,T.heCaýrsadiars ,ChmPi9n, FridaryAprl. 1,2007-,i$i7 CDA letter had no levidence tu prove ûgiak ~iuùutt bd bcd NEmployment increase at local dl DEAR EDITOR: I have wriîîen letters hefore about the deletenious efiecîs of fluonide on the body, and why it shouid oi be inîroduced in Milton's water supply [he respoisse trom the C anadian Dental Association (CDA) presideisi on April 14, 2006 was just a well-crafîed public relations letier. i respect- fully ask that they offer evidence to prove ail of my tindîngs incorrect and isot based on tact. 1 would also requesi that they stant their explanaton, "Fluoridation is sale hecause, ihen lîsi their scieiific data to, prove it. Jusi saying fluoride is sale and one of the top 10 achieve- nsents of the 2Oîh century dcs isothing îo prove niy informsa- tioi oîs luoridation ix xxrong, To the CDA, please [cel frec to go step) by sîep aîsd shsows s detail xývlsy, the insfornsations in a receisi Dr. Gîllord-Jones article ix incorrect. IThe lisis of îscînbers anci perceistages per msillionss of pseople ix stîli vague. Please be specilic to ail points. Ois top of tise nsvriact of infiormsations isat lisas hceî torils coosiisg froiss tise geiserai pcublic ois tise detioentai etfects of fict oncle oi5 tbe bocdy, 1 olter acld tionai inforosation irom Dr. Gifford-Joies (Thie Doctor Game) froos ais article in The Record daîed January 19, 2007. Ail informationis icuer con- densed for space or copîed ver- batim. Accordîng tu the article, in 1974. a îhree-year-oid who was oi advîsed to spît oui the fluo- ride treaiment [rom the dentisi insteail swallowed it and was dead hours later froos Iluoride poîsunîng. Fluoride ix ais acute toxîn with a raîing hîgher ihaîs lead. )r. Gilford-Jones' researcis tound 98 per cent of Europe ix (buonde free. lie aiso, bond that iii 1999, Dr. Hlarry Limeback, professor of deîsîisîry ai the University of Torono aîsd tor- oser supporter ut fluorîdaîlîsî, reporîed tisai fluoride may be desîroysng our hunes, teetîs ai-sd overaîl flseb 1le claiised chîl- dren umsde three slsould isever use fluoridated îooîhpaste or cdrinsk fluoridaied waîer, aisc tisai motîsers shcsuid isever tise Toronsto tap xvaier (o prepare hb formula. I he sole argumenti tor the tluoridation of xvaier ix ihai it reduces osotis deca. Ses crai situics us"slxiisg as issaiy as 480,000 chilcîreis have slsowîs iso bciefic l ciffereisce beixvecis ticioridaiois aisc itonIs onida tiois c oisiicisies. lis taci, oi5C sîcîcl shoxvcc deca xsas greater us is ticifori- ciaicci area. Moreoxer cdenstal liselih ns Euirope lias insproved sîîsce 19Q70 xiîhoui iluor-ide. Sînce 1990, several sîndies liasve inclîcateci ais associations beîween flcuridlated waîer and hip fractures. Fluorîdation ix aise, known to increase osîcu- porosîs or brie hunes. In 1992, a U.S. sîudy found a strung lînk heîween fluondcation Rural Milton seeing too much debris *frami MORE on page A6 strucioui, but jusi as much comes Iroos the wind- blown overfluw of our uncovered recyclîog bîns. Eibher there needs to, be a weekiy pick-up însîead of a bî-weekly une or we need larger bins witb. fls We fele pickîog Up recycleil materials blown froos thse biue hîns every week osay be jusi as important, if oi mure important, in preserviisg our planet as enacîing a new prograos sucb as the green carls. Our xvodedful country of Caîsada, koowis worldwide for its heauîy, ix unfortunrately quickiy aîîaîniîsg thse landscape of maoy îhîrd-world counînies wbere we bave îravelled. Only rime will tell wbeîber we, as pnivîleged Canadians, wîli renew isur country tu ils pntn heauîy by îakîîsg care of ouîr own garbage proper- ly and pîîchîng iii to deal wîih ishers. ELISA AND TED ADOMANIS ROBARTS DRIVE and osteosarcoma, a hune can- cer in younig maies. T1e rate was îbree-to-seven times higher in fluoridated areas. There is also a concern that fluorîde is iimplicatedin o Alzheioser's disease, sînce lluo- ride combines wiih altiminum to cross the hlood hrain barrier. Dr. Gîfford-Joncs was also unaware tbaî Toronionians bave double the flor-de i tisir trip bones compared to Motntrealers wbo bave no luondated water,' and tbat studies also sbow decreased speros andl testos- terone levels in the fluonidaied area. He goes on to say tbat ihere is no convincing reason why xvater shoulil contaîn i.5 ppiss of Iluonide when our hodies bave no use for i., espccially xvhen toothpaste lias 1,.500 ppmn anci a dentîsi s officec proc eclure can contain heissecil 10,000 îo 20,000 ppir Hîs last siaienseni i tIse arti- c le reacis 'Andc i'xc iniagiicc ylOi guesscl svhat lIl sas when ny centisti ncxi asks il i xx ani tse flonide ireaimeisit Noxx for inyscî, lino ail for anxihing tIsai xvill insprox'c tire humais conition, but as I said ai the close of my taxi leiter on ibuoridation, 1 fînd tie ,c of response on the pari ut the (anradian Dental Association quite disturbing." Agam.s SCOTT TURNER MILTON 'Time Capsules' are gems of infor- mation wxracteil from past issues of The Champion and other publicaions in order to provide a window into Mileon' past. Explanatory comment is sometimtea provided to place the situa- tion in context. August 1909 Milton la rbreaîened witb a bouse lamine. Tbe employment of a large number of hands in tbe Willmott lac- tory la tbe reason for tbe increased demand. A bouse famine, which is occasîoned by a rapid increase in population la a good sort of lamine, but none tbe les inconvenient. On Saturday altemroon Messrs. Robertson, Bowlby and Lott of PL. Robertson Co., set out for Georgetown in Mr. Robertson's auto- mobile. AIl went well until, on the seventb fine, near Asbgrove, their course was obstructed by a ridge of grave1 dumped in tbe maidl of the road. it was about three feet bigh, perbaps filty yards long and four fee; wide. As there was bardly room to pass it on either side witbout danger of an upset an attempt was made no pass over it by straddling it. Ir proved to be too bigh, tbe bottom of tbe macbine struck tbe gravel, a number of amaîl stones got into ils mecha- nism and tbere was a sudden stop. Alter some time another stat was made. Tbe party managed to, reach tbe rise of tbe bill on the otber side of Stewarttowss, but lound tbat tbey could net ascend it. Tbey walked to Georgetown. Mr. Bowlby came borne by train and Messes. Robertson and Lott tnied to do so in thse auto. Tbey had it hauled back up the Stewartown hilI and then, being on a down grade, managed to get witbin a short distance of Milton, wben thIE pump got out of order and thse gear. ing heated an tbat they could not gc lurther. TIse machine was hauled to, toll and on examination it was lount that its mechanism was ruined Repaira may cost $100 or more, an( as tbe seventb fine la part of ths county roada systemn a dlaim may b, made on the county Roai Superintendent Wilson was in tow LARGE SELECTION OF SUPERB &ATEICORIENTAL CUISIN TrpcladEoi Drinks, fully licensed under LLBO. Euh order oet WAnL i wih 83* orer.905-507-0088 % -fe xie pi 70 MEADOWVALE, (Milicreek Dr & Aquitaine, next to GO Train Station) HOURS: MON TO SAT..11:3AM -11 PM www.geocities.com/parkndine SUN........... 11:30AM - 10PM ~ FiSSUBJECI TO CHANGES AND OR DiscaisioN J)DIN IN: i25%f* ý IIIIIII Oriental Buffet : 1 Enjoy up ID 4 buffets ai 1 25%/ off reg. price. 1 Parkyn Dine Restaurant Otter Expires Aprît 27/07 Ma1iton ~ lime Capsules %~r on Monday. He said that il the gravel was dumped in the manner descnibed above the teamaster disobeyed bis orders which were to spread the grav- el so that it would flot impede travel. The Halton Oit & Gas Co. la prepaning to bore for oil within the corporation of Milton between PL. Robertson Co.s property and the pond. The counicils of Halton and Peel beld special meetings at the court bouse in Brampton on Monday and made final arrangements for the pur- chase of a hall interest by Halton in Peel's house of refuge. It was agreed that each county would pay- bal of the amount of salaries, tbat crops raised on the farm be used as far as possible by the iomates, the amount received from the sale of anytbîng not used that way to be applied on the salaries and that the counties would pay pro rata according to, tbe number of inmates sent by each for maintenance, outside of salaries. Tbe Halton counicillors were most hospitably entertained by tbose of Peel and alter tbe close of the meet- ing were conveyed to tbe house of refuge whicb appeared to be particu- larly well managed. The filty-acre *farm attached la cboice land, isla worked and produced fine cropa. Tbe *joint arrangement la a good one for ibotb counities. Thse poor will be well taken care of and the expense to, each *county will be much lower than it would be witb separate bouses of refuge. Thse erection of thse large brick i addition to, thse building will be as 1 rushed an as to bave it completed and . ready for occupation belore tbe end 1 oflthsyear. c This materiaI is assembled on behalf E of the Milton Htstorical Society by Jim 1 Dilîs, who can bc reache4 at jdl@idi- t rect.com.