rThe Canadiani Champion, Tuesday, Apnil 17, 2007 All J ,Annual Hornby dean-up Saturday Homby will be looking spic and span after this week- endts seventh annual Clean-Up Homhy Day. Participants are asked ta meet at 9 a.m. Saturday in the Homby Park car park, where they'lt be assigned an area ta dlean. Or residents can decide which area ta wark an. Participants shoutd wear aider clothes and waterproof faatwear, as well as bring any safety vests they may have and a stick with a nail in it for effortlets ltter picking. Gloves and collection hags witl be provided. A free harbecue witt conctude the event at noon, with everyane invited ta, chow clown. Students hetping wsth the dlean-up wvitl qualify for the required votunteer hours. Those wha prefer can simply dlean the area in front of where îhey tive, and cati ca-ordinator Peter Vaughan ta get hags and arrange collection of the trash. If uts raining hard, the event will be re-scheduled ta Sat. April 28. To canfirm your participation, caîl Peter Vaughan at (905) 878-2620 or Ken Lawday at (905) 876-2527. GRAHAM PAINE /CANADIAN CHAMPION '\DOWN TO EARTH: Derek Dunphy (centre) of Aquascape Designs gîves instruc- tions to participants during a recent day- long 'Build-A-Pond' seminair at Terra Greenhouses. It was the first of many ta be offered this season, providing step-by-step hands-on instruction on howv ta build your own home water feature - the fastest growing segment of the landscape busi- netss Crawford Lake Earth Day Sun. Cetebrare Earth Day Sunday ar Crawford Lake Conservation Area, where park-goers wilt find a prisnine lake, beautifut hiking trails and a recon- strucied troquoian village ta dehight their sentes. The Earth Day eveni will mun from 10 a.m. la 4 p.m. and wilt inctude activ- ities and games ta make for a fun and educational day for visitors of att ages. Professor Turkey Vuiture wslt be iouring the park, and kids might catch a glimpte of him as they make a craft, have their faces painted or venture ino the forest on a watk ta, the lake. The celebration witt alto inctude samplet of natures tea (hring your own mug), environental games and more. Admission cats $6 each, and is free for kids four and youniger. Crawford Lake is located ai Steeles Avenue and Guelph Lîne. five km souîh of Hwy 401 . For more information, catI (905) 854-0234 or visit wwwý,,.coniserva- tionhalton.on.ca. N 0yR E Baheo orcfnvrst fes E d Educatnil ion dere and cetf.ct Ad l Ed c to * .autdctopinilsnl atcs Sherida Instaut of Tcnlogian lie rogram s designed for those careaio huanreorcsbuiesnoca services,, ndustr orfra aaei setigs Aplcain arel now being acceptedio foSteeass00issio.no n appicaio inomainfo0h1Bdi Adulta Education, oiifu Wbiea httc//dut.e.bock.c ord cavaSandr atips 90568-550 exti408,ore-mil Rod h adultedbrockc Unvrst * N TIP: Get your BuIk Bag Early By buying your GreenThumbl" Black Garden soil early you'II be able to take advantage of the good weather as it cornes. The Giant Bag stores conveniently on a corner 0f your driveway, keep- ing your garden soil or mulch dry and ready to go. No hurry to use it up. It is ready when you are. HALTON SOD (905) 878-1011 Visit our "Just Sod it" website. Crown Foils Pediu Mmau Cut & Blowdiy Diabed F"O Car ~8O $4O f2 Tel use abou Tcin Prm ari n3d a a in 8t i207prnt wicholdrnn h Halton District School Board witl once again be invited ta complete a School Effecriveness Survey. The resuits of the survey wull provide important data ta be used ta shape systemn and school effectiveness planning for improving student learning. Parent survey resulis wilI be examined in canjunction with survey resuits from studenis, teachers and non-teaching staff. The survey will be available beginnîng April 23, 2007 ai www.hdlsb.ca Parents may complete the survey on-line tram wherever Internet acceis is available (home, work, or at your child's school). If you do not have access ta the Interner, please dîscuss alternatives wîth your childis ichool Principal or Vice-Principal. NOTE: To log-on, parents must have their child's/childrens Ontario Education Number (OEN), a number found on report cards for security purposes. Furiher information is available îhrough your childis ichool or by contacting the Research Depariment, Halton District School Board at (905) 335-3665, ext. 3280. Halton Disticet School Board S W ioudrie Osllian Tuck Kuiarna Direcior of Educaton Chair ofhe Boardl 2050 Guelphi Lie, PO Box 5M5, Bartîngioti, ON U7R 3Z2 19051 335-3663 (90511142-3014 19051 878-8451 P ax )95 33-90 ww.lisb.ca