The Canadian Champion, Frtday, Aprit 13, 2007 - B9 Scholarshipi tomorrow There isn't mucb time left for local high scbool graduates to apply to the Haltoti Region Chinese Canad.ian Associations (HRCCA) Scholarship Award Program. The deadline for applications is tomorrow The program was launched early this year to encourage and recognize students of ail etbnic backgrounds who've demonstrated outstanding lead- ership and involvement in thie commu- nit>' while promoting Chinese culture. The scholarships have been made possible through the HRCCAs parner- ship with the Communit>' Foundation of Oakville. The HRCCA is a non-profit, non- political and non-denominational organization formed by a group of com- munity-minded volunteers fromt Halton dedicated to promotmng culturalr education, understanding and interac- tion between the Chinese communit>' and society-at-large. For more information about the HRCCA scholarsbip, visit or e-mail Travel and Leisure Show Apr. 19-22 Travel the world without leaving the GTA at the upcommng Toronto Star Travel and Leisure Show The event will run from Apnil 19 to 22 at the International Centre's Hall 5 in Mississauga. lt'll include show-only savings on trips everywhere and feature pavilions by Ports of Ontario and RV Living. The show will also offer information on adventure travel and what's new in the world on singles travel. Since the event is presented by Air Miles, those with Air Miles cards get in free. The show wdll run from 10 a.m. t0 6 p.m. on April 19 and 20 and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. April 22. The International Centre is located at 6900 Airport Rd., Mississauga. Parking is frcc. For more information vîsît ww.travelanidleisureshow.comî. YMCA Kids walk to raise funds Up to 70 kîds wîll mt3rchi along ilte sîdcsslk îîc't swel as prt o! tht. YMCAs, Clhîld t. ,îc 'akato Tht' cu cnt xitll takc îalacc I httrsdaM. A\pr. 1Q, svtth kîids froi dhc Nlilton Yt'rl(. s îoddlcr, prechool and kiîdcr- gartcn programis raising tonds throughi plcdgcs and thcn svalking. Thc kîds will walk from îhc L.C. Drur>' complcx, which bouses thc YM( A, to Milton Maîl. Morc than 200 YMCA Child Care C entrcs across tlue (JTA will bold walk- a-thons on that day in support of the YMCA Strong Kids Campaîgn. Funds will go to bielp kids and families partic- ipate in YMCA programs they couldn't otherwise afford. To volunteer, call (905) 878-1602. S A V E iie ieedo-esnseîl Ai.Relanc Hone oninl.wp avetherighi everehiîng keep ynur home warm anrd cornfortable ail year round. Andr satisf acin guaranitep means that if vou re nui nappy, W $ do u -verything wc cau tu make ýt right 19 0 0 %ýjhomeé cornior P11sý don't pay for 6 moriths.l' R,,nrai VharrH alter Etltr.i-c naces 1 Air Couiio 1air ier i at' n e tiotat Piai% i watinq au!t Gawîing 1Ai Coîiaii/ hîranncig ; W Cal ~i.1 05-63-951 now fe r expires ATpTT'T iTI 30, 2007. ki ith an. o the fl A Some retcusap fr dems t eres chre ilaP 845 MA STREETm En <ACMMS eft'u 0 311m») ru Our e 1b.~ (m0) 878-7087 Il 'System includes a Goodman tutnace and air conditioner. Otfer tons Match 15th Io April 30th, 2007. Offer cermet a com ne w y during the fust 6 months after purchase. Aller the first 6 months. interast Stans to accrue et an effecfiýe rate of 19.9% par annum. Financing exemple: Monthly Payment on a SM Inan et 19.9% for 120 months is 96 30