B2 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, April 13, 2007 il Costly Home Inspection Debut of Brooke's Pitfalls Free Report 1 iiiiii:s~ ùrsL v i ù%. u ii19 PERFECT STRANGER (1 4A) Fri. 4:15,7:15, 10:15 F.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:.15,4;15.7:15,10:15 Mon. - Thu. 7:15,10:15 PERFECT STRANGER (14A) Tue. 1 P.M. Stars and Strollers DISTURBIA t PO Fni 3:55,6:55,9:55 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 12:55,3:55,6:55,9:55 Mon. - Thu. 6:55,9:55 ARE WE DONE YET? (G) Aiso in Limited RWCO and OVsFri. 3:45,6:45,9:45 P.M. Sut. & Sun. 12:45,3:45,6.45,9:45 Mon. - Thu. 6:45,9:45 ARE WE DONE YET?(G>AIso in Limited RWCand OvseTue 1 P.M. Stars and Strallers GRINDHOUSE(IOA)Fri. -Thu. 7:20 F.M. THE REAPING(l4A)Fri. - Thu. 6:40,9:40 P.M. BLADES 0F GLORY (14A) Fri. 4,7,10 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1,4,7,10 Mon. - Thu. 7,10 MEET THE ROBINSONS (G)>Fri. 4.05,7:05, 9:50 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:05,4.05,7:05,9:50 Mon, - Thu. 7:05,9:50 TMNT(PG)Fri. 3:40 F M. Sat. & Sun. 12:40,3:40 SHOOTER f 14A) Fri. 4:10,7:10,10:10 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1: 10,4:10,7:10, 10: 10 Mon. - Thu. 7:10,10:10 WILD HOGS (PG) Fri 4:20 P.M. Sat. & Sun. 1:20,4:20 and tee our 9PRING 9PFtCIALQ Elegant Lingerie And Exotic Evening Wear ,,,r pric%,1 o0l * DVD'S YoUi aBooks I Games ** eNovehy Items .& Much * More! *Nues styles avaoabie Local country singer Alysha Brooke is getting set to debut ber firsi music video in Cambridge. Tbe video, 'l Don't Drink, But l'm Goniîa G~et Drunk Tonigbt', was lilnîed locally in October and will be sbown on tbe big screens at Lenîîy B's in Canmbridge Saturday, Apr. 21. Brooke and ber band wiIl also perform a concert for fans. I enny B~s is located ai 510 Collier MacMillan Rd. For more information, caîl (519) 621- 4339. ,Mamias set to get funky peform here Sunday Looking for sometbing to do wtth the kids tbats fun for you 100? Sunday from 2:30 to 3:45 p.m. Tbe Funky Marnas will pedform at the audi- torium ai 200 Main St. as part of tbe Clîildrens Hlour concert series. The group tof five women bas been deligbîîng kids asîd parents alike since 1998 witb tbeir lîarmontzing vocaIs aîîd playful instrumentation. Their shows are exciîing, energetic and unique. Witb more than a dozen instru- Alysha Brooke ments, the Marnas play everything from Can anyone do Yoga? Ves, avane can de yoga! more advanted student. Yogu il for everytte: young or Hathu yota opens your utd, mute o r temate, heatthy or i r ~body u nd us yu those with physîcai chattenges. , jmose through the pus- Yogu tas a ways be udapted II Darcel tares (usants) step-by- your indîsiduat needo, whatever 1 1 ~ S la step Tsbelps YOO the circumotantes. Yoga deS la retognize thut moue- regards the body as a vehicte ment tomes thrtugh our tor the soat un its Gorn eflified Yoga spise, thruugh our towurds your optimum heaUt Instructor breath and our relation- goals. Yoga's physicat exercis- sbîp with the graund. et are dettgted ta devetop tuti This wttt atto oncrease onty the body, but the mind and yoîîr ttesibitity and spirit as metl. Physicaly, tl enhantes puise, ftexi- stretgth white distoseritg yosr inner batante. b'îtity, stretgth, toordination, and body amarenets. la addition, your concentration and sense ut talm- FIow/Stralch yoga is about tinkîng tht breatb test and relaxation imooe. They say the body mîth the pose as you f low ftrom pote to pose in a is oly as Young as il PSla lxIbiel smooth, easy masser. Begisnnng mith the sus satutation, Ibis prattite milI bring you stresgth, How doas Yoga halp ta my evaryday lita? In this ttesibility, opesseso, uveratt amarenss, eshanted âdayand age, there is hardty anybody mbu duesn't vitatity and an abitity tu tutus on the present. The sier from tome kisd ut stress. Yoga betps sn tutus is us the indisiduat devetuping a persuna redueing physicat, mentat and emotiona stress. practite. Whether your goat is stress reduttion or Yoga is melt-knomn for its calmisg ettetts. atig sisg yosr body with yuur esergy, this prattite Betause ut the body/mind cunsettion, mhen the mift support your inter musement tomard greater musctes are retaxed by stretthing, the mind milt harmuny anajbalance. attu relax and mith tess attiety you may totice better steep patters. With regutar practice, yoga Which tpe af yaga is thea right chalca for me? witt belp you ta tise your tite mith resemed etthu- Each ut t hest styles bas ditterent tephasis and siase. specitît tharacteristits. But tht altimate aim is that uf sett-reatization throagh bath thte bd and What are thsa benalits ai practicing yoga? Yoga mincd. tn prattitat terms, yuu may tiod that use is a puwertut distipline that tas impruse heutth parlitutar style ut yo a tuit you better that atd fttets. Regular yoga prattite bas bees ksuwt asuther, depending us ?he type ut persos yo a are ta istrease stamita, ttesibility, stabitity atd and tht kind ut titestyle yuu Peaid. Wheti thousisg stretgth. Practititg yoga postures (ktumn as a style tu prattice. ask questions regardîng the asanas) alto bringt a feeling ut well-beisg ta tht instruttors training, phîtusuphy and teset ut ettire body b ystimutatîsg tht urgans atd impras- expertise. ing tht tirtalation. As tht body morks more tiffi- t iesty, prubtes thte headaches, batk pais, stitt Regatar Yoga prattite mith tht rîght teather tas hips and digestive disurders may be attesiated. greatty imprase yaar quatity ut lite, nu matter mha Prasayama, the breathîsg techniques maj tomer blaod pressure, increase tardiosascatar e ficiency and aid relaxation. tl alto brings amareness and thse ability ta be 'still'. Prattitisg prasayama helps bring mental clarity and taîmneso. What styles ef yoga do yen aller? We atter Hatha yoga, mhith is as invitatian for those rangisg tram hUItt or ta experience tu tht yuu aie ut wiiui yoar ismesiait guais or issues are. Let Yoga bring ouu puise, halante and strength as yuu muse t rough tht physita pos- tures (asanas) ehite redating stress, imprusisg yoar tancentration asd amareness, and tindisg Juy sn tht abitit to be 'stitt' thraugh tht meditation and breath murk. Gise yuurselt tht gifl ut heatîsg and musemest taday. orcel de Sylva SPRINO INTO ACTION... JOIN ANYTIME! Upcoming %ring Workghopg: Hand drumming circle -Yoga Workshop with vYoga and/or Nia for Helen Duquette couples - date night -Aikido workshop with '~Meditation and -Master Mario Hundertajlo breathing class Pilates for runners original lunes coveinig the gaintut ol cbildhood experiences. The Marnas' self îitled CD is distnb- uted by Fire tbe Imagination and can be picked up across Canada al Cliapters, Sebolar's Choice, Mastermind stores and neighbourbood toy and gift stores. Its also available on-line ai www.cdba- by.com. Their second C D, Rollin' Alonîg, will hut stores soon. For more about the group, visit www. thefunkymamas.com. Tickets to the concert cost $10 for adulîs, $7.50 for the fîrsi cbild and $5 for eacb additional cbîld. For more information, caîl Kyrmm a3(905) 878- 7962. Dance, out Hava Fun Ani Inspire Your Ail set 10 gre music., 1 vil à l-1Mqý spirltl al Group classes for ail levels Private reformer equipment sessions. Hatha and Flow - classes for ail levels. Massage Therapy, Reiki &Rellexology and more! Vîsît our websîte - COMPLM1NTARy