Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Apr 2007, p. 42

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B6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 13, 2007 A~~TIONAL WL JIL APRIL 15 - 21 ~ . "The business that considers itself immune to the necessity for advertising sooner or later fonds itself immune to business." Derby Brown Provides one ta one mentoring and group programrs for girls 5 to 18. To volunteer or register for programrs cail: l 905-854-0958 Formerly girlsinchalton@&bellnet.ca Big Sisters Halton Womcn's Place 4b4eU For Lmore than 25 years, volunteers have made Halton Mmen's Place a safe alternative for victîms of domestic violence. Volunteers can spend tiseir tîme in the shelter, in the offices or on committees and special events. There are so many great opportunities for you to gel învolved. Our volunteers are important and Halton Women's Place salutes them ALL! VOLUNTEER SERVICES UNIT 878-5511 ext 4716 Box 2700 <~VOakvîlle, ON L6J 5C7 The Halton Regmonal Police Service has long been supported through the efforts of many citizens, who have donated their time volunteering for the Police Service. The Service would like 10 recognize and thank the members of the Victim Services Unit, Auxiliary Policing Unit, Citizens on Phone Patrol, Acton Store Front, Neighborhood Watch, Community Consultation Committees, and other individuals who volunteer their time. The dedication and work performed by these people certainly enhance the services provided to the community by the Halton Regional Police. THANK YOU VOLUNTEERS for putting your heart into it. Our heartfelt thanks ta the thousands of volunteers who help us continue ta get resuits that change lives. National Volunteer Week April 15-21, 2007 0fèM HEART&k STROK E THIUS IS WHAT HAPPENS$HEN OFONTAIO YOU PUT YOUR HEMT INTO 11- Rauv on»&& ê«a* www.earandtroe.c ----- ...' e0NATIONAL Miltonians give back to their community through the United Way Most of us are furniliar wilh expressions sucs as -gîte bas.k 10 the community" avd s. haris siaris ai home". Many of us. hosvever, diissî l.noxv where 10 start when il cones bo invoive- ment su our owu communities ihrough soiun teerismn Hal Watson, ('hrtsty Babcock. sud Ross Dawson are ihree members of the Miflton communsit who knosv the ropes, and have experienced the persoual rewards of vofun- leerism. ln 1991, Hal Watson xvas looksng for a way 10 gel involved in the Milton consmunity. His father had heen a votunteer for the United Way (then the United Appeau), so Hai saw the United Way of Mitton us a faînitiar organîca- lion and a togical place 10, appty his efforts. He knew the importance of the work heing under- laken hy ste United Way. Today. Hai remtums coîîsmitted o Ille organs- altion and ilis goals. Hal was a menther rtf the Unsted Way of Miltons prior bo becomng Campaign Chair in 1994. Afler cssndsîctsng a very successfîîi c.împaign, Hal hecame Chairperson iof United Way of Milton annual golf tournansens in 1995. This golf loumnameni is always ou the tsIt of avid golfers and is con- stanif> sold oint months is advance. Certasil, the Milton cotîsmunîs> h,îs heuefited front Hai's enthusiass hîbst Hal doesv' tseeî t tit way. "The issseressîng iising,- he says. *is that 1 have come 10 realize thast 1have received Unitsd Way of Milton hc kmuchu mrefilit 1have ever giveu'is the United Way. t have had the pleassîre ouf xvonk sng xvith fots tif' onsfertul people and have mtade sortie iassîssg frîessdshîps. My chîtdres have been invoived ins dîffereul xxays sîver the yeans anud havse becs snîrssduced 10 the nostion osf tise sobligatison ii heip others. tîhsnk ihey ilîf lake tisas uvîis theits thrssugh liec. Tisere are feis shsngs f do that gîte sue a beiser feeling, thati beîng învofved wiîh the United Way. Ysîs reali> dso gel more than ysuu gîte. Christ> Bahcock cîsuidus agree mitre. As a pasi emnployee ioi a United Wav fu nded ageste>. for our patients, their farnilies, and our staff. At Halton Healthcare. voltinteers are an important part of the hcalthcare team. We have corne to rely on the compassionate nature and smiling faces of stur volunteers to, help us provide quality healihcare to the residents of our communities. We greatly appreciate the contribution made by each and every one of our m-any volunteers. Their commitment and contribution to our hospitals is invaluable. During National Volunteer Appreciation Week we would like to take a moment to 1 taitîon Iclatbare say tha n k-yau -< A Very Special THANK YOU to aIl our Volunteers! Need ta ta/k? Ca/i the Distress Centre - aur solunteers wi/Ibe'r when yau are Iane/y, histen ta yaur prab/erns wlthaut judgment, anc yau when yau are in trauble ar despir Ca/I Us. We L,.eten:- 905-1 We thank aur Distress Line and Board Member Volunteer dedication and commitment in making a difference in our 9ISTRESS dICViLLE UMMbitsvsssv tîstening to thte residents af Oaks'i/le, Milton and thte surraunding communhty sue kvc%îs lsos noi pil iagecies struggle l'or tsndsng. She decideti tise Unsitedi Way of Mitons sts xviere site waîsted to donate her lime. She firt ;îiiied flise Allscations Consvitiee. anti ss's aslosinded as lte in-depli scrulisi> of isîndîvg applications. livaniai reports. asnd vîsîts o lise .îgetcies requessing funding hy the dcdss.ated commiltee viun- teers. rhis s.smtiitlcc ,iff,îded Chirist> the opportuni> 10 iesîi abouti prcîgraîîss oftered tsi tise resîdeuts ofi Miltots b> United Way funded agencies. aisd bo ieei confident fihai her sswn financiaf donations ssere being steii manageti tnspressed by fies espersence wsth tise Afltocations Commitîce. Chiîssy saw sstssng as a member of the Board of Oseectors as siet nesl opportuts ts eary more about the Uisted Way and the Mitlton communîty. She aiso appied her consisierahie energies 10 the ruue ofi Chairperson otf the Christimas Hsîuse Toîur. and hefped ot it h the annuai Ofîiser assd Asîcîson. Says Chrssty. -Worksng ou shese consmittees showed nie whal a greal communssy thîs is: the local bussînesses are ver> geverous assd s.arngl White mauy people spe.sk of "givsssg back to the community-. Chrssty has fouud thal volun- seering has been benetîciai to her: "Il has pro- vided ose wvith opportussities tsi mecs a lot ol oess people, mass> shont hav e heconse friesids. bo have the satisfactions osie.sdsng and îxorksug xvith a seans 10 produce a financiait> suecessis evessi that tsany commussity resîdents look for- xvard bo each year. ,snd 10 ieam test skiiis and have fun. I'd reconsmeud voiunteersng 10 auy- Ross Dawvson concurs: -Vssunîeersng for the Uunited Way of Milton lias proven 10 he a veiy fuifiiing expensence. The vsîiusseenîng espers- esîce lias aifowed use grots persîsuali> and gives use a chassce 10 lieip irs a ver> gsvsng and caring etimmuni>. Ross sersed Ims femsls as president of Unisted Way ofi Milton lisen becîsînng Catspaigs chair f'on a ver y succeusssi campaîgn in 20105. Ross has founti volussieerîng xvsth the United Way in shese svarisous iapaciiies, graiifytng. It hs aifoxved fssmi 10 resîsive chaillenges. and saughs Iiisi abouts the us usksngs iii aiot iisr-profil esli- ,y. Isioher. sie fias des eiîped i gîsîss isiser- standing ofi iasd sîsîses.îiîîss io l lie imsportant essie tisai the Uitesd We agetscies playt iniout cotumunity. But perfsaps msîst importnt t i Roîss sias Iseets tie reiaiînsips iîsrged shrsîugh his s slîsusen partic.ipattion. -Through the United W.sy of Milton t have deveusped otan> acquainiatîces andi frieudships." he says. These persosai coun- tacts have proxen suvaluahie su my day-10 day lîfe in Mitoss." Lîke Hal Watsson aîîd Chrîsi> Bahcock. Rouss Dawson chose tsi gel ssîvofved su tie United Wuv because he saw il as piayîîsg a leadership nule in the support and develitutîent of hunsan cure programs su the Multon comusunsit. These îhree judividuais chose 10 dessîle iheir skiis andi their lime 10 votunleerng foîr the United Way ouf Milton because ihey wanted Is gîte hack 10 their community. But tl s whssl tise> ho bak mrn vouteig -kiffs frendship ad a es fpide in r community -that end yau Isuppart DO0 e4-441YOUR s for their PART communhlyl Kete ktey nurcmu n iy stean by toituer ng Mi itonus touai recyctinu guidetines, and recycle titis payer Mien you;re finisiîed reading i since 1974 ________ a

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