The Canadf ar Chamnpion, Friday'Apnf t f3, 2007 -bl *Hairstylïst OPIERArOR ~~~~Are yuu lookîog tur a chiallenige inith lidi L îdAn àiýo1Io ýie t,.lcdi alartls PRTRof your day? Do you reguire a flexible SEiLîL H 1 ftILýEFs 1 iav iilslnaio iocs Lnld oedlvî fo n Ic l euie ùfil scheduia' If sui, read on Qaoîie Ontatîs s urnfioko o n 'CoourBottin ton Law Firm Technician requires&shain an exp. Fle Mantnac Accounts Payable Clerk Excellent eirudwr PART TIME Sertt.Must have Sht e Exrs oa e. aavlloufd nciode switchbsard reflet and some ctedît OporuntyACCOUNTING ASSISTANT exp. wîth Teravîow and colfection dufios. This woutd îoitîatty bu a use Cati & Convoyaricer. Resposiiihtes nctude: Manage and audit compu- Sa ottc xîinIocvtfrmtriyfae WIGSVILLE 905-279-1500 Atways on mhe go, super organîzud, suif-starter, Fax or E-moail zdmaseuieuytm aiw aoxoc but may teouft sn fuil f ine ampfoymenf. f oferested 905-634-92 Attention: u hîgbto productive, hands-on, an achiavur ..if resumne tom vendor invoicos for accurafa bîîîîsg, revîew and appîicants shositi seod theit resume wîth saîaty E 902thîs duvcrîbas you, mu ant to meut you. Your Brechi n & Hutiman ptvceos third party inoices tIo ensute aotk con- area of responsibiity mutl bu accoustîng support 905-33X-298 piafon and cosi conuîstaocy, titivet ructuîtmesf, expectafions f0: - hîch mîli inctuda the foiioaîog duties: ganurai bhtaw@bhhawnet tiver uafety & compliaxca R.G.Transportation Services Ltd., acsnto fonctions, paoxiead otu Cuodidate must have minimum 3 yvar uxpaerice, Fax # 905-842-0484 or Email: csstsmary administrative toas as assîgned. u11f xceprîooat computer skîtîs, aetf-deveiopad con- dmrme@grnprtif.O mîfbinc wih reat Plinis software mouiti bu uiainsil ohoa n rte, blt o dotmrrtasotto.o OubletinMloxpcurnl eeig cnierea sîgnîfîcani sst muftî-task andi prîsrtîtzu wîth orrvrig orgaoîzarîoouî Attention: Deborah Mortimer, CMA Dulies nctuded are: *Assumbiy of traier botdies -Wufding *Huavy lifting fup f0 S5ibs) *Various duties as ruquirud Hourty Rate vs basud on uspuriutrce $t4-$tffthr, If you are înturustud in this position contact our office. vie also have assembly, clericat and forkllft Positions available - Students Weicome - Stevens Rusource Group 11t-225 Main St E Milton ON L9T t N9 P: 905-878-7789 F: 905-878-83t2 e-mail PLANT MANAGER KLIMER MANUFACTURINO in Hornby desigos, assembles and salis powerud scaf- foiding construction uquîpmunt. We requiru an eopurîuvcud manager for production, invun- tory control, reirtai uquîpment and fluet manage- ment. The succussfut candidate wiii bu weil organized, good communication osls have the abîtity f0, forecuot inventory oueds and produc- tion scheduiuv basud on hîstorîcai and actuai salevs Must have good com puter skîils. Management of approuîmatuiy 15 emptoyues. The abîiity f0 wor< in a fast paced physîcuiiy dumandîng unvîrooment, valid drivers tîcunsu. Reports dîructiy f0 the Prusîdent. This is a non-uvion shop with computîtîvu saiary and bunufîf s ernoit resumnes to: or fax:-905-876-3791 -AE .,SO EQIE Fo salse ounadetro rmmnfc tue oservice exîsting uccounts undi goxerate oew business. Must be dotait orienteti and orgaflizeti tbet otk fsfom home plans. Prevîos ee- 1 ouece wit hîr the buîilding or construction induof ry preferroti Cati 905-877-6757. manufacturer oft saîmming puai accessry eqaipmont ha an openîng fur an oaperionced forklf 8 driver, Wagoa otarfing at $f2thr. Hours 830am-500pm Please sppty In person or centact: Allen 905-829-2880 extl. 241 2880 Plymouth Drive, Oakville (Wlnston ChurchillIQEW) Landscape Technician 1 Labourer Jacob's Gartienscape is a Lsntiscapîrg Comnpany in Carlisle, Or. Due fo sur groaf b, ae are oeekinga motîvatet sati responsîble idvidual o triw nimh- in out compaoy Ile are a llng uo trai ieduals ihaf are sertoso Noa 0ak ng applicafionos for a Landecape Tech nicianlLabouror Must have s vali divers tîcense anti strong as k ethic. Sulary tiepestiart on work asperîxoce. Fax #: 9054690-2033 Ph: 647-988-0549 ornait: jacobsgsrdenecape@hotrnait cora Heavy Equip. Mechanic's Helper "p axperiesce aîth muintenianceaunti repaît of huavy costruction equip- Ham you bord ilst neW17 ment, Apprentica afew" IIomII hat wetcome. Tsp Wages ..;âd Reporting to mhe Controlier/Operations Manag- er, this temporary (3-month) part-time position offers a competîtise salary and flexible daytime hours of work ranglng from 25-30 hours per week. If you are interested on this fantasfîc opportunity, pleuse lu mard your esume with cuver lutter Homan Resources B Madison Chernicat Industries Inc. 490 McGeachle Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3V5 Fax (905) 878-1449 emal debbemadisttOt i5.t OOt Maio Chmia isa quai opportunîity employer. Wu thanik y00 for your intereot in joinivg our team; however, oviy applîcants considered for an interview will be cootacted. No phone catis. pieuse. reqirýd orMilonLaw Office. reatteephone maflfer nfdl Word skilfs required. Fax resumne ta Sharon: 90 3-49or E-mail: Sharon @haber-lawyercom Fuit Time Service ManagerlDispatcher Cmueognztosal and commmuncationkis a stu t Pao resume: 905-877-8025 Tfre Ontario Cummunify Newupapeno Asociabuon ruquireo 3 indieidsaiu for the foiiuwivg poitions: Member Services Coordinator Eatremuiy organized, detaiied & creative ondivîduai needed f0 heip orgarnîze & usecufe uuents and prugramu for our communify newapaper members, inciudîng auch fhîngs as conventions, training pro- grama, board meetings, & awards programas. Other respunsibifities include database updatea, adminis- trative functiona, & customer relafions. Must haue excellfont interpersunai & communicafiona skiffs (wtîften & verbai), wsrk weii fu deadiine, able f0, juggie multiple project a sîmuitaneoasy, & wef i versed tn MS Office, PowerPoint and Accoua. F/T contracf position f0 coOOt f -yeat maternity feave. Stant date by June 18B. Send resume by May 4. Accountant Experioncod occourtntn sodod tu do journaf en- trios; mnnthf y finosciai stotemons; financtaf and administrative dufies for inourance reciprocaf, psy- roflt; & benef if administration. Must be aof t versed tin MS Office pruducta, have escofient t/me man- agement okîf fs asti able Io muftî-fask. Proferenco aui ho giverIcfi bifinguai candidates. F/T coritract position fo cnver ose-yeor mafetstty f0000. Stant date by May 28. Senti reoume by Aprît 30. Communications Coordinator Excelfent communîcafor neetiedtio write anti prs- duce mssthiy neasiefler, wuekfy a/ecfrosic neas- bulletin, uptiate Web site, producu promofînnat ns- ferils. Must be aef i verset in Quark, PhotoShop, MS Office, anti have an eye for diesigni asti ioyouf. Knoafedga of neaupaper business an asuet. Fuit- time cont tact positiun ru covsr orie-yoar matetnity /eavu. Starf date by Jufy 3. Senti resume by May 4. Convenientlyï locsted iv Bortinglon, OCNA il an induetry associatieon oepresenting 312 cormounity newspapers scross the province. Emaît. recruif@ocria.xrg or fax 905-839-6962. Re- fer fo the infteresteti position tin the Subject Lise. Please rau reourne f0 ,4nuij I i s iiiui r yo .x 1e~,~ - - 905-842-0564 telftecîdaeliompx.m saiecteti for intriewos ail be confacteti. Lk UsksAbout.. woirkopo 78-2-341 skills. Ille offer an attractive salary and a compretiensive benefits package. Please forward resurne and cover ietter to: or Fax 905-847-2272 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE _-Well estâblished wholesaler located Erin- Mills Pkwy 1 OEW. Experience required: " 3 - 5 yrs computerized AP " Matching of supplier invoices to inventory receipts . Posting expenses to GL accourits " Multiple bank account reconciliation " Cheque run preparation and printing " Matching of treight, duly and brokerage expenses for imports " Strong English language skills Forward resurne by fax: 905-823-7608 or ail to SALES COORDINATOR CUSTOMER SERVICE ORDER DESK codntor arotendasiafnt o smaff fîsascia s csoer voficerie Be uricios. Lskng forua hmuht y motluenti indixduaf (wth en etfan er- oa) rghanzastiaf cteomnicdatinao diihsrng tmt ponpgemant them bitit anduft oraitoa kls essntial. Lite xprncom puser, Replatngyin copnfaidectatin cwtan ildwat pnhversr e con ENUIR ACSUTANT Equiro Lreasion C ip n aokniffe-baed oisg compas otqinoas individuofabs miii hoelen csutîgaassotîss, ommoîusrcnciatins andicoomputae aks EcelAn oprt ieîna faivr ag mifh speoplng E tcef axunfing, anaftic, as csnitî skiffs. erecea ast Apply Suai corbieVPnnce by Sheridan PART-TIME PAYROLL CLERK Are you îsfereoted in asrkîng part-lima' Woufd you tîke your sommets off? We are iuukî ng for an indîvîdoat ahuo enfhusîastc, prufessîssat andt ru- fiabfe ait h oxperierice in payruibfrunsn reoources. If tItis le yau, for more information and to apply ontine go to http:I/humanresources.sheridalifstiote.Oa TERRITORY 5ALE5 MANAGER 4 Color Pt-tnt Advertir>imo fdr Milton and Oakeilf e, Car andl fluenit Ev9tf oh requireti. :3 HALTON City Parent News Publication, a division of Metroland Media Ltd, ix seeking an Advertising Sales Representative The quafifiati candidate miii ha a mofi- voted, ondependent. suif-starter mîth a proves truck record ix suies. You miii pos- oeoo excellent mrittes asti verbal commu- nication skif s axd ho familiar mîth Micro- soft computer appications. In thîs noie, you miii bu customon focusod anti miii bud strosg refationahîpo mit h oow axti existîsg clients by oxsurng thuf thoîn ati- vontisiog neodo are mot. You wiii ho goaf- orientid axti capabl e of meeting reguf an moxthf y budgets. If you mouiti fiku f0 wonk ton a leatior in the media ixdustny this oppontunity may bu the right ose for yxu. A nef ahi e vohîcie is roquireti If interested please forward your re- surine, no lter than April 27, 2007: Fax: (905> 632-0308 We appreciate the istereot of off appî- cant s howeoue n y thosu saiecteti for an interview mif f bu contacteti. No phono caf fs on ogenctes pieuse. JONES NEW YORK Jones Nom York a featiing netaifen of quai ity laditea apparut ta currentfy fooking for the fottowing: SALES ASSOCIATES To tiff part lime positions in oun Oakvif f0 anti Buntingtos tocations Requirements: *At toaat 1 yoar rotait soies expenience *Stnong communication and teadenship akitis *Strong interpensona anti prohfemn sofving skiffs *A strong tiesire to, meut the challenges of retaif *Outntanting customen service skiffs Ail interested candidates plasse for- wvard your resume ta: JAG iu an equaf opporfunity employer however we wiii onfy contact fhoue candidates chosen foroan interview Pct(Care SALES/ SERVICE Do You Love Selling? $28-35KIyr + bonus FIT inside sales to existing clienfs, greaf produets & lots of advancement oppotnity.1 Also Pff & wkends. Email: Please reference: #MB 0408 VR.cruitment ad Vtoday&ok ive I 2 2weeks on j Woropoisfor only