday afrernoon at Bishop Reding Secondary School. Holv Rosary put themselves wathin striking distance of the final four with a second-round win over Burlingtons Sacred Heart in Thursday's playdowns. 2008 FORD ESCAPE XLT 4X4 Automnatic, intelligent 4WD systemn, air canditioning, engine block heater, cruise contrai, tog iamps, power sway driver seat, 6 airbags, roil stabiiity contrai more T enses, feight Pra ectar Plus extra. Delivera allowance deducted See Dealer ao detals. L mited time oSfer. -ý - FORD LINCOLN 655 MAIN STREET EAST. VILUN SALES m LEASING * SERVICE * PARTS * COLLISION CENTRE ul