ýA6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday April 13, 2007 Are you free this weekend? Walk for someone who can't Sunday Going for a lcisurely walk is somnething niost of' Lis takc for grantecî. * Ils as natural as waking up, gcîîîng dresscd and sîrolling dlown the hall and into thc kitchen for break- [ast. These same routine activities can hecome insur- mouantable tasks for anyone sîricken wiîh multiple scîe- rosis. In ils advanced stages, MS is known to rob people of their sîght and mobility An estimratied one in 500 Canadians hias MS Canada has one of the highest rates of the neurological disease in the world - and anoîher I,000 cases arc diag- nosed i our country each year. Ils a mnysterilus and unpredictahlc disease thai miosi offten strikes people in the prime of fle, but lias becîs known to occur ai any age, including childhood. Wont are îhrec finies as likcly io [ail prey tb MS than men. While there îs no cure for if, miedical rcscarch -is ongo- ing - as are efforts to provide support servîces lor ihose fîghtîng the disease, and their families. This Sundav, each of us bas an opportunily to do our pari by simply îaking a walk. The Milton-Halton HuIs Super Cities \Valk for MS offers participants of ail ages and fitness levels the choice of 5 and 10-kmr routes. This year's honorary chairs are Milton Mayor Gord Krantz and Mike Shepherd of Prosperity One. if you're flot already registered for the 9:30 a.m. walk startîng [romi the Milton Leisure Centre on Main Street, you can sign up on-line (www.supercitîeswalk.COM). Tbe walk day check-in time is 8:30 arn. An earîy check-in bas been set for tomorrow [romt noon 10 3 p.m. On the day of the walk, anyone submitting more than $125 in pledges will bie eligible for free gifts. Approxirnately 72 cents from every dollar raised by the fundraiser is equally divided between MS Society client services and research. By doing somnetbing we already do every day of our lives, tbe MS Society of Canada strives to finally [mnd a cure. ~VIMY-1917 I PD4R2O7 Readers Wrte.c E-ma-U your letters toi m-iltoned@haltonsearch om More concerted effort is needed to deal with our DEAR EDITOR: We love our îown of Milton and appreciate H-alton Recyclîng consider- ing ways to make a saler, cleaner envi- ronmelt. We agrec with ils 3Rs prograîn (reduce. rieuse, recycle) and have heen guardîng our landfills for many years i these ways. We also take time to dlean town's garbage surrounding outdoor areas of debris, especially îrvîng t0 protci wildlife in the slorm water ponds and wooded areas in our neighbourhood. Over fimie we have noticed a major increase i the quantity of garbage mn these areas. Some of this debris cornes [rom uncaning Individuals and con- - ee RURAL on page A7 555 Industriel] Dr. Miltori Ont. L9T SEI 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax. 905-878-4943 Advertîsrng Faxý 905-878-3187 Classified 905-1175-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 wvw miitoncanadianchampion.corn Publisher Neil Oliver Advertising Director Wendy McNab Managing Editor Production Manager Circulation Manager (3îîîl ec Hall Office Manager The Canadian Champion, publiihed every Tuesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Group Ltd. - Gmoup Publisher Ian Oliver. Adidf,,g is acepie o t'he conitonth,nthe et 01a cffraphicaIeffr iaporto ,of th advrilsn spae occupied b1 the eoneus item, togeher wîth a iona abi owoanfor sign turn,,wIInirn cagd for, but the baancofthe advehisent in b pad for aithe applicable rte The pbshernaserves terght tu cateonzeiiadeOnse1nts or decine CCAB Audited l{ppogniznd fi s exeltlvon ný l'y Otro ommnny _,ýocna Ne spasAsociain C NA Canadian Comnnmos Nebonpapers ssociation SSubrbain Neroîvapeno ri of Ameria Aroundtown Streetnames connect Miltonians to community s past Three years ago, 1 bougbt a littie piece of Milton's history A shgbhtly ramshackle, badly-in-need-of-repair piece, but a piece nonetheless. .It was a scary step, purchasing my first home, but a prouder homeowner could flot exist. in my eyes 1 didn'î see wbat ail the neighbours saw (and probably grumbled about), but what the home could be once 1 was; done with it. Finding out from my insurance companry that the home 1 thougbt was built in the '50s was actually buit in the 1850s was a neat surprise, and 1 took to finding out wbat 1 could about the littie former bunting cottage. 1 began paying partîcular attention to the Time Capsules that run in the Champion, because somnetimes there was a mention of something interesting that happened on my street a hundred-or-so years ago. Although 1 can only dream about owning a beautifully-restored designated historical home, l'in pleased wath wbat I have and enjoy feeling connectied toi Multon's past. So when 1 heard changes to ai number of street namnes and num- bers were being proposed by the Town - to ensure emnergency vehi- dles are di.spatched tor the right places -- 1 quickly scanned the list of proposed changes and let out a sigh of relief tbat my street wasn't one of tbem. Apparently 'mi flot the only Miltonian attaebed toi bier street name. Tbe other day, felîow reporter Melanie Hennessey attended an open bouse giving residents a chance to voice their opinions, and boy, do people feel passionately about the subjeet, she said. They yelled, they plead- ed, and tbey criticized. tance to have a piece of tbeir bis- tory taken away But, at the end of the day, if an ambulance is able to gel t0 patients [aster, isn't that more important? To the angry mob at tbe meeting, 1 ask you, if it was your spouse or cbild in need of an ambulance, wouldn't you gladly give up your sîreet name if iî meant avoiding a potentially We need to let our common sense supercede our emotional connection to our street names. Having duplicate street mnes is dangerous, and needs to be cbanged - no matter bow difficuît tbe separation anxiety. lTîe Cm.î,ýdian (hampioni i5 aiii inedia siponsor for Jnge elFurd UNITED WAY 0F MILTON --- TV AUCTION w_ YYMCA Showcase Milton t .va% AAwards MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE là6 àm in mË6 ý4mW à ýë