Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Apr 2007, p. 43

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NATIONAL -i -V WEUAPRIL 15 - 21~ Helping to grow the community Valunteer Canada is the natihîn- ai voice for valunteerîsur rit Canada. Since 1977. Valunreer Canada bas been commiîîed tir snpponting valunteerîsur and ctvic participation trragb arngoiug programs sud special projecîs. Nationat in scape, Volunleer Canada's board members, partuers sud members represerri hundreds of dîfferent cammenîtres acrass Canada. Our înembersbîp inctudles oser 86 volunreer centres establisbed trrughant the coun- try in att provinces sud the Yukon Territory. We alsa svark in close cotlaborsation witb the federatian of over 1101 votunieer centres in Quebec. Managers and directors of voteuleers represent a vîitat aspect ai voinnteerrsm in Canada snd make up an important aspect of otîr organizatian's canmnunity. By devetoping resaurces and national initiatives, we actrvely engage ru research, training aud alther national initiatives designed ta iucrease coiiiity paircipa- titou acrirss the counry Vrriîîrreer Carnada îrrrides leaidershrrprror issues arrd trernds tri the Canadrati s oluntece nrrveurert. History of Voluinteer Canada Vîrlurîreer Canada ssas est,îb- lirsied ru 1977 as the Crnadtan Associatiuou tri Volunteer Bureaux sud Centres (CAVBC). Lîke many national organi/atirus ai tIrai lime is primary mandate was t0 converte sud keep connected to each ather a network of appraxi- mately 200 local volunteer centres ru Canada. Tire Association had many eps auit dowus dnring the eîgbties sud early nineties but raety bad staff or proj cet work itnderway enîsting mastly 'ou paper'. le 1993 votun- reer centres, ander the auspices ai CAVBC, held a canierence iu Toronto calted Focus '93. Representatives front the 1.W. McCanuetl Foundattan attended the cauference and lter approached representarîves (rom CAVBC ta discuss the passibitity of a MeCouneli Foundation grant. The purpose orf the fuudiug uîli mstely pravrded by the Faundation svas ta invesi strategi- catty in the growth sud develap- ment of volunteer centres, the establishiment of a viable national arganîcalion sud thraugb these actions enhauce valnnteering in Canada. ti t1995 tire national ofice ofi CAVBC was mrrved tir Ottawar and the ft full inirie I xeutive l)trer.trr Paddy Bornen, was irred to lead tire rirgarit/ation. Moving quickty tri consider a broader mandate thait pure vîrtunteer Cen- ire represeutatroti anrd identified as the iead trrgarrizattrte on an isue tiî,t slrartiy expicrded untî the inedia aud îhroîîgtrut the volt iUntar1 sectirr I i.e. screenrugi Valtnteer Cantadai was quickiy positioned as a imrpoîrtant ptayer ut tre national tevet. Iu 2-00<1 the assorciatiorn was abte tir successfîitty negrîtiate sbared ieadersttip with tire federat gov- ernuent on the Iuternationat Year oai Vatunteets (IYVi. The IYV tegacy aîruaunceînt of otrgoing and permtanent fundîng for the Canada Virtuuteerism Initiative rs considered ta be the "crowniug glory' of Votunteer Canada's achieveirents over the past tee vears. The org-auteation has grarve expouentiaity sînce 1995 moving front a îwo person office te a cor- ner of the Ottawa YMCA ta a remarkable herîtage site ir 21)12 basting 25 staff and nrore than 501 regular votunleers. Programs The work of the Votunteer Canada is alsvays centred around vatunteering and issues retated ta it. Mosti mportantly Volunteer Canada icrkes seriritsiy is resprî sibtliiv trr leîd. Weý - rdentit enrergrrtg treridi aud the rrppîrrtîuîuîes tor vîrlutiteer developirerr tbat ,îre assc. ated svîtt therin; - seek tînt valutrr sectuîr, cr- pîrrate and academie partiers tir ssork together rrn prîrjecis aud - actively lobby for govrseriment aird other funder invesimerît in vrrtuuteerîsm, vatuirteer desetop- nient and mnanagenrent matters; . carry orîi a myrîad of promo- lion and cetebralion programmîng ta bring publie and nredia aires- tiou ta the imporrtance ai volun- teering Voturîteer Canada is the expert (ru vîrtuteerrng in Canada and ils biggest proponient. We recaguize hawever thal in the end valenteer- ing tiappens "oui there' - in the nrroks and craunies rof tire vrrtun- tary secter. in commenriies and chtîrch halls and cîrnrîoniiy cern- ires. Votunteer Canada eau aI best inspire and enabte samething that Irappeus etsesvhere. Our goal is 10, do sa. Oserureasere ai* success is the effective aud transfarmaîrve invalvement of votunteers tn every aspect onf Canadran lite. For more information ou Valunteer Canada pragrams, please visit www.vaiunteer.ca. The Canadian Champion, Fniday, Aprit 13, 2007 - B7 Literacy North Halton Aduit Literacy Program We would like to thaik our dedicated: Tutors, Board miemrbers Special event commfrittees. Special event volunteers Fundraisers, Office volunteers Resource volunteers, Outreach coordinators Outreaeh volunteers. IT and Website volunteers Smoking cari cause permanent damage il out body. Once a persun sturti, t bicornes ixrrineiv ough no quit us, nessîre trouit Io yoru cy 19r (Eanablan (Campien Canadian Cancer Society Société caînadienîne du cancer Celebrating our volunteers during National Volunteeî Week For ail you do, Thank You! Let's Make Cancer History 1 888 939-3333 1 www.cancer.ca Ceating brigu h &ftue for chilita, youth and their familles slaoe 1981. 744ti 1oa i Wa oa'c ci4oi'es Wù4 ndxae te4ee tue 41 esO4 ~ 44 d4e d< «etu , 4seýsdq 4ff ù e aat l «4 do/ For information on volunteer opportunities, contact Heather Thompson at 905-632-6531 extl 64 or toi tree at 1-888-389-5535 or email heathert@tfylialton.ca. Visit our wobsito at www.tfyhalton.ca THE ONTARI t.. i LA FONDATION TRLLu IuLLIUM FOUNDATION \iDE LONTARIO On behaif af Town Counicil and the citizens of the Town of Milton, 1 woufd like to thauk the volunteers within thîs organization, for their assistance in a variety of service areas ncludiug: * i50th Anniversary Commitees sud Eveuts *Milton Seniors'Activity Centre programe *Miltan Fire Depariment programs *Boards sud Cammîttees of Milton Council *Summer camp pragrama *Miltan Leiuure Centre Fridays, Youth Pragram *Cammunity eveni programu Your valunteer service ta these operational, recreatianal and committee activities enhances the serviceu pravided by the Town of Milton. 1 wauld like aise tai take this appartunily ta tfiauk ail Milton volunteers for helpiug ta build aur community au the best place fa live, work sud play. Your commitment to cariug sud sharîug is esseudial ta, aur commuuity Mayor Gord Kranfz sud Members cf Milton Council #74.d4Il to our volunteers who dedicate their time and efforts to help make a difference. You are truly appreciated for ail that you do for the community of Milton & surrounding areas. Pr Qanablan (&Ianxpion 905-878-2341 www.mitoncanadianchampion.com Girl Ned -û e

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