Charqes laid in library fire Police have chargeci a local man in connection with a [ire that was started outside Milton Public Libraiy April 3. [ble incident occurred at abcout 3:15 p.m. at tse Bruce Street Facîlsty. Police sasd a wîs- ness observed several ycîuths usiisg the rear service door of she libraryt Oue suspect tîsen pcîurec lighser fluicl on sonsie garbage Isags, wbich cauglit lise. She y elled as tse grcmup. wvlicb [led, aîsd police and the Misltons (sre Departmeîst were PoliceBliotter c'sllc anI tus tire extinguisbecl pculice saici. llie danmage svas himssed îo charring ton tIse brick wall oftie librar>' aîsd is estîmated as about $100. Police laser charged a 19- y'ear-tild Mcisntaiîsviess Drive mais wîis arscîî asd cdansage ici prcîperty Vebicle broken int A vais parked cm Vs'eelîlais a>ssî lhokcl o tiss cai s Wednesday morning. Sometirne between midnight and 6:30 arn., a 2003 Astro vais \vas entered by ant unknown suspect who smasbed tIse dri- ver's side wsndow to gain access, police said. Stolen were tsvo ted plastic cases cattysng a hansmrer dîrill and a dril. [lhe total estimatecl value id' the stolen propet s $1,I 000. Police arc inivestigating. Thieves target construction truck Hlion Regional Polsce are investigasiisg a thelt Iroas a ccii- strcicn vehlicle. At 2 pris. Matcli 7, a mlais stole a power tool fromt tbe hack cof a tnack as 500 ILaunier Ave. Stolen was a grceis Hitachsi cii- pîîsg guis valued as $ 1,500. -ite tools' blue/green carrvsng case was also stoleis. Tise sool is used to break up concrete aisi sisi -The dusel svas sceis ieavsîsg the area. Hies ciescribed as wbîte. 25 years old, about fise-lott10 wîtis dark Isair ancd a mnediums build. Uc svore a creamn- coicicrecl hooded sweatssrt svssb a swo-incis horszosntal strîpe as tisid-chesst if vou huise arss stîfîsi satiii sîsos lecis tii ail cirrest in sîsis iii arns' o1tîes niassei, ia bas le li- gsble jOu i a asls ress'ai-. Sîssi wsll sevet have' tii gîi'e siioui naîine ii tessijv ini cit. Cali 1-800-222- TIPS (8477) iii vsi ss vwivlialion- n ssstîitlppei s cuit Cocaïne bust suspect back in court May i A suspect in Haltois's largest ever cocaine bust discovered inside. [Fli cargo bacl a strees value of wili retuas so court in Milton May 1. csp ta $20 million. Brampton resideîst Avtar Sandbu, 3Q, was Tbe resurn court date was set April 3 wbeiî cbarged wits pcossessions ol cocaîîse for the pcir- Sandbu appeared as Onstario (oursti ()[justice i pose of sraflîcksng alser hiss trusck svas pulleci over Milton. February 4 as James Snow Parksxay and [lsxy. 401 Sandbu bas been releasec ois bail, wîti lits svile and msore thaîs 200 kg of cocaine was allegedly ansc brosiser acting as suresses. The Canadian Champion, Frîday, Ap'ril 13, 2007 -A9 --ieof e' SpitS service tee with a friend 50% OF for yourself: t . ri t c'rk',, '~ ., r r Visit us at Showcase Miltori June 1, 2, and 3 Amz Vors.-' Over 10,000 locations worldwsde. 905-875-9246 327 Bronte St. S. Milton, Ontario L9T 4A4 -'I