I i tons Community Newspaper Since 1860 MILIONPlii àkpyRRI_ RPEA L E ST AT E See what's on the market inside S PO0RT S IceHawks sold to business duo wwwiltoncanadianchampion.com C O M M U N I T Y Efforts made to stop cyber-bullying 1† † † A Merln Mei ru ulcto o. 14 o 1Tedy :rl1,074 ae ** 1.00 (nLe GRAHAM PAINL / LANAUIAN tjiAMr1UN4 NON THE MOVE: Hundreds af walkers yaung and aid, many bringing their faur-legged friends along for campany, taok part in Sundays Miltan-Haltan His Loblaws Super Cities Waik for MS . Here partic- pants make their way along the five km and 10 km course. Across Canada, roughly 70,000 waikers taok part in the annuel fundraiser. -Cherry severs tes with kids' hospice By Stephanie Thiessen CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Hockey icon Don Cherry is stepping aside from his involvement with a local chiidrens hospice, making way for a new patron, a new namne and new opportunities. Cherry founder of Rose Cherrys Home for Kids, which is named after bis lite wife, said in a press release that 'lt is fime ta move on., "It has heen 10 long years ta get Rose Cherry's Home for Kids up and running, and as a famiiy ail of aur personai goals have heen met," Cherry said. As of Wednesday, the home has been renamed The Darling Home for Kids, after Mississauga-based philanthropist Michele Darling and her family Darling made a "sub- stantiai" donation ta the home, but prefers that the amount not be disclosed. The donation assures the next phase of growth for the No. 15 Sideroad hospice, which provides respite and palliative care for chroni- caily iii kids and a break for their caregivers. The home opened in 2004, originaiiy con- ceived hy The Cedarbrook Society I want ta thank the volunteers, tradesmen, corporations and the government," Cherry said. 'Without their assistance, aur dream would neyer have been fuifiiled." As a iasting tribute, the entrance ianeway ta the home will be named Rose Cherrys tane. Darling said shes iooking forward ta future opportunities wîth the home. "NWe are very excited ta be supporting this hospice, which is providing the kind of care that parents and ffieir chronically iii children simply can't get anywhere eLse," she said. Darling is no stranger ta the home. A grant was previously given from the Halo Foundation, of which Darling is chair, ta the home to iaunch the sibiings program for the brothers and sisters of sick kids. Kristin Horreil, manager of fundraising, administration and development for the home, said the board of directors is very grate- fui ta Chenry for his vision and support. 'We're forever grateful for ail hes done ta get this far," she said. The home will soon be entening its next phase of growth, which includes plans ta expand the building and enhance services, Horreil said. It currently has six beds, whic Horreli said are usualiy occupied. In addition, it has a day program and therapeutic programns in areas inciuding music and recreation. [ast year, 50 different families were serv- iced by the home. Stephanie Thiessen can be reached at sthicssenC-miltoncanadianchanpion.com. Inside Todlay's Champion OPINION A6 DATELIN A7 CHAMPION couNTRiAlII CLASSIFIED A22 wwrnmltoncanadianchamplon.cam www.miltontoyota.coml GORRUDIS AUTO www.gorrudsautogroup.com